Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Mighty Divide...The Mighter Harvest

This will be  the season of great triumph as the shift is comming to an end. But will also be season of the great divide.
The divide is there already..deep rooted from days of old...but like an earthquake  the fault line of division is starting to shake/quake.. this will cause a greater divide than ever before.
There will be a mighty uprising to signify this divide and a greater falling away.
To some this may seem hopeless but to me I see nothing but hope.
The harvest, the ones looking for peace, for direction are going to be searching! And we who carry the light of love will be there!
When there is conflict, darkness seems to be overtaking, it is there that the light of Jesus shines the brightest!
Like a single candle in the dark the way will be shown. And the more the candles..less the darkness.
So yes the season of the great divide is at hand but Praise God the greatest Harvest is too.
Be love!! Be the love light of Jesus!
Be Bold! Be You!

Be Love Not Hate

You do not have to agree with a persons lifestyle but you should still show them love and respect.
I have some dear friends that I deeply love who live differently than I do. And thats ok! I love them for the person that they are and not what they do.
I think so many get stuck on a persons actions and fail to see past that. They never get to know the amazing person that they truly are.
What they fail to realize is by loving the person for who they are and not what they do you are building a bridge of respect and trust which One day God will use to open the door for His Love to be spoken into their heart. And if that oppurtunity never comes that is ok. God knows what he is doing and He may be using you just to soften their hearts and take down their protective walls, so that when God puts another person in their life to be a vessel of love to speak His love into their hearts, they will be ready then to receive it!
We are in a differnet and new season of so many prodigals starving for peace, love, and acceptance!
Be the beacon of Hope and Love  and not of Hate and Judgment!
Speak life and not condemn!
A New breed rising requires a deeper reflection of who Jesus is and Who we are in Him! A new way for a new season and Jesus is Always the guide! And not our Pride or the Religous Spirit!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Look Unto Me

Look unto me past the circumstances and the trials that you face. Look unto me past the doubt and the unbelief that tries to place  a wedge between your faith and your trust in me.
Look unto me past the news headlines that try to birth fear and hatred amongst my children. Look unto me past the steeple of pride and the walls of conformity.
Look unto me past the shadows of your past that try to darken your present.
Look unto me past the negative words said and I will tell you truth of who you are in me..and that is Loved and Adored Child of mine!
Look unto me, Do not look unto the world! Look unto me, No longer define yourself by what you feel or think but by who I say you are, who I am creating you to be!
Look unto me, and you will have peace and rest.
Blessed is the one who overcomes the world to save their soul for their inheritance is greater than any riches this world has to offer, for through me and me alone I will give you eternal life filled with unconditional love and joy forevermore.
Look unto me!
-Abba, Father God

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Revelation of Love

From years of learning to take care of herself and defend herself, she has built up walls.
From years of being told she was never good enough, and other harsh words, she has learned to keep people at a distance because they will sooner or later turn on her.
From years of never belonging she has learned to not even try to belong because she will not be accepted anyway.
From years of the meaning of love being distorted and only conditional, she has never been able to accept love from others, and not dare love herself.
She has given up the fight, not that she wants to die, but just tired so tired of the same harsh treatment day in and day out and so she is numb to it all and just goes daily through the motions of life not feeling, not caring, just being...
Then one night as she was praying with tears and the only word she could say was Jesus..
She felt this warmth all around her and this light within that has flickered away began to get brighter.
 And all at once she heard the sweetest voice so loving and gently say: "You are mine. I am yours. You are my beautiful one, you are my sweet Precious one.
You are favored and adored among the Saints that surround you so. If only you could see how much you are loved and then you would no longer feel so alone, outcast.
The harsh words are not of me... Give me those words, give me those harsh names, and I will take them and put them into the furnace of deceit.
 I call you by your name which is Love, Adored, Revived, Redeemed, and Restored. You are more precious to me than the finest gold and more beautiful than the rarest ruby. Allow my love in to heal you and restore your hope, your faith.
I will not hurt you and I will never leave you. Allow me to show you what unconditional love is and I will teach you how to love and be loved. I am yours and you are mine!"
From that day on baby steps to her new identity, her new life, where she loves others and is able to recieve their love. Her walls of protection  are now Bridges of redemption.
All of this because she was loved first by the one who is love! She was shown that she can spread her wings and be free because her confidence is growing and her attitude is no longer the victim but now victorious.
She has learned that others can love with out expecting anything in return and that everyone doesnt leave but there are those who will stay no matter what.
All because she cried out in desperstion and God gave her a sweet Revelation of Love.

God Has You Covered

There are days you just scream within "Whats going on? Nothing makes sense. The battle just keeps raging on and on. What am I doing wrong to cause all this to happen."
It is the darkest at night right before the sun rises.
When you have a mighty annointing on your life and God is getting ready to elevate you, and expand your tribe, the enemy will fight you with every firey dart there is to get you to give up, to try and get you to doubt God, and to doubt yourself.
Refuse and Stand strong! Turn around and catch those fiery darts and make an altar of Praise with them!
Then also when God wants you to move forward and you remain where you are because you are comfortable, God sometimes will make the situation so uncomfortable, so uneasy, that you will have to move on for any peace.
So the craziness that seems to overtake you at times may not be at all something you are doing wrong.
Pray and ask God for clarification and He will let you know.
Just know you are not alone in this at all!
And that You Are So loved!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Servant Of Love

You will never see her fight for she battles by going straight to the throne,
On her knees into the midnight hour she conversates with the Lord.
Sometimes she may get discouraged and questions things to come,
But she never waivers in her Faith, For the Lord her heart as been won.
Her life is a mission field, working the harvest so,
She sees so many wondering in hopelessness searching for somewhere to go.
Where they will feel loved and they will have peace once more,
She goes up to them and shows them love and tells them "Let me introduce you to my Lord".
She is content in  walking this path with the Lord alone,
Because she is on the battlefield and knows not all are called to where she is called to go.
Her daily prayer is "God send me someone to show your love,
May I be your vessel and your light from above.
Lord if I stumble and I may,
Lift me Lord and set me on my way.
I live to serve you no matter what may come to be,
And I pray Dear God that others see you in when they look at me.
So today Lord I offer you my life,
as a living sacrifice.
For you to use to be your mouthpiece, your feet, your heart, and your eyes,
To this world in much need of freedom from the enemys manipulative lies.
To this world in need of your fatherly embrace,
That will strengthen them to face the giants that may come their way.
Use me Lord even just one more day,
So that I may be the saving force in someones life for you in some small way."

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Taste of What Will Be

This walk can get lonely and can be painful but no one said it would be easy! But God did say that we are never alone and in the end it will be wroth it! (my paraphrasing.)
I understand the lonesomeness and the pain of being set apart. I understand the days that you just feel like "whats the point" and "where are the promises that I know will come true in my life!"
The key to the promises is waiting! you have to wait so that God can manifest Himself in you in such a way that a multitude will see and know "Thats my God"..
If God just did this at any time it would not  be the right time and the things that needs to be aligned and the people that need to be apart of this will not be and so it will not have the impact that it should, that it is meant to have...thats why His timing is Perfect! His ways are of love!
I had a taste of what will be this past weekend...I stood on a stage and just read some verses out of the bible for this class and as I was reading I felt this warm electrical surge start at my feet and make its way up and it took my breath away..at the time I said Im just nervous to the crowd because I couldn't dare explain what was going on in my body because I did not know...I barely made it through just reading a couple of verses out  of the bible...I knew that If I kept on talking I was going to fall out right there..
.I didnt and as we were walking off the stage and I stepped down the stairs my body jerked uncontrollably with each step and when we sat at the table I could not talk because my lips were quivering with that electric feeling and this warmth was all over my body....On the way home that night I looked up and the sky was dark but I saw these two bright white clouds and they were glorious with a light...They looked like angel wings and it sealed and confirmed in me that all is well and that what just happened was God so God:)
He gave me a tasted of what will be and I have never ever felt that warmth electric feeling like that before...
He gives you taste of what will be so that you hold on to the hope that No he has not forgotten you and No he has not forgotten His promises over you!
Hold on and trust the  process and I promise in due season, His perfect timing, all will be revealed!
For such a time as this:)
Be Blessed!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Freedom Comes In Obedience

I just wanted to share something that happened today. I did something God told me to do a long time ago and I brushed it off until today.
After I obeyed and did what God told me to do a long time ago... I just broke down and sobbed, deep moans and groans came up and I just let them go and the tears flooded my face and I just let them pour.
I honestly had no idea why or what I was crying for......then in a soft voice God said "Release my child Release it all, that which you have been holding onto for so long. Release the pain, regret, fear, doubt, release the shame, release the years you felt so alone, release my child for then you will be free to allow me to move through you without any hinderance. RELEASE so others will see me through you without having to look past your offense, and your walls. Release and allow me to love you"
Once He said that I crumbled, but once the tears stopped I had this peace sweet peace that I havent felt truly in so long and this heaviness was gone and it was as if I was seeing through different eyes if that makes any sense (lol). It was an answer to many prayers all at once that came to be all because I obeyed:)💟

Friday, May 20, 2016

Thank You God

I just want to say THANK YOU God for loving me in spite of my hard headiness and stubborn ways!
THANK YOU God for Never giving up on me even though at times I gave up on myself.
THANK YOU God for seeing Your love and your ways in me and allowing other to see in me what I yet to have the confidence to see in myself.
THANK YOU God for your Grace that covers me and says that I am Worthy and I am Enough.
THANK YOU God for your Mercy that paves the way out of the wilderness onto the Path of Redemption.
THANK YOU God for allowing me to be me, and allowing me to Hide away just for a season in your loving embrace.
THANK YOU God for believing in me and pushing me a little further along the way when I didnt have the strength to stand and carrying me until I did.
THANK YOU God for all the shut doors and unanswered prayers becasue I know that they were used to direct me from my own path in this life back to the path you created for me to walk.
THANK YOU God for being you and loving me!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

You have to surrender to win the battle

You can not become stronger without admitting you are weak.
You can not be bold without first allowing God to teach you to be humble.
You can not succeed with out failing.
See life is about being the lesser, learning to sacrifice your all.. so God can teach you how to reach the multitude with a humbled heart and true wisdom that can only come from sweet surrender!
So to win the battle you must surrender, give up, give in..thats when your true freedom begins and in turn through you others will see Jesus💜

Saturday, May 14, 2016

For Such A Time As This

Follow your heart! Allow God to speak to your heart all that He wishes to bestow upon you!
And if says He wants you to do something then you have to do it! Even if it makes no sense at all why He wants you to do something or return somewhere..you have to do it!
Even if it means facing your enemies head on..you do it with your head held high and you show love and grace!
You have been forgiven and loved so deeply and you should in turn show that love and grace!
Even if it is not returned that is ok! We dont show love and grace so it will be shown back! We show it because that is who we are! Who we were created to be!
God will never ask you to go somewhere or do something if He did not think you were ready and if there wasnt a plan behind it!
So if you have to do it crying the whole time or praying in your head the whole time that is ok!
Just know you are not alone! God is with you every step of the way!
Be Couregeous and Brave and Be the Amazing You that You Are!
You were raised up for such a time as this!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Trust In You

Dear God the mountain seems so high somedays and I am just camped out at the bottom. There are times I get half way up to get knocked halfway down.  Doors shut and doors open. But no mattwr what God I will not lose Faith. For you have brought me out of the depths of Hell and have been healing and releasing me a little more every year.
The doubt has lessened and the fear no longer has control. One day at a time is all I can do. One min at a time somedays.
Life can get rough but I am so thankful you are always near by.
So while Im at the foot of the mountain I will build an altar of Praise and know it is your will for me to be where I am in life and it is your will the season that is about to be.
In due time I will climb this mountain, like a deer with hinds feet I will make my way higher than I have yet to be. I just have to trust and surrender  to you and I have to get past me.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mothers Day 2016

She has dried your tears and calmed your fears.
She has held your hand and steadied your stand.
She has mended your broken heart and allowed you to cry on her shoulder when you felt your world was falling apart.
She gets so tired and so worn out but you will never hear her complain because she says to complain there is no need,
Because she knows that all she does today  is preparing  the way for her children to succeed.
The love she has for you is uncondionally forever true,
and to ensure her childrens happiness and safety there is nothing she will not do.
She is an angel in disguise,
Protecting, guiding,
Full of knoweldge and so wise.
I pray one day she will realize she is my constant in this everchanging world.
I may be a grown woman but forever I will be her little girl.
Happy Mothers Day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Silent Cry

This I wrote for Inspire Freedom ministry today and wanted to share here:

-Silent Cry-
I was a prostitute 12 years ago and I did sleep with many men for money. I would love to say that every time I was high and most times I was but there were times I was sober and my hunger for money to get drugs drowned out what was going on.
When I had time alone, I would cry full of shame and guilt and this would cause me to do more drugs to ease the pain.
I did not care about what would happen to me and with every John I lost a piece of my soul.
I longed for peace and longed for freedom. I had a few different pimps but  most of the time the drugs were my pimp.
I had a few angels from time to time who showed me kindness as I was walking the streets at night and offered me prayer but I refused in my anger which was result of the pain I felt inside. I knew though that they still prayed for me.
So no matter if the precious lady accepts your kindness or prayer they will always remeber the light of love in her darkness that you showed.
I dont remember all the Johns but I do remember those angels faces.
I am free today because of prayer of strangers and loved ones and ofcourse I am free because God never gave up on me even though I had given up on myself!
Love is always the answer Always!
-Mary Priddy

Be A Guest On Free To Be

I would love to have you as a guest on my blog talk show! Its on Sunday nights 6pm central or 7 eastern.
Its called Free to Be!
And this weeks title is Free to Be Me!
I will share my story and some things on my heart. This is my first  show Sunday night! So excited!
I plan on starting to have guests next week...so inbox me on here
Or email me at marypriddy36@gmail.com
If you would like to be a guest💜💜

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Free To Be/Restoring Hope

I will start hosting a new Blog Radio show called "Free to Be". Each week I will use Free to Be as the title with the ending word changed..like Free to Be Me, Free to Be Loved, Free to be Free etc this is with Christianpatriots ...It will be on Sunday nights at 7cst/8est and will start soon. I will let you know when.
I also will have my own Blog Talk Radio show starting soon called Restoring Hope.
This will be on Thursday nights starting out at 7 cst/8est.
I  will be sharing my heart, whatever God places on my heart to share and I am going to have guests on there to share their love  story, testimony.
Thats where  you come in..I would love to have you on my show and share your love story with all.
You never know if someone is listeneing struggling with what you have struggled with and by you sharing your love story, testimomy of overcomming...it will give them the courage to do so also.
It can be anything! It can be marital issues you and spouse overcame, or didnt overcome and you didn't think you would make it but you did, overeating, depression, children, anything that God has given you strength to overcome that is your love story/testimomy and if your like me you have several:)
Just inbox me at:
If your interested in being a guest  on my show and share your story in the email to me and I will contact you:)
Be Blessed!!

Cry Out To Jesus

When you are in despair and you feel that everything is crashing all around you Cry out to Jesus!
When your hope is barely there and your Faith is starting to dwindle away and you dont know what else to do Cry out to Jesus!
When you feel you are all alone and there is no one who loves you enough to come to you and just hug you and say "You are loved and I am here"..Cry out to Jesus!
If the only word you can manage to say through your tears is Jesus then that's all you need to say is Jesus Jesus Jesus!
For through your anguish and despair you still manage yo call on the lover of our souls, then you have touched the heart of our Father!
He is there holding you! Wiping your tears! He will hold you and let you  you cry for as long as need be.
There is healing in tears and you see things much clearer once you cry and release.
Cry out to Jesus!! Cry out to Father! Allow the Love of Abba to consume you and once more place you back on the path of Hope as he stands with you and steadies your walk once more.
Your are Loved!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Choice Is Yours

Its up to you which road you decide to walk on in this life. You can walk on the road of salvation, which is harder and you will be tested and tried or you can walk on the road of this world which is easy going and full of empty promises and shattered dreams and in the end offers you nothing.
You can decide on life or death, land of the living or land of the dead.
You can decide internal, everlasting peace or you can decide on temporary  peace full of lifong consequences for your actions.
You can decide to believe a lie or hold on to truth  no matter the doubt you may have.
Its all up to you! Free will is a gift for you but dont use it as a death trap.
Only you can decide! No one can decide for you.
I can tell you from my years of deciding on the easy way out and the easy road this world offers..I was used and abused because that temporary peace and that fake happiness ended and so I was always searching to make it last or to feel it again.
Since I came home to God 12 years ago, yes it has been so hard letting go of my past but the love and the peace that comes when Jesus heals your wounds and He lavishes His peace and His Love on you is Nothing even close to the fake happiness and peace I felt in the world doing my own thing.
You are Loved regardless! God will never leave you or give up on you no matter how long it takes Hes got you covered! He is just waiting for you to choose Him! He chose you many years ago:) MP

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I Am Yours

Dear Jesus,
I am Holding on so tightly! Listening Only to you my sweet Jesus! Allowing you alone to guide me in this transitional season I am in.
Letting go of my fear and embracing your promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me.
Direct my path out on this open ocean of decisions! May I always be in your will where you have orchestrated my life to be in every situation that comes to be!
I look to you through the confusion and the uncertainty, for you to shine your light of truth upon me and for your Love to release me from all the burdens I carry.
Your Truth sets your children free! I Am yours my beloved and it is in you I place my trust,my life, my family, my all  forever more!MP

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Time Like These I Will Cherish Forever

"My four year old goes straight to bed and goes straight to sleep with no sidetracking or whinning at all!!"
- LOL!!, funny right:)

We started  to bed about 45 mins ago and we have potty twice! Became dying of thirst..reason for having to potty...and has discovered her day was so facinating she had to tell me every single detail..which I am almost positive she really did not go up in a rocket ship..and then time for prayer...her prayer tonight she prayed for anyone and everyone she has ever met which included the mailman she met face to face one time a long time ago....then I prayed...and she was out before my prayer was finished.
Now Im exhausted and yes that was an ordeal getting her to sleep..but was the most precious time of my day! And I wouldn't change a thing:)
Blessings come when we slow down and look around and we realize we have been so Blessed..we just got to busy to embrace the Blessings.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hold Me Jesus

Hold me Jesus until the fear in me subsides,
Hold me Jesus until I am strong enough to face this world and not want to run away and hide.
Hold me Jesus for just a little while longer,
Hold me Jesus until I feel a little stronger.
Hold me Jesus until I am brave enough to fight!
Hold me Jesus until I know within that everything is going to be alright.
Hold me Jesus, Just let me be,
In your arms for forever, For in your arms I am free. MP

I Long To Be Free

I do not want to play this part anymore,
I only want to be with you Sweet Jesus forever  more.
I get so tired standing still,
I get so hopeless being unreal,
I need to be free,
I need to embrace you Father God, If only I can get past me.
I have to let go,
If I intend to spiritually grow.
I have to release,
If I want you to overtake me.
I am so hungry for truth!
Im starving for peace,
Oh Jesus, Sweet Jesus send the Holy Spirit to enulf me!
I long to run and not grow weary!
I long to be happy and not stressed!
I am needing the reassurance of a Father, the shoulder of a friend, and the guidance of my King.
In whom I can spread these wings.
Soaring high above,
Soaring on the winds of Love.
Leaning, trusting,
Abiding, confiding,
Time to be free,
Time to Believe in  me.
Unto you I commit my spirit,
Into your arms I am no longer afraid.
This is my Home here with you I long to stay,
Forever loved and forever surrounded by your Grace!MP

Sunday, April 17, 2016

My Love Story

There is Hope!! There is a way out, redemption for addiction!!
I shot  up meth for years and done all
Other types of speed as well. I was prostituting at night and hustling during day. Still God never gave up on me! I gave up on myself! But God never did and He came running as soon as I bottomed out and in desperation cried out for Help..He was there! He came no matter the darkness that was around me, or the filth about me He came!
He saw His precious child in need of Love and Help and He came!
He told the enemy who had me wrapped in His arms "Let my Daughter Go!"
And the Devil trembled and dropped me and God caught me and wrapped me in His arms and spoke the sweetest words "It is Finished my precious One! I am here! Let's Go Home"
Jesus! Jesus is the answer!! MP

***Share this so we can Share the Redemptive Love of God with All***

Here is link to my whole testimony ( short book I wrote) for you to read.
I  pray you find through the words of my love story  that there is Always Hope!
God Never leaves us and He is just waiting for the Cry of Help so that he can lavish you with His Reddeming love that sets captives free!


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

True and Pure Beauty

The time we live in is so focused on outer beauty and the spirit is so  covered up with vanity that it never has a chance to grow.
The thing is the spirit is so real and is so in need of being revamped and focused on more than our outer beauty.
The spirit is what communicates one on one with God, with the Heavenlies,  and this communication becomes oneness and that is what is going to bring Heaven on Earth tbrough us to a world in much, desperate need of a Savior!
But even some reading this are thinking  "She is crazy" or "She is to Spiritual" and that's  what we tend to do to something we do not understand is mark it off as not true because we are afraid of what we do not know.
Again that's the world we live in, but can you imagine if we all allowed our spirits  to lead and not flesh?
There is something so truly and purely Beautiful when you look at a person and they have the most sweetest, loving spirit! That beauty never fades and that Beauty is True Beauty!MP

Monday, April 11, 2016

We Are

So many times we forget to remember who we are! And we allow the enemy to tell us who we are and that is a lie!
We are Warriors, Destined to be! Set apart and Brought forth out of the wilderness,
out of waiting, For Such a Time As This!

We are our Fathers Child!
We are Redeemed by the Loving Grace and unending love of Abba!
We are The Storm coming forth raging strong for souls in the darkness!
We Are the ones who will go into the depths of this world to reach out and
rescue from the enemy just one soul!

We are not afraid to face the enemy head on because we have dealt with the enemy in the wilderness
and we Know God is for us and He is with us no matter who or what comes our way!
We love, truly love, with all of our being our precious brothers and sisters and we do not judge
but we love what we see and can not see within this individual! we know where we were when God rescued us and so We know that without Love, pure Love, there is no other way to be the light in the darkness!

We fight on out knees! We pray prayers of tears and groaning from within!
We do not pray for ourselves but pray for others and stand in the Gap for the weak and embrace the strong!
We are trailblazer, bell ringers, Hope givers, darkness destroyers, sold out, Love dealers of Christ!

We are Warriors of the truest form who Love deep and Fight intensely!
We are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, we are united by blood and joined together by love.
We are the Army of Christ and there is no weapon that will prosper trying to come against us!
We fight with prayer and we win with Praise!
Love is our Banner and Freedom is our goal!
The love light of Christ engulfs us and we have multitude of saints who have gone on before surrounding us.
Forever we will be and Forever we will remain
Marching on, steady and strong, when one falls, ten more arise!
We are many but are led by One! The alpha, The omega, The bright and morning star, Our King, Our Fortress, Our Friend, Our Father, Father God, Holy Spirit, Sweet Jesus all in One!
We are, We will always Be,
Marching on and Standing Stong!
Warriors so True, Saints in the Making,
for our Sweet Jesus there is Nothing we will not do!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Man Made Religion

We are living in a man centered time in churches and no longer God centered! So many man made  rules in churches that are culture and preacher centered and not of God.
All about emtertaing with the lights,performances but thats all it is is a show because God is no where to be found.
So many are worried so much more about fashion and who is wearing what and who is driving fancy cars and not even seeing  the person who just came off the streets to find Jesus but he felt so out of place he turned and walked out the door! I have seen this happen! So so far from the love of Jesus!
So far from His heart cry!
People would rather be on the streets where atleast they are accepted then go to a church that is so cliquish and so out of reach with those suffering all around them.
Its heartbreaking to watch people you love that have beautiful hearts get lost in the lime light of their own fame. To see a place of such potential for Christ get turned into a corporation built on power and surrounded by false love.
Always remember you are meant to be free and not put back in chains by man made religion! And man made religion is overflowing everywhere today wrapped up in good deeds and plastered with the name of God but God is no where to be found in their  religion!MP

Things I Wish I Was Told

Im going to say this because i wish it was said to me years ago.
You need to give yourself a break and just be! You are not going to get things perfect and you are going to mess up! Life happens. The important thing is to just get back up when you stumble and carry on.
You are not meant to feel pressure like you have to walk this straight line as a Christian. You are going to have thoughts and desires come up. If you didnt you wouldnt be human. Just learning to abide in the strength of God and not act on them is the key.
You are not any less Christian than a person who has been walking with Lord many more years than you and you are not any less Christian than any leader or preacher. We all have different walks but in Gods eyes we are all the same and equal!
Your prayer is just as powerful as anyone elses! If you feel led to go and pray for someone do it! That is God telling you to..so dont let no man say that you can't!
God wants you  to be happy and be all that He created you to be!
Trust in Him and he will never lead you astray!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Living a life of abundance

Have you ever felt like your life is becoming full circle at last? Felt like for the first time in SO long you know you are right where God wants you to be? And the Peace of God just drowns you. Feeling Free completely Free and drowning in Peace and Love is the most Amazing Feeling;)
It all comes with letting go of what was, letting go of what never will be,and  cutting the soul ties that are unhealthy. Then you can fully embrace all that is right now in this moment!
Because when you can come to peace with the season God has you in that's when you come to peace with yourself and I can tell you personally that this is freedom!!! That  to me is  living a life of abundance. Freedom and Love!MP

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Need For Love

I remembered something today from my past and that has been happening a lot lately especially when I drive by places here in town that stuff happened..like the streets I use to walk on...or the gas station this guy pushed me out at and left me...or the different hotels where some bad stuff happen...one memory really struck me..I was working at this spa and I was also in college and one of my classes was criminology and this detective was teaching it. 
I remember one day I left spa early to go to class and he was teaching and I remember so badly how I wanted to tell him what I was doing the spa and the drugs. 
I wanted him or someone to rescue me out of the life I was living and wanted someone to care enough to tell me that I was worth so much more than this and that they loved me for me and not what I could give or do. 
But Ofcourse I did not tell him. I never told anyone how desperate I was for love and how I just wanted help out of this spiral. 
Sometimes the people who are hurting the most are the ones who are quiet and isolated and they are just waiting praying for someone to love them enough to come to them. Because they are battling so intensely in their mind they will not come to you. 
Be that person who steps out of their comfort zone and go to someone who this post brings to your heart. Go to them and tell them they are not alone and
They are loved! You may be the saving force God uses to bring that person out of bondage and free them from the hold
Of the enemy on their life! MP

Monday, March 28, 2016


There is a mighty battle being raged and you can see the outcome of the battle with every life being lost to addiction, suicide, sex trafficking, senseless killings, these are the obvious outcomes of the battle. 
But there is also another  side of the outcome of the battle that is so sly. And this is distraction.
We have so many things at our fingertips to cause us to be distracted from our call, from our first love. 
These distractions can cause us to not reach out to those who are hurting around us, not study or pray as we should, not do what we know within God is telling us to do.
The distractions seem innocent at first but become habit forming and your distracted more and more rather it is watching  tv episodes, playing games, being to busy in life, or even work. Anything that causes you to put God second is a distraction.
After the habit forming your spiritual tank becomes empty, this tank becomes full by being in His presence rather it's listening and meditating on His word, or Praise music, which ever way you spend time with Him! 
When spiritual tank is empty you faith weakens then doubt is easily placed and the things of this world that use to never bother you before are now not so easy to turn down. 
Then you fall from Grace. All started with distraction! It's  a battle going on and the distraction is a sure way for the enemy to get you off track! 
So stay focused! Even if you slip as we all do just refocus again and even if that means you have to refocus 30 times or more a day that's ok! We are human! Just refocus 30 or more times a day! 
We are not alone in this battle Ever!! MP

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Warning to the Church aka Market Place

So sad I watched some political videos and then some news of political opinions and I have to say we live In a time  where the political speeches really do mirror some sermons I have heard recently!
No politics not preaching about God but about over selling themselves, families, and their ministry to the point it feels political. 
Selling their products, so much more than preaching the word. Let me just say this if you were all about God and not yourself you wouldn't have to try to sale your products in service because the people will be so touched by the God in you that they will rush to buy your products so that they support the anointing upon you to reach a nation...but no this is not what I've seen. When you talk more about your family and say your wife or husband  is beautiful or handsome and make sly comments about her or his body multiple times in every sermon then yes we have a problem.
When you have more video services than you have preaching in person there is a problem. When you have a thousand and two conferences for money more than you sit and speak to the sheep God has given you then yes we have a problem! When you hang out with your clique and never go out and meet strangers you do not know that have come to your service then yes we have a problem. When there are amazing individuals who want to serve but you can pick and choose based upon your own feelings then yes we have a problem! When your service is more of a theatrical event with music and lights and props, so much so Jesus got left outside the doors of the church then yes we have a problem! When your church is more of a corporation than a Holy Spirit filled congregation then yes we have a problem! 
I have experienced this first hand and my spirit was grieved so deeply that I just wept in prayer as I felt the heart of God break that HIS church has become such a disgrace to Him but didn't take Him by surprise because we live in a fallen world ran by money and by power and He knew that money and power would creep into the church and make the most humbled servant a victim of this. 
The saddest thing is this type of attack of the enemy is so sly that the people affected by this think nothing is wrong because they have the blinders of greed and pride on so tightly that the deception is excused away with thoughts of how much they are helping people and that they are doing the work of God. 
Praise God He gave me a dream that 5 years..5 more years he will allow this then the foundation will crumble so fast and from the ashes will arise the church of old that is completely engulfed by Jesus and flooded with the Holy Spirit! 
That dream was given last year so now 4 years. 
The words of God are not always beautiful words but sometimes words of truth that cause people to be uncomfortable because it causes them to be convicted but dare not admit it because if they do then they admit they are wrong and to admit you are wrong means you have to face the truth of how far you have drifted and no one wants to do that when they are in the midst of the deception. 
If God didn't love us He would not send people to give words of knowledge from God to correct and bring them back to the basics to the beginning of their love walk with Him. He loves all those who are in the deception so dearly that is why He is warning the church, no not all churches but the ones who are in this particular attack know in their spirit it's them. 
So He is warning with pleads of love to listen to these words and come back to Him! Come back to the moment you first came to God and allow Him to rebuild and readjust your spirit and heart and to heal your mind from the deception! Just pray! Pray now to him and ask forgiveness and He will meet you there and love you through it all but you have to swallow your pride and come to Him! MP

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Come To Me

My Beloved,
 Can you not see all the blessings I have given to you, Don't you know I long to lavish so much more of me on you with my Love but you keep me at a distance and chose anything and everything to abide your time instead of seeking me, my face, my love. 
The  secrets of my heart I long to share with you and all the things I wish to tell you if you would only come to me, seek me. 
My Child, I have waited so long to hear you voice, your beautiful voice calling my name. And still I wait. 
I can not force you to come to me I can only wait and long for you to come.
I love you sweet one and always will. No matter if you never come to me I am still here for you always loving and watching you and protecting you from all.
Just give me a try, give us a chance, and you will forever be changed. 
Forevermore and Always I am For you! I am with you! No matter where you go or what you do and how far you may try and run from me I will still  always be right here waiting for you with arms open wide to embrace you with my fatherly love surrounding you! 
Come to me and I will give you rest.
Abba, father God

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Power of God is so Amazingly Real

If there is any doubt at all within you that the supernatural power of God is not the same today as when it raised precious Jesus from the grave..Let me tell you Precious friend I was the same skeptic! Exact same but I felt and saw the fire of God when it was coming to fall on me. I finally came to place that I didn't care what others may think or say I was done with me and so ready for my Abba to have His way and He did and it was such warmth and beautiful light of love that flooded me and fire of God sat upon me and no words just complete absolute respect and in Awe!! And it wasn't scary like I thought it would be. God knows exactly how much you can handle. He gives you and let's you see just enough of His power so you will be hungry for more. And trust me You will be hungry for more so much more;) 
Because it's all about reaching a dying generation with the Power of God through you that will pierce the darkness so His Love shines through you to them and once it does they will never be the same again! 
One spark of Hope mixed with one spark of The Holy Spirit within will ignite the flame of Destiny in someone else around you and spread like a Beautiful wildfire of Freedom!! 
 Praise God it's all so Amazingly real;) 

Saturday, March 12, 2016


I am not a known person of God to people far and wide, I Do not pray as much as I should, I do not read my bible as much as I should, I do not go to church as often as I should. I am just a single mother of 2 amazing children who works 40+ hours a week to take of my kids and I'm sold out completely to my Lord.
But what I do know about with every ounce of my being is Hope! 
The Hope Of God that with it you have the courage and the confidence to face any battle and any giant because you know that you are not alone! 
The Hope that tells you that your current circumstances does not define you and that tomorrow will be better than today if you just Hold on. 
Hope that gives you this deep, Inner, unexplainable peace that everything is going to be ok. ...Even if it seems like your world is falling apart crashing down all around you this hope stabilizes your emotions and strengthens you Faith and you hold on with all of your being to the Truth that God will never leave you nor forsake you! 
I also know that without this Hope this world can be an even darker place and the enemy of our souls knows how powerful Hope is because he tries with all of his might to cause you to doubt all the promises and all the truth God says will be..if you trust in Him and wait upon Him.
So my friend if I have ever said anything that I pray you hold onto is this: You have to have hope! Ignore the lies of the enemy and hold on so tightly to the Hope
Of God within and if you do I Promise you the burden and the pain you are feeling will be lifted because you Know that you Know that Abba, Father God hears your prayers, your pleas and He is right now preparing the way out of the wilderness for you to come upon the Mountain of Harvest of Blessings for you have been faithful and true! Hold on! And always always Hope! 
The Hope of God is birthed when Faith and Love collide!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Saving The Best For Last

This is for all my single sisters and me;) God saves the Best for last I keep hearing when I pray for my husband to be. And I'm saying to you God saves the Best for last! All the men who have come and gone and broke your heart or just wasn't the one...Don't waste another precious moment of your time thinking wondering what if...The one God has for you is coming! 
He will not be what you thought you wanted but will be exactly what you need! He will not be perfect and have his Flaws but his heart will be like that of David, who was after Gods heart! 
He has prayed for you countless hours, more than he has prayed for himself. He will love you for you! He will cherish all of you and together you will grow in God and be a magnificent light of love to so many who are lost.
Together you will battle and fight with God right beside you and at night the last thing you will do is pray.
So hold on God is preparing the way at this time for yours and his heart to join together as one! 
He is saving the best for last because He will be the last man you will ever love because you will be together until death do you part;) 
Once in a lifetime kind of love anointed with the source of pure true Love, Father God💜

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Get My Love Story Free

If you would like to read my story "my Love story: Freedom from Drugs and prostitution" 
Inbox me : mpriddy777@icloud.com 
and I will send it to you in the email and not as attachment.
I was raised in church was saved and baptized at 8..however my life took a tragic turn at 12 and then again at 18. I ended up shooting drugs and smoking crack and lowest point prostituting on the streets but still the Love of God saved me one night on the floor of a crack housed when I cried out to the Jesus of my childhood.
Inbox me and send me your email
Address and I will send to you the whole story;)
All about sharing the Love and Hope of Jesus! MP

Your Testimony is Key to Unlocking Hearts for God

The battle, the lies of the enemy have been so intense and that is because there are so many so many that need to hear your testimony because it will give them Hope and strength to stand and cry out to God and not give up!
When you share your testimony it causes the atmosphere to change and the Angels to come forth on guard and the spirit of God goes forth and opens the hearts of those who are hearing your testimony and what once was a dark cold heart is starting to come alive with hope and love because they are not alone and they hear how you overcome and this gives them courage to step out in Faith and allow God to heal and restore them.
The words of your testimony is a mighty mighty weapon against the enemy of our souls! 
If we could only see what is happening in the spiritual realm when we share or testimony I believe we would see the darkness shrivel away from people as the love light of God surrounds them! And the great cloud of witnesses who have gone on before are cheering us on and angels standing guard and Ofcourse Father God is looking at us with that beautiful Fatherly smile and a proud papa tear rolling down his face as he whispers "you did it! You made it and did not give up! I am so proud of you so proud!"

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Race war is a Spiritual War

Ok! This race thing is so crazy out of control! Playing the race card anytime and Everytime is getting old ( not Any particular race but every race)
It it stirring up such hatred and dividing all people but so many fail
To realize this due to lack of knowledge of the enemy schemes and the enemy of our souls ways. He seeks out to divide and conquer! And seeks out to steal kill and destroy! It's all so spiritual and how do you fight things that are spiritual? You fight fire of God against the Fire of Hell and do this by praying! 
Crying out for our country so in need of a Holy Spirit saturated in the Love of God intervention to be used as prevention of what's to come if this  divide keeps up. 
Don't even try to say I'm any type of prejudice because you will be so far from the truth it isn't funny! I have two beautiful daughters and one is biracial black and white and the other is Asian and white. 
I pray God knows I pray that this craziness and at time immature acts of hatred will cease for the children's sake that are watching all this transpire but once again it is in the hands of the only one who can really solve any of this Cain and Abel madness.MP

Time To Let Go

Sometimes our greatest victories come when we let go!
Let go of our dreams so that God can fill us with His Dreams for our life.
Let go of our plans so God can direct our life's for His plan.
Let go of yesterday so we can embrace today and hope for tomorrow.
Let go of past mistakes so new ones can be made;)
Mistakes are building blocks to the Destiny God has for your life. You learn from mistakes and grow from the knowledge you gain from making them.
Just Let go;) and Let God Be God.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Be A Beautiful Mess

Live your life free of the chains of trying to  be that which  you are not! Don't strive to follow anyone's footsteps but your own! When you set out to be in someone's shadow trying to imitate who they are in the long run you end up heart broken and lost! Be you! 
Be a Mess!
You may not think a mess is  not good but to me a mess is Beautiful. Because a mess is not trying so hard to be what you are not!. A mess you allow who you really are, the good, the scars, your flaws, all of it is on the surface and not hidden by hours of perpetration to look perfect, to look nothing like you! 
So please don't try to change anything about you. You are exactly the person God made you to be!
If someone does not like you because of your outer appearance well that is their loss and their cross to carry! Because to judge someone's outer appearance you miss the once in a lifetime chance of meeting a truly amazing person!
You are Beautiful, true Beauty resides within and glows through you So magnificently. Be you! Let your flaws shine through and do not try to hide them! They make you the incredibly, unique person that you are!
You are Enough! You Are Loved! You do matter! You are a hidden ruby in a valley of stones! Embrace your beauty and once you do you will be free, you will be  truly You!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Get my Book Free!!

FREE! Saturday and Sunday Only!FREE, after today 0.99.
 "My Love Story: Freedom from Drugs and Prostitution" 
Maybe you know someone who is battling addiction or is stuck in the sex trade working and they need to know there is Hope, there is a way out no matter how deep you feel you are in the darkness FREE! Saturday and Sunday Only then it will be 0.99.
 Here is the link to get your electronic copy:

To Belong is to not Belong

To truly belong is to have the confidence in yourself and in God to be able to stand apart from the crowd on your own and have supernatural peace and be ok.
To truly Belong is to have your own mind, your own words, and be bold enough to stand up, even just in prayer, to stand up against that which you see is wrong.
To truly belong is not to act like the crowd, it is to have your own identity, actions, words and not allow the pressure from others to even penetrate your heart.
To truly belong is to refuse to be anybody or do anything other than what God created you to be and do only that which God asks you to do and not do something just because it was suggested by the crowd.
To truly Belong is to not want to belong at all! 
Because once you settle within yourself it's ok to not Belong then you will discover what it means to be one with Christ. 
When you belong in a crowd you mirror the crowd you are with! You act like the crowd, dress like the crowd, talk like them and even pray like them.
So when you don't belong to a crowd you then are able to hear God for yourself and not through others! You are able to pray your own words and your own way! 
You can talk to God about your problems and issues instead of others! 
You are sharing more intimacy, loving talks and prayers, with the One who loved you first! 
That to me is the greatest belonging ever! Being one with God💜

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

You Are Free!

No longer a victim but forever Restored!
No longer a slave but forever Free!
No longer full of fear but forever courageous because you know your father is oh so near!
No longer silent but forever Bold!
No longer confused but forever Peace unto you has been bestowed!
Free from your past, Free from your chains!
Free from anger, Free from shame!
You are set Free! You are Redeemed!
Allow yourself  to embrace your freedom and let go of the chains of the past and you will learn that the prison door has always been open just had to have Faith enough in God and yourself to walk trough the doors!MP

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I Am Free Because Jesus Never Gave Up On Me

For years I thought I did not matter to anyone. For years I thought I would forever be alone to walk this path. For years I thought that all that bad things that happened to me was my fought for things I had done. For years I thought I was unloveable and never would be loved.
I allowed myself by the strength of God to let go of the pain! 
I gave myself permission to love again after the redemptive power of God freed me. 
I regained the confidence and courage to let go of my past and to ignore the lies of the enemy when the Holy Spirit set me ablaze with the Truth of who I am in Christ.
Once I forgave myself for all I had done...I was then able to let people in without fear of being hurt. 
Once I chose to live I died to who I was and I became the Warrior I was created to be.
Once I surrendered my fear, I was able to face this world with my head held high with Love surrounding me and Faith guiding me.
I am alive and I am free all because Jesus Never gave up on me!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Never Ever Politically Correct

I am not and never will be politically correct. I see it everyday all day and it's sad. 
Even some people I look up to are politically correct. Sad! 
I have heard sermons watered down so that they are politically correct. When did we start worrying about what the world thought and stop sharing the Truth no matter who may get offended it doesn't matter. Their offense is conviction deep within. 
To truly love the  loveless and share hope with the hopeless you have to be real and honest and share what God says to you and not worry about if you offend them because through that offense you may be used by God to save a life. 
I promise you if God gives you something to share and you boldly stand up for what is right and don't walk on egg shells trying to please all those around you... God will honor your obedience! And you will see the growth you have been praying for in your life, ministry, job, in yourself. MP

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Share Life by Sharing Your Story

I cam firmly say that I believe with every ounce of my being that if we want to reach this generation we have to be real and honest and share our love stories, testimonies boldly and without shame but full of courage! 
Yes church is good Ofcourse it is! It's a place of equipping and being fed and encouraged but to reach the masses we have to come out of the four walls and start telling people what all God has done in your life!
This generation is so blind sided but so much fake and so much that is pushed on them from TV and music that if we are to be witnesses to them we have to be real and translucent because they can spot fake a mile off!
Don't go at them telling them what they did or are doing that is wrong! They know that! Come at them with love and tell them about when you were in the pit of the enemy's embrace and what God did to bring you out! Tell them what all you have done wrong and areas in your life you are still struggling! 
Do not push the Bible down their throats or they will run so fast into the worlds embrace! There is a time and a place for opening their hearts first then come at them with what the scripture says. Because when their hearts are open by your Realness they are then open to receive what the Word of God says.
By you sharing what God has done in your life you are being the Word of God, the very breath of life of God is coming through you to them.
Be love and be real and let them know they do matter and they are loved!
You will reach the masses with love or you will drive the masses away with religious judgment.

Through Your Obedience There is Restoration and Healing

When God tells you to do something or go somewhere It does not matter if you have to do it kicking and screaming all the way there you still have to do it! It does not matter if it means you have to walk into a room surrounded by people who don't like you..you still have to do it! 
Because first of all God asking you to do anything I think is an honor you know. Because if he didn't trust you to do what He has asked you to do and you see it out to fulfillment then He would  not have asked you! Think about it the God of the universe has asked you to do something for Him that is so Amazing;)
Secondly you have to do what God asked you to do because it's not about you, nothing is about you! It's about who God is going to reach through you! It's about bringing Glory to God through acts of Obedience and love! Healing will come to you! Restoration will come to you! Blessings will come to you through your obedience! 
God would never ever ask you to do something without being right beside you as you are doing it! 
You are covered, protected, anointed and called to do what God asks you to do!
Be Brave even if  your shaking like a leaf Be brave! God has you and loves you so! Be Blessed!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Confidence is Key to Succeed

Confidence in yourself is so vital! When you believe in yourself and have confidence that you are who God says you are and you can do what God says you can do then you will overcome the obstacles that are placed before you! 
This starts by having confidence and believing that you are a Child of God and you are not who you use to be but are a new creation created by love to succeed and be all God knows that you can be! 
You have a cloud of witnesses that have gone on before you cheering you on each step of the way.
Most importantly you have a father in Heaven who is your biggest fan and believes in you and knows that you are a magnificent creation placed exactly where you are to Rise above and beyond all earthly expectation because you are bound for greatness if you just Believe!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Most Beautiful Sight

There is something so beautiful about a woman in love. 
I think she shines a little brighter so full of glee and aww. I have noticed that my whole life. When a woman just gives birth or just gets married she is so beautiful with the glory of love washed all over her. 
However something even more beautiful than that is when you see someone first become free from the chains of sin or free from whatever darkness has kept them prisoner and they become free because they have encountered true love! 
True pure love that always sets the captives free! 
They are glistening and so beautiful with the glorious love light of God shining through. 
That to me is the most beautiful thing in the world. When the Heavens open up and rejoice at the rebirth of the Lords beloved! 

Monday, February 15, 2016

You Are Qualified

Love this so true! 
God promotes from the pit because we who have been in the pit know the True meaning of death, love, forgiveness, life, what it means to have nothing and be so surrounded by darkness and then the marvelous beautiful love light of God shows up and we are never the same! 
We know what it is like to have people, everywhere, to look at you in disgust and they are suppose to be loving you and guiding you.
We have learned by the hurt we have received how to not treat people! 
We have seen first hand that the depths of the love and grace of God is so consuming that no power in hell can come against it.
We know that to love means to never give up on that person because God never gave up on us. 
We know first hand that the ruler of darkness is real because we have been his puppet for many years in the past. We do not back down from the evil but rise up against it!
We don't judge by a persons looks, who cares what a person looks like! We have slept on the streets with the homeless and we have ate at the tables of what this world calls "mighty" and we would any day chose the homeless over the mighty because they are real and true and not materialistic or fake! 
We do not go by any religious or charismatic way of Christianity! Oh No, we are totally out of the box and Love with the Love of Christ and are led by Jesus and not man made doctrine! But by His word and His Holy Spirit! 
We can go into the dark places that others are afraid to go because we have Been there already in our lives and this time we are carrying the light of God with us to reach those amazing precious ones waiting for love.
So yes the pit to some is scary to
Others it is the place that we began to live! 
Where Jesus reached down and pulled us out of the darkness and raised them up for such a time as this! 

We are equal as long as love is the goal

We all Tend to look at "Leaders" and "Pastors" in any form and put them on a pedestal and we should never do that! 
We in essence put them in the place of God because we feel inferior to them. But we are not inferior at all to them. They are just people same as you and me no better, no worse who answered the call of God! 
Yes I agree there are some that are not working out of the Love of God and want all the spotlight for them and that is between them and God.
But there are those, very few I have met, that are true blue sold
Out on fire for God and so selfless. I admire them. I do not place them on a pedestal but I do admire and respect the Jesus that is so clearly in them. 
So test the spirits as Jesus says and He will never leave you astray! Do not back down from what you believe and what you know God is showing you about people! Even if that means your alone for a season that's ok because the greatness that is ahead because of your faithfulness makes it all worth it!

Rest Day

We are all trying to make it in this world. Just trying to live everyday and be all we can be and sometimes, somedays, I know I do not feel like being anything but a couch person with a big bag of chips and some lovey dovey chic flicks all day!!;)
And see that is ok! We all have to have a day where we do nothing but just relax and just be and if not a whole day than half a day atleast. 
I think sometimes we get caught up in the "have to always be doing something" mindset or we will never succeed and that is not true! 
If you are always doing something you will eventually burn out in what ever are of life you are always busy in...every day and every minuet of every day. 
Rather it be work, school, ministry, children, keeping your kids over busy in sports or activities, etc.
Come to me and I will give you Rest.(my own paraphrasing) The Bible tells us to rest because God knows that if we don't we will run on empty and be of no use to him when we are exhausted! 
You can not be everything to everyone all of the time!You are not Superwoman or Superman! 
You have to rest! Revive and Recharge! MP

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


When you return to a place where you have been hurt and you allow God to use you to speak and show Grace to others that is growth! 
When you return to a place that God just will not allow you to leave. That is called Destiny.
When you return to a place because you have some kind of deep spiritual connection that you can not explain that is Home.
When you return to a place because your hunger for Jesus and your need to be loved is stronger than your offense that is Freedom!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lies of the enemy no more!

Sometimes you have to stand and face the enemy head on and declare out loud "I refuse to believe anymore of your words of death. They are inaccurate and do not come forth as anything but lies! I am not what you try to say that I am and life is not what you try to say it is. I am a child of the Lord most high and you are nothing but a foot stool for my father. So from now on if you have anything to say to me take it up with my counselor! Sweet Jesus! That's death, silence to you!"MP

One Day At A Time

Keep fighting the good faith of Faith, for one more day. Keep pushing through the doubt and the fear just one more day. Keep the hope alive by speaking the promises of God over your life just one more day. Just believe in the supernatural redemptive power of The Love and Grace of God just one more day.
One more day! 
Yes things are always better and brighter in the morning. And if you do this everyday, one day at a time, makes it easier to have the joy and peace that passes all understanding because you are not looking ahead but are counting you blessings daily and focusing on today. 
-One day at a time sweet Jesus That's all I am asking of you.-
Those simple words from an old hymn are so knowledgable and so true. 
Live one day at a time and live it abundantly and full of love! 
Be Blessed!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Free Book!!!

Okay  Friday through Sunday my book "My Love Story: Freedom from Drugs and Prostitution" will bee FREE! 
Go and get your copy even if you have never had addiction issue because I promise you will see the ought my short book The Redemptive Power of Gods Love and Amazing Grace! 
Maybe you know someone who is battling addiction or is stuck in the sex trade working and they need to know there is Hope, there is a way out no matter how deep you feel you are in the darkness there is a way out! 
Here is the link go and get your free kindle ebook at Amazon: "My Love Story" by Mary Priddy


Love them through

When a person has been hurt, and used and abused they will go into survival mode and one way to protect themselves from being hurt is being aggressive and mean. 
If they are aggressive and mean they will keep you at a distance and you will never have a chance to hurt them, not that you have hurt them, I just mean no one ever will hurt them. 
But if you do not give up on them and battle with them through that thick wall of protection, you will see little glimpses of hope everyday that God will show you. 
It may be a tear, a small smile, or something uniquely just for  you that you would have to say "oh yea that was God"
Love them through their pain and you will see them break through with Jesus guiding them through you. 
To me I think the greatest joy in life is to be used to give some one else a chance of life and not death. 
Love them to Jesus!

Gods Promises Are Yes and Amen

The timing of God is perfect always! Things may not happen in the time we think it should but if we just wait upon the Lord, even kicking and screaming;) while we wait, in His time the desires of your heart that align with the call God has on your life will come forth! 
I am So living that out now in my life and all I can say is Praise God! His promises are truly always Yes and Amen!! MP

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Yay! Finally got my book written of my love story:) aka testimony. It was hard to write but Gods Grace is so precious:) now just have to edit then publish! 💜

Light of Love

We are are born into the light, it's what we decide to do with that light that matters. We can let it flicker away or we can allow the light to grow and grow and shine through us to others. 
Jesus came into this world so that we would of life abundantly! Not so that we live everyday just making it through to the next day. 
You have to decide to let the light of God glow within you! It will fade if you starve your soul of the word of God and prayer! 
I know sometimes  you read the bible and you think you don't understand but what you read will not go void it plants itself deep within so the moment you need the word it comes to your heart. 
Grow! Listen! Love! Live! That's what living abundantly is! 
Do not allow the love light of God to fade! So many are counting on the light of God within you to reach them who have allowed the light of God to go out! 
Be Brave! Be Love! Be Hope!


When you set out to lose weight and you have the mindset i will be more happy than I am now then you will not keep weight off. Because when you lose all the weight, you still have the same things that trigger your unhappiness and so you will eat for comfort. 
Now if you set out to lose weight to be healthier and fit with strict discipline... then you will keep it off because you are also disciplining and retraining your brain on food.
Same thing about you needing a man or woman to complete you. 
No man and no woman will complete you and the relationship
Will fail.
Only God can complete you two together with him as the center.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Your time to rise!

Ok here is the deal. You were not suppose to make it this far! You were not suppose to be here today! The enemy set out to take you out many times but God stepped in each time and stood in front of you and said "No this one is mine"
With every tear you have shed you have become wiser and with every heartache you have become bolder. With every door shut you have gained more courage and with every  word of hate you have learned to love unconditionally!
You are a miracle! Your are a Redeemed vessel being used to bring Glory to the one who saved your life so that His light will shine through you and be used to save others!
So rise up and take your place amongst the saints you miraculous child of love! 
You were made for this! You were raised up for such a time as this and no power in Hell can come against that which God has ordained!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Love is the antidote to Hate

There are those that are so full of anger and hate because they are feeling so much pain, hurt, resentment, and this will come to the surface as anger. Anger is never the true emotion but covers up the deeper root feeling within.
So if you see a person or know a person who seems to be angry all the time and are so hard to love....love them through their pain! They may not admit anything is wrong but if you look into their eyes with your heart you will see their pain. 
Love them even though their walls are built full of anger. And you will see God begin to heal them within and that will show on the surface.
Love!! Is the antidote to hate and anger Everytime! MP

Hope Will Be Your Shield

Some days you are so heavy burden and doubt tries to creep in about your future. 
On those days you have to fight and hold on with all of your being to the dreams, the promises God planted in your heart so long ago. 
You have to declare and decree that no matter what comes your way and no matter if it seems the whole world is against you..you will not give up on what you know will come to be in Gods perfect timing! 
Fight with your faith and hope will shield you from the doubt!
Just believe my precious friend Just Believe! 

Monday, January 18, 2016


When you know not what to do Stand! When the tears are flowing and hope is growing dim just Stand! When fear is overwhelming you and doubt is growing strong just Stand! When uncertainty is colliding with your faith and stress causes your heart to grow faint just Stand!
By Standing you are telling the enemy that no matter what comes your way you will not be moved! 
By Standing you are allowing God to fight for you as you stand on His Promises and His Truths knowing God will never leave you nor forsake you!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Death and Mourning

When someone close to you dies you stop and think of all you said and did with that person or all that was not said. 
You think of all you could have done and all you should have said. You go over the last time you were with the person who died, every second, every word that was said..you examine and reexamine that final moment. What for? I honestly do not know. Maybe to bring you some kind of peace and some kind of closure. 
You heart is heavy so heavy and you just go through the motions of the day and you hang on to your loved ones around you and long for the normalcy of life before your loved one died but deep down you know life has changed and will never be the same. 
It's called mourning all of this is. You have to go through the mourning process or you will never heal from the loss and will be stuck in the mourning in one way or another forever.
You will never ever be over their passing Ofcourse but you will be able to live and have peace.
Death is a part of life but you can not let it be your life. Meaning you can not allow the death to cause you to just give up. You have to keep living. Slowly at first and each day your a little stronger than the last and you will have the days where all you do is cry and that could happen years after your loved one passed and that is ok. Allow yourself to cry! 
Just cry and then move on to the next day.
Death is easy for those who die..it's the living that is hard! 
Be Blessed

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Be Love! Do not Judge!

You never truly can understand a persons heart until you have been in the season they are walking through now!MP

Just Be There

There are some precious ones whose hearts have been shattered and their hope is depleted. 
You can not just preach a message to them you need to be the love, hope, encouragement, strength, that the message brings.
They need you to be there just  be there. Love them back to Jesus, let them cry! Let them scream! What ever it takes for them to get what they have been holding onto out...let them do it! You just love them purely and unconditionally!
Just Be there!
You may be the one one day who needs someone to care enough to Be there! 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

My God is King!!!

The battle may be intense but Praise God he is the calmness to our madness, the peaceful loving balm to our troubled hearts! He is our King, our Peace, our shelter, our Hope when all seems Hopeless! 
He is our Redeemer, our Friend! , He is love that will never end! 
God is the constant in the change, and He is forever the same!
He is our biggest fan, our counselor, deliverer and commanding chief in the mightiest army of all! The Army of God!
God is all we need Him to be when we need Him to be it! 
God is Forever and God is the King! 

We are Never Alone

See what people don't understand and think oh the devil is winning look around so many have fallen and so many are worshipping this or that or nothing at all....but see don't be tricked into believing that we are out numbered at all!..all we can see is the natural here and now! What you do not see are the saints that have gone on before, the millions of warriors that fight with us and stand with us! The beautiful cloud of witnesses surrounded by the legions upon legions of Beautiful Angels who  are the army as well! 
So yeah let the Devil
Talk his garbage and let the evilness reign a little while longer! 
See I always tell my daughter that it's not the hot headed all about the talk and the threats bully that you need to worry about! It's the quiet ones that you don't see coming! 
Lol!!! You see all the trash talking, all
The riots, all the people being offended by every single thing!!, all the evilness in the form of other belief system, all the wrong that is right, all the right that is really wrong, everything goes world we live in! 
Loud obnoxious world! 
My God may be quiet but not ignoring and not forsaken His true children! 
He knows and He is here and nothing takes Him by surprise!
So you hold that beautiful head high! You look forward onto the glory of the amazing greatness of God within! 
The War is real and strong! But Praise God that our Abba is in Control! And mightier than all the evilness put together!! 
Battle is on! That just means the Harvest is on and overflowing!! MP


I'm telling you from the very core of my being God is up to something big because the Devil is pulling out all the stops and trying so hard to discourage us and get us depressed and full of doubt and hopelessness!! But see God has this! He is in control not some fake wanna be  and his fake wanna be army;)(aka Devil)...so I will stand my ground, we will stand our ground and declare that nothing ...no nothing can come against us that our Father is not able to conquer! We are children of the highest priest in all the land and we have royalty of the highest source in our blood. 
So Hell can reign down all it wants because  we are fireproof, covered from head to toe with glorification from above! We are sanctified to be glorified on High! We are a mighty army! So stand you mighty Warrior tried and True! Stand! And watch what our commander in chief, Abba, is about to do!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Wave of Love

Just before a big wave the water goes away, disappears, draws away... Because the ocean is gathering strength for the wave... I saw in prayer this happening and I too can relate first hand! 
People are being pulled away from you. People who you have known for many years. They are being pulled so intensely and quickly....people are being pulled away  from you so that God can strengthen you to your core in this final preparation stage of this season on this particular journey! 
So do not be sad or  have a heavy heart! You did nothing wrong it's not like that at all! Get ready is what I kept hearing in prayer!!
The people who remain in your inner circle are the ones  who are in one accord with your spirit and Abba, Father God! 
Get Ready;) SO EXCITED!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Victory comes in Letting Go

Sometimes the greatest victories come when you let go! Let go of the anger, pain, past, what was, all of it just let it go! 
I have discovered the things of the past, like the actions of something I did, that I could not let go...is because I have yet to forgive myself for. 
Same is true something you remember that someone done to you and will not go away..you have not forgiven that person for. MP

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pain is Real and that is OK

Hold on!!things are going to get better!
I know what it is like to wake up in the morning and just want to stay in bed cause what's the point of getting out of bed nothing is going to change! Nothing will Ever get better! You chose this path and so you have to deal
With the aftermath is what you feel. 
I have been there! I know the darkness you see everywhere you look and you try God knows how you try to fake a smile on your face to just make it through the day and give the robotic. "I'm fine" and "no nothing is wrong" but inside you are falling apart you feel.

Hold on! Stand! I promise you with every ounce of my being it will get better! And I know you have heard so many times that tomorrow is another day...words just words right!
But listen, well read, from someone who has been there many many times...the pain will not last forever and one day you will be able to get out of bed happy again. I'm not going to say it will be tomorrow cause I will be lying! 
I will say one day! And your not alone! So many people are feeling or have felt this way! 
And I will say God is there! You are never alone He is there! 
Feel this pain! Don't try to ignore it or make it go away! Feel it, embrace it, learn from it then let it go!
There is a difference between embracing the pain and giving into it!
When you embrace the pain you learn from it and let it go! 
When you give into the pain you hold onto it so tightly and never let it go! It becomes your identity, who you are! 
Lastly there is Nothing wrong with you for feeling this way! Life happens and everyday is not always sugar plum and rainbows! Your human and life down right hurts some days! It's much better to be honest with yourself and others than try to hide the pain! Because only so long you can hide the pain before the pain hides you!

Be brave! Accept there are bad days with good days! And let go!MP


Being broken before God is such a beautiful form of surrender. In the brokenness is where miracles are produced. 
Because in your brokenness you are at the rawest most vulnerable state and are not hiding behind anything or anyone..your just you, who you were before the world got in.
Brokenness is Holiness being shaped into the character of God! MP

Saturday, January 2, 2016

We Are The Storm!

We are more than Conquerors, We are Warriors who will fight the battles no one else wants to fight and we will go into the places no one else wants to go because we have been through the darkness and we know that the enemy is Weak because the power within us, the power of God is STRONG and MIGHTY .

We laugh in the face of fear because we have stared death in the face many times an each time our Abba saved us....and for that we dedicate our lives to bring those out of darkness into the light and we will Fight the Fight of Faith until the day we are no longer here but are in Heaven, home.

We have been outcast, rejected, turned away, by those who do not understand the strong Warrior, Front runner, anointing on our lives and this was suppose to be used by the enemy to downcast us, but instead God used it as keys to unlocked doors that are strategically there to catapult us into the wonders of who He is and who we are in Him! 

We cry, we sob tears that have no words in Prayer because we are feeling the heartache of so many and just one. We fight until the morning light in prayer and we will never ever give up because we know that there are those counting on the spirit of God within us to reach them in their pain.

We are The Storm! We are the War Cry! We are One and Many! We are WARRIORS of God!

HOPE says It Will Be!

Hope! Hope is so powerful and yet is so attacked by the enemy. When you have Hope you have courage to walk through the fires of Hell because you have Hope about what will be and nothing that happens will detour you from what you know will be because hope is produced by Faith! 
The counter attack of the enemy against hope is usually doubt and unbelief! If the enemy can get you to doubt your future or make you feel it's not going to happen then you will be hopeless which can lead to many different things: depression, identity crisis, or even not believe in God because He said it would be.
I have discovered that when the enemy tries to put the doubt in you..you have to ignore the doubt and replace with the promises of God! Even say them out loud if you have to! 
Hope!!! I promise you stay the course! Keep your Faith and allow Hope to give you courage to make it through another day!
Gods Promises are Yes and Amen! If He said it will be..It WILL!