Friday, July 31, 2015

Fresh Start

I woke up this morning with these words God speaking into my heart: -Fresh Start my precious child! I'm so proud of you standing strong and steadfast in my love throughout the condemnation and judgmental ways from others that were just tactics of the enemy to try to bring you down or get you to falter but you did not do either! You allowed those words to just slide off of you and they never penetrated your heart! Well done my Beloved! 
Time for new beginnings! Fresh start. I love you with a love that is everlasting to everlasting.-

I know someone else needed those words as much as I did. Sweet comfort to the heart and Healing to the spirit! Oh how Abba loves us so!!
Happy Friday;)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

God is going to bring some down a level

What I do not and will never understand is people;) I love people, however the ones that are "leaders" have people following them! And these "leaders" drink it in and the sad thing is what these "leaders" don't se or don't care to see is that the more these people follow them the less they follow Jesus because they are putting these "leaders" in the place of Jesus! 
Do not get caught up in that! Leaders or non leaders are just humans and they sin as you and I do daily and if they say they do not well they just did cause they lied! 
You are just as worthy and Holy as anyone you see on TV or in person preaching, singing, teaching, etc and the truth be told if God searched the hearts of many who are "leaders" then you will see they have many many hidden sins! 
God is about to open the closet on many who are leading His children astray and what comes out of the closest are the hidden sins that God will be showing His love light on and bringing them down a level! 
I have to say I for one can not wait because so many amazing individuals destiny are being overshadowed by the limelight of those "leaders"  instead of being birthed into the love light so that they can be all God created them to be! MP

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

God Says "Watch Me"

You have a dream that you have had for so long, but through the years life has caused you to set your dream aside. 
Well God is saying that it is time to take that dream off the shelf of your heart because your time is now! 
You have been so faithful in helping others fulfill their call, their dream of their heart and it's now time for God to help you! 
You have not missed it! It's not too late! It's perfect timing of God! 
What others may say is impossible to ever be... God says "Watch me!"
It's YOUR Time:)

You Are Created to Be Exactly Who You Are

Do not try to be or pray to be anyone or anything different than who you are! 
You were created every piece of you with love. You were made to be exactly who you are in the place you are for a purpose for a reason! 
Yes there are things God is teaching us by redefining us everyday and it's a process that will continue until the glorious day you are with Abba in Heaven.
So rejoice in all that you are! Abba says your priceless, glorious, and Redeemed! He would not change a thing about you;) So if the master of the universe, the Great I Am wouldn't change a thing about you then why would we even consider it? 
Be You! You Are made in the image of Love, By Love, To Be Love!


Choose today to be free from the stresses of yesterday! 
Worry is just a sign that we are not giving it all to God! 
Be Blessed! MP

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Child of Love

Child of Love,
You are my Beloved in whom I am so in love with. You are my precious lily amongst the thorns, the brightest star in the beautiful sky, you are My Love!
I love the way you smile and the way you cry. I love the way you daydream and the way you love others. I love the way that even though the presence looks so dark you push on because you know that Greatness is ahead. 
 Sweet Child, I love how you never gave up no matter how big the giant! You just looked the giant in the face and declared your inheritance and stood your ground.
I love when you think no one is looking you say I Love you to me.
I love you all of you! 
I love you more than can ever be put into words.
 Precious One, Trust in me and I will Always Believe in You and Encourage you because I Am for you and Never will be against you! 
You are more so much more than you give yourself credit for! 
You are more Beautiful than the most beautiful Lily and you have more worth than the most rarest diamond! 
You are Forevermore my Child of Love and I am So Proud of you!!

What Looks like Odds against you..Are Stepping Stones!

I have learned that the odds are just put in my path to see how determined and how much Faith I have to look at the mountain and tell it to move!
Use the odds that look like they are against you.. Use them as stepping stones to catapult you to what your heart knows you were called to do!! MP 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Jesus Is Watching

Ever wonder why Jesus is mocked so? Why others deny his existence? See Jesus is love wrapped in glorious light! 
To acknowledge him means to acknowledge all your hidden sins, to acknowledge Truth and to turn from your  wicked ways. 
Darkness can not stay where there is light! When you turn the lights on in a room darkness has to disappear and that's the way it is with the love light of Jesus! When His love light enters you darkness has to flee!
Once you have tasted and see that our God, the only living God, once you have tasted and seen He is Good you want to turn from your wicked ways and false teachings and follow Jesus. 
Still so many would rather deny Jesus and make a big deal about Prayer and the Bible because they would rather live their life their way and if they acknowledged Jesus is real then the love light of Jesus will shine on the dark hidden sins and they will be under conviction, which that alone makes so many mean because conviction is literally flesh fighting your spirit! Your will coming against the will of Jesus.
So many would rather hide behind there fake religions that makes what they are doing OK or they avoid any kind of higher power at all so that they can live their life the way they choose to live it.
But this will last a little while longer! While other religions that people want to hide behind are killing people and more and more people Are being swept into this web of deceit... Jesus is watching! 
While  political leaders  and false teachers make fake promises and build you up with words of no meaning... Jesus is  watching!  While other religions try to take the place of Jesus..Jesus is  watching!He is watching and sees and knows all! 
Jesus is not surprised, in the days to come everything will get much worse but then in a season Jesus will bring everything to a Hault and he will release His  waring angels ten fold, and what took that religion of hate centuries to build up...Jesus Will destroy in a matter of minuets. Jesus has Abba directing him what to do and where to go and so he is being commanded by love. 
Jesus is going to bring back to His children all that was stolen and He Is going to revive once again His name from all corners of this world and He Will Be Exhalted from High! His wrath is mighty, Oh but His love and mercy is even mightier! He will bind up and throw back in the pit all the enemy has released on this earth! 
So yes times may seem dark and yes fear may be strong but rest assured that Jesus, Sweet Jesus IS in Control! He does not have to have a loud voice shouting right now to make His presence known! Because He has nothing to prove! He is that He is;) And His Love endures forever! 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Safety Net

I remember when I was a child and in foster homes and other facilities I would always find one person who was my safety net, someone I felt comfortable with and safe. 
Then when I became older and was out of foster homes and facilities and I started doing drugs and partying there was always one person I would have as my safety net then too. 
Then when I became clean and started going to church again I would have this one person as my safety net. I never liked going to church alone and so I always made sure there would be someone there I knew that I could sit with. 
Starting a couple years ago I was able to go to church alone and other places alone and didn't have to have a safety person with me. 
I finally was able to trust God enough to know He was always with me and He was my true safety. Fear finally was gone and I was able to spread my wings out of the cage of uncertainty and fear and know Nothing can come against me and My confidence in God and Who He says I was, was restored and He says I am Redeemed. I am Forgiven, I am made whole in Him!
It's a slow process becoming the person you were created to be before the world and life misguided you and woundings caused  you to create fake identities to blend in with the suffering around you and to protect you! 
Praise God that even though the process is slow, that there is a process at all! 
He never leaves us as we were but daily refines and defines Our Identity, by His Love and through His Grace!

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Wrath of God Still wrapped in His Love

In order to know and understand the depths of love of Abba, you have to understand his wrath. 
God is not a God to be mocked and that is what is going on in the world today rapidly. 
He will allow the madness to go on a little while longer before he release His wrath. But before that He is sending out signs and warnings for us to take heed and to notice. So that when the wrath comes we will not be surprised but be expectant. 
You would not tell a child to look both ways before crossing the road without first telling that child why and the danger of you do not look both ways!
The Harvest that is about to be is going to full of the ones that took heed and noticed the warnings and turned from their wicked ways and cried out to God.
Even in the wrath of God he still has deep love for all and if someone, which I think will be many, wait until the wrath is full blown before they cry out in fear of God and beg forgiveness.. God will still forgive them and they will not parish! 
Because Abba is a just God and a loving God and wants All to be saved and Redeemed and He will search the world over to find the one lost sheep even if that lost sheep is wrapped in wolf clothing.. God will see the sheep in wolf clothing and redeem them back to who they were created to be and not what this world created them to be! 
Praise God!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Stay Prayed Up!!

Something is brewing, something big spiritually! 
There is to many things lining up in the natural, to many signs, for nothing to be going on spiritually! 
I do not know what it is but God has revealed to me so many things last couple days on personal level and spiritual level.. Bringing so much to my attention and I know that I know something is coming!
Be  in prayer! Cover your loved ones in prayer! Keep your spiritual eyes open! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Let Go of Fear And Let Faith Lead!!

What if you try something new and fail?
What if you step out in Faith and fall down?
What if you do? But then again what if you fly!!
This life is much more than allowing the "what ifs" to rule your life!
We should want to one day be able to look back on our life and say: I did everything I have ever dreamed of doing and I followed Jesus everywhere he told me to Go! I let Faith lead me and I ignored the fear!"
Spread those wings and soar and allow Your Faith to be the key to unlock the cage of fear!

Fatherless Generation

Pain, Fear...
Hurt, Future unclear...
Drugs, Sex, Oppression..
Anger, Violence, Desperation.
A heart that has grown cold,
A vision hidden never to be told,
Looking for love on the streets,
Looking For Hope, hiding reality with every hit of dope,
Searching, Hiding,
Fighting, Dying,
Tomorrow is another day they say,
But what about the ones who lost their life to the game today?
We have to stop this madness,Can you not see? 
And that starts with you and with me!
Babies having babies,
And the cycle continues,
Girls getting used and abused,
All in the name of love,
What have we become?
We hide within the shadows of the steeple,
We no longer are moved by the cries of desperation from  our people.
We are comfortable in our little groups in the pews,
Ignoring the cries of help for we feel there is nothing we can do,
Wake up!
We were created for this!
We were created to be Jesus with skin and not lucifer with a grin!
Ignore your selfish pride and no longer behind the pastor hide.
We are loosing this battle the truth be told!
We are loosing this fight no matter how many wanna say what's wrong is wrong and what's right is right!
We are suppose to love the person and hate the sin,
We were created to look past what they do and look at the Child of God within!
Instead so many throw the bible in the lost ones face,
And condemn them to hell,
And tell them their life is a disgrace.
We then wonder why so many have fallen away,
We scared them off with the religious doomsday.
We were created by love to be love! 
Not by hate to judge their ways! 
We have to get it together it's almost to late,
For the enemy is telling them their identity and their fate.
We have to come together as one body of Christ and Release a Holy Ghost intervention,
To bring The Love of our Father to  this Fatherless Generation!

Thursday, July 9, 2015


For so many years now I have prayed and prayed for God to move me out of this town I live in. See this town is where I have lived for 20 years now and this is where I have had my darkest moments on drugs, prostituting (over 11 years ago).
This town is also where I have had my greatest Victories and Blessings: Being delivered from the darkness, my children's birth, and learning to be independent on so many spiritual levels. 
I have faced many demons here and I have seen the glorious work of Jesus' hand. I have cried so many tears here and I have shouted in Praise until I was unable to talk;) 
I have lost loved ones here who have went home to Abba and I have gained new family members whom I adore.
God is not going to move me out of my town, at least not in this season, and I know now it is because This is My town where God will use me to stand up to the enemy, the darkness and with the mighty Army of angels surrounding me...Jesus will use me as a vessel To Shout and Proclaim, as Moses did, "Let My People Go!!"
This is My Town! Where I once walked the streets looking for work, where I shot up drugs in bathrooms of gas stations, I was once a prisoner of darkness but now I am my fathers daughter! The streets I walked to work at night I now walk Proclaiming the unending Love of Jesus! There is Power and Freedom in His name!
Yes Huntsville is my Town and The mighty Revival will be released soon;) MP

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

You Have To Let Go To Be Free!

When you just let go of it all Jesus can step in  and turn everything around! Get your eyes off of people and onto Jesus and you will be Amazed about how much unnecessary pressure is relieved by one touch of the Masters hand! 
People will fail you always that is a given fact! People will do things that you do not a agree with! People will talk about you and People will even question your walk with the Lord! But none of that matters! What matters is the sweet Love of Jesus we share with those who are in need of Love, of Hope!! 
Don't allow the enemy to get you sidetracked by people who want to cause your grief! That is just the tactic the enemy is using to try and get you to not move forward and stay in the past! Let it Go!! 
I did and I feel as free as the wings of an eagle soaring above! 
Freedom comes in Letting Go!!!! 

Out Of The Darkness

Out of the darkness arises Hope! Out of your Pain Arises the strength to keep going!
Out of your despair arises Love everlasting! 
Jesus brought us out of the Prison of sin and bondage into His beautiful courts of Praise! He could have left us where he found us and turned and walked away but he did not Because he saw in us not what we were but who  we can be.. who we were created to be! This world saw a mess but Sweet Jesus saw a Victorious Warrior! 
What a Mighty Savior we Serve! So in Love!!MP