Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hallelujah Our God Reigns

   "Hallelujah our God reigns" these beautiful  lyrics of  truth were playing in my heart as I woke up this morning. I am So Thankful that Our God reigns..the only True Living God. 
No matter the craziness that is going on in this world and No matter the Evil that tries to overtake this world..One thing remains to be true and that is Our God is the God above All and He is in Control! He alone will bring those that are blinded by darkness back into His Love Light of Freedom. He alone will cause the Evil to disappear with One Word from Him. He Alone is the Sun the rises and the Moon that shines at night. He alone is the reason we Are So Blessed! No matter Who is President, or Leader Our God Reigns! He alone is Our Hope in Glory! He alone can humble the Proud and Raise up the Meek! He alone Can cast out the Demons and Heal the sick! Praise God!!
If our country We Love So... Will humble themselves and cry out to God then He will save our land. 
God is the beginning and the end and the Abba of our beings. 
So yes Hallelujah Our God Reigns!MP

Monday, March 30, 2015

See people with your Spirit

Have you ever been completely totaly wrong about a person or people?? Well I have and it took a lot of tears but God finally was able to get me to listen to what He was teaching me through the heartache and that is this: when you see a person with your heart  (flesh) and not listen to your spirit (Holy Spirit led) then you see them through your woundings, through your own way of thinking, and sometimes through hopeful/wishful thinking. 
But when you see them with your spirit (Holy Spirit led) then you see them  Through Grace, through Love and you are accurate about who they are even if the accuracy isn't pleasant you would rather see them for who they really are now then go through the heartache of discovering who they are later!MP

Fight Fire with Fire

You can read every book there is and talk to every counselor to help you with the battle going on in your mind...but until you know that you know that you are more than a conqueror and you know that you know you have the power through Jesus to walk on scorpions and snakes, meaning you have the power over darkness within... Then the battle will rage! 
You have to get the Word, the living Word, within your being so that in your time of need you can pull from the hidden word in your heart and fight fire with fire! 
I never understood what it means to hide Gods word in your heart until I was faced with a mighty battle and all of sudden the Word came to mind and I was able to fight the lies of the enemy with the Truth of the Bible and Peace was still!MP

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Live today!

Who you are today is not who you were yesterday and you are not yet who you will be. So give yourself break! Laugh at yourself! Just Be... Because the harder you try to make life happen instead of just allowing life to happen..you miss out on life! 
Do not allow yourself to become so focused on tomorrow that you miss the ️Blessings of today! MP

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Rejection is Acceptance where God is Moving you

Every closed door..every time you felt unwanted..every time you felt like an outcast...every "No"..All of this was setting you  up for God to reposition you to where He wants you to be! And where you are meant to be there is No rejection and no stand offish of people but you will be surrounded with Love! Because the One True Love brought you to where He knew you will be accepted and loved and you will be used!
Just gotta Trust in Jesus and ignore the Fear and Take that step of Faith!
I did and I have to say I'm never looking back:) Praise God!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My Child of Hope

My Child of Hope,
You are positioned in life exactly where I want you to be, exactly where my Glory will be shown. You are in the season of positioning and transitioning into the person I created you to be. Your Faith and Trust will be tested so that I can build them stronger and more obedient to me.
My Love,  I am yours and I will never leave you alone to face a trial. 
When the winds of change are blowing and the waves of the storms in life come crashing upon you..I am there. When you are faced with such doubt and fear tries to overcome..I am there. When the stresses of the day way heavy on you and the burdens of your heart become to much to handle..I am there. I am there sweet child of mine I am Always there! 
You do not have to face this alone! You do not have to wonder where I have gone. It is in those moments of feeling like I have left you..in those moments I am so close holding you in my arms. 
My Child, Do not believe the lies of the enemy saying that I have gone away from you and left you and saying that  I am not for you. Those lies are the tactics of the enemy to try and make you think that I do not love you. The fact is my love for you is so strong and so real that Nothing, Nothing, can ever separate you from my love. The enemy knows this and that is why He tries with all his might to make you feel all alone and isolated. 
Blessed One, you are surrounded with such a cloud of witnesses that are there for you, cheering you on every step. and my love is everlasting to everlasting..always and forever! 
My love is the key to unlock the hidden treasures within your heart. My love is the voice in the wilderness and the light in the darkness. My love is the very essence of your being penetrating through every wall of doubt and every chain of fear. My love is the hope in the madness and the safe harbor in the storm of life. My love cancels every assignment of the enemy and speaks truth to every lie told to try and get you to stumble. My love, Child My love is Enough.
And You are My Precious, Amazing Child! In whom I am so Proud! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Be the Change

We all have different opinions and different views of things in life. Nobody's opinion is better than the other. So what's the point of causing unnecessary drama and strife because one persons opinion is different than yours. We are all just living this life the best we know how and striving to make a better life for the generation that comes up behind us! What we as a family of God do have in common is the Redeeming, life giving, Hope restoring Love of a Father who Blessed us with His Son in whom we are Co Heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven! So we should be Life givers not Hate breeders! We should strive to lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. We need to be the bearers of hope and not the stealers of Joy! We should strive to be like Jesus and not a carbon copy of this world!
We are united together to bring Glory to God and Not to ourselves or this world.
Together We can make a difference, but disconnected we will fall. 
Be the Change you want to See instead of waiting for the change to come.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Love Love Love!

People search for the meaning of life, the meaning of existence..and the meaning is simple. LOVE. To love the father and  the son. To love one another through acts of love daily, forgiveness, and Trust. So many people do not comprehend the very power of Love!

Love can make a weak man strong and can cause the strong to be humbled. Love can turn a hostile situation into a time of forgiveness. Love can give you the courage you need to step out of your comfort zone into the unknown. Love can cause you to have the confidence you need that you have never had before..so much confidence and faith  that so you can say to the mountain to move and it will obey. Love can bring peace  and the lack of Love can cause a war. Love allows you to go beyond reason and have hope in the unknown, in the whats to be. 
Love is and was and will Always Be.

Love forgives and holds no grudges. Love shows Grace when you have been hurt and heals the pain of rejection. Love is Free and is all around. Love can be found in the laughter of a child or the tear of a mother. Love can be found when you see someone giving a helping hand to someone on the streets or you see someone assisting someone across the street. Love is when you want so bad to Run but you stay and try one more day! Love is the glue to the puzzle pieces of your life coming together. Love is Alive! 
Love is believing that there is someone out there for you and Love gives you the courage to hold out and wait for the day you meet.
Love is Crying instead of screaming. Love is doing what you know you are to do even if it makes no sense at all! 
Love is taking that next step after your world has fallen apart. 
Love is seeing beauty in the darkest places and watching it bloom when Love comes and showers the seed of hope.
Love is Trusting in people even after they have hurt you. Love is having people you have hurt trust in you once more. Love is Grace wrapped up in Faith and being birthed into your destiny for  God.
Love is the Answer always no matter the Anger, opposition, or the hate that you are faced with..Love! 
No matter if you feel there are mountains in front of you that you can not cross...Love
No matter if you scream and kick your way down the path of righteousness with Jesus. You still keep going because of Love!
No matter if you feel you are all alone and there is no one for you..Love gives you the courage to stand up and say "Though none go with me still I will follow Jesus!"
The definition of Jesus is LOVE!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Very truthful! If God is moving you on and you stay where you are then you  are hindering the work God wants to do through you elsewhere! Ignore the fear of change and allow the Love of God to be your strength in this transition!  This is a good thing God moving you on to a Fresh start and New Beginning! He sees growth in you and time to uproot you to plant you in a field of ️Blessings! Stay focused on Him and He will guide you through the door of change into the destiny of tomorrow! MP

There is a lesson in the Pain!

With every heart break and with everytime you have been wounded... There was a lesson to be learned. It may have taken the heartache or the wounding to happen over and over but still there was something there in the pain to gain..to learn.
I know for me I have learned so much over past years of wounding and heartache and I think the main lesson is that people can be down right rude and hateful and also just because you may love with all your heart...not everyone does! 
See hurting people hurt people they just do! I have done it countless times.. Im not proud of that fact but I have. 
When your heart is broken and someone you love dearly wounds you... You can not stay in the pain or you will become prisoner of that pain which will lead to a victimization state of mind..where you feel everyone is out to hurt you or to get you. Or if you stay prisoner of that pain you will allow your heart to become cold and trust is no longer in your vocabulary! 
I've been there and I have gone done both! It wasn't until God grew me up just a little more that His lesson to just..let it go and pray for them..it finally sunk in.
Not everyone is always going to like you and Not everyone is always going to approve of you and that is ok! 
You were not placed in this world to make everyone else happy! You were created to bring Glory to God and one of the best ways to do that is let others see Jesus in you when instead of allowing that pain to rule you... You allow forgiveness and unconditional love to flow through you! MP

Let go of the mess

To gain the best you have to let go of the Mess!
To move forward in your walk
You have to do much more than talk the talk!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Stop Hustling and Start Trusting

If you want Jesus to show up and show out in your life then you are going to have to give him the chance to! Instead of you always scheming to find a way to make things work and working on a way to fix things quickly.
Why don't you stop hustling and start trusting in God! MP

Do Not Judge

Let me be real!!! Do not judge anyone because you do not know their story and their heartache to get them to where they are today!
I will be real about another problem. I have very thin hair to the point you can see my scalp on some places. I don't like this at all Ofcourse! I'm soon to be 35 with balding places. So when people look at me I know some see just the thinning hair and my scalp and not me, my heart. I know this is true cause I've had people ask me what's wrong with my hair so thin. I honestly don't know why it's gotten so thin. I've always had thin hair and with each child it just got thinner and thinner. I would love love love to have hair! But that's not in my cards to have thick beautiful hair...my point is do not judge anyone's outward appearance because if you do you miss out on getting to know a pretty amazing person, a Warrior with a heart of Gold, A Child of God! MP

Sunday, March 15, 2015


If God tells you something to do, then do it! No matter what anyone says do what God has told you to do! There is a lesson in the blessing if you choose to obey!
If God shows you something that will be in the future and it gives you such sweet Hope and excitement hold on to it! 
No power of Hell will take it from you if you hold on to the promise of God! People may try to defer you from the vision God has given you, do not let them! You know that you know it is true and will be no matter what anyone says! Hold on so tightly to that hope and let it fuel your faith into tomorrow! MP

Friday, March 13, 2015

Religion Condemns...Jesus Sets Free!

Religion tells you "Look at what you did" 
Jesus says "You are Redeemed"

Religion Judges you By actions
Jesus looks upon your heart! 

Religion is based on Rules
Jesus is based on Love!

Religion puts chains of condemnation on you
Jesus says You Are Free and Never Condemns!!

Religion has caused a whole generation to turn from Jesus because they felt they could never be perfect enough to come to Jesus because they always failed. 
They formed in their minds that all Christians are Hypocrites because we teach one thing and do another. 
See Christian Leaders could not even follow through with all the rules that Religion placed on them and some folded under the pressure and so when people who were following those leaders and on lookers saw leaders  buckle under pressure that is when they  formed the opinion in their hearts that ALL Christians are Hypocrites and Never follow through with what they teach.
Religion could not be any further from the Heart of Jesus, Who He is, What He stands for!
This is why we have to continue to Love no matter what and Never with judgment all those who have turned their backs on Jesus. We have to show them that Jesus Loves them right where they are! NO matter what they are doing Jesus WILL and Desires to meet them right where they are and Love them to the Cross! 
People fail to realize that being "Bible Pushers" and just quoting scriptures at people one after another will never ever  bring them to the feet of Jesus! 
Jesus says to Love them Love them to Him and not to Condemn them with "you will go to Hell" bible verses. 
Allow the Love of Jesus you share with them to open their hearts door and then they will be ready to receive  the Promises of Jesus from the Bible.
Never Judge by your eyes but allow the Love of Jesus to lead you into the depths of His Grace in another. 
Religion Holds Prisoners and Jesus sets Captives Free!MP

Child of the World

My Child of the World,
You are wandering around as if you have no sight. You go from place to place searching for me and you find nothing..you cry out to me "Where are you God?" and you hear nothing.
Do you not see, Do you not  know that if you choose to walk the path of your own choice and watch what you want to watch and listen to what you want to listen to..Do you not know that the world will creep in so sneakily and will cause you to turn your eyes from me and your heart to the  lusts of the flesh that you watch and  cause you to be double minded and cause you to seek out temporary pleasure that can cause life long pain.
You have to guard you heart for out of it the river of life flows to others. You have to guard your eyes for they are the opening to your soul and you have to guard your mind for it is where the evil tries to come through and poison you, your spirit, and heart.
So until you can repent and turn from your evil ways you will not hear my voice. Not because I do not love but because I love you, I allow you to choose your way or my way..your will be done or my will be done. 
I am always here when you decide you are done and you are ready for real love and everlasting peace that can only come from the Father through me to you. I will be right here waiting with a heart full of love and no judgment and no condemnation. You are my beloved and I will wait on you! You have to want to know me and want to have me in your life. I will not push myself on you but will increase my presence upon your asking for me to.
So cry out to me and I will give you rest! Run to me and I will deliver you from all that tries to hold you down! Pray to me and I will set forth in motion the Deliverance that you are so in need of and so desperate for.
Forever I will love you and together I will guide you into the life you have prayed for and into the destiny I have waiting for you.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Be Honest and Open

Everyone has someone who looks up to them. I just want to say to be honest and open about things your struggle with or issues you are going through! That way people can see God at work in your life because you are still standing and are making it with the strength of Jesus within! Way to often we see and hear people always saying positive things and they seem in a way not real because you never hear them talking and confessing they too have issues and struggles they face daily! 
You will reach many more people for Jesus if you are real and honest and tell them you are not perfect, far from it..and you face this and that everyday! 
That's how I live and will always live and that is honest and open about my life, my past, my daily struggles because it's not in the "perfect image" people see God but it is in the brokenness and the humble!
Somebody needs to hear what you deal with because they deal with it also and feel all alone! 
The greatest encouragement you can tell someone is "Hey you know I have this problem but look what Jesus can do and is doing to help me overcome and He will do same for you!"MP

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Time to Move On

You have to move forward when Jesus closes a door. I know it's hard to leave what you have known, where you have grown, and people you have formed relationships with. But in order for God to position you where the Destiny He has for you to come forth then to let go is to grow! Jesus would Never move you from somewhere without taking you into a higher dimension of His Glory! Trust and Believe! What is to be is much greater than what you leave behind! MP

Stepping Stones

The struggles you are facing today are the stepping stones into the destiny that awaits you! So do not allow hopelessness to overcome you! Instead allow the sorrow you feel to be the fuel to push you deeper into Jesus than ever before! Lean on Him in this time and he will exalt you above all that tries to bring you down. Allow the sweet Love of Jesus to be your strength and His word your shield!MP

Sunday, March 8, 2015

You Are Free, Freedom is a Choice

You Have been made Redeemed by Jesus. But it's your choice to live Redeemed or to live as a Victim. You still have your will that Jesus will not bypass. You have to make the choice to live Redeemed! 
You are no longer a prisoner so take off the chains you keep on because you feel unworthy or ashamed. God says you are Free and no longer a prisoner if you choose to be.
I think some people live in pain and torment for so long when they get the chance to be free they get scared and remain a prisoner even though the prison door is open. 
Freedom and Redemption is yours for the taking. Peace is a gift that has to be received. You can choose to not take it and live in turmoil but my friend life is so much sweeter with Peace and Freedom! 
Take that step of Faith and let the chains fall to the floor! Experience the life giving power of Redemption! What's the worse that can happen you will be free? If you don't like it you can always return to captivity. That's what freedom of will is. Jesus loves you so much that if you want to stay a victim in your own prison he will let you.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


You have to fight!! You have to take a stand against the lies of the enemy that have been tormenting you and keeping you isolated! You have to say "No More!" And refuse to give up!! You have to fight! Take back what the enemy has stolen and take back all that was lost! You have the power, mighty power of God within you to fight this battle and win!!! 
To many people, including me at times, just take the lies and torment and allow it to depress and bring down and keep captive!They do not use the power of God against the enemy!! 
Refuse to be stuck in the pit that your in! Take the first step of crying out to Jesus and then put action behind those words and move! Do something!! It can be as simple as getting off the couch and stop watching those TV shows the fuels the enemy attacks. Or it could be speaking the name of Jesus over and over outloud! Whatever it is in your life that you need to do to stop the madness do it!!! Pray! Read scriptures aloud! Listen to Praise Music! Do Something!!!
The enemy keeps you prisoner and away from people by isolation because the gift you have within is so powerful and He knows this! People need you! People need that love you have within! People need your Beautiful spirit and the Presence of Jesus you carry!!
Fight! Get up do something!! Get out of Isolation! You can do this! You Got this! Jesus is with you to give you the courage and strength to move on!MP

Friday, March 6, 2015

Free As A Beautiful Dove

The battle is over,
it is finished.
You made it through,
look at what your Faith in me can do.
You did not give up,
You finished  another obstacle of this race.
You pushed through,
by the power of My Grace.
There were days when all you could do was cry,
there were days when all you could do was scream why.
But you kept your head above the pain,
you kept ahold of My Name.
So Sweet Child the sun is shining once more,
for you have made it past the harsh waves and onto the peaceful shore.
You are a Conqueror, a Warrior tried and true,
I am so very Proud of you!
You stood your ground and stood firm,
your faith did not wither and now  it is in full bloom.
You are my Beautiful Bride, My Precious One so Strong and so Glorious,
To me you are more than Victorious!
You are more beautiful than the rarest diamond or ruby dont you see,
To me you are my everything!
So enjoy the Blessings that are coming  your way!
For you faced your fears and now Precious Child you are on your way!
Another battle  and you were not defeated,
Another storm,
and you trusted in me!
I am your Strength and you are My Love,
You are now Free to live,
Free as a beautiful Dove!


My Child of Faith,
You are Never Alone to walk this path in life! I am for you and Never against you. You just have to stop fighting my love. Before you were born you were called by name. I knew you while you were in your mothers womb. I knew you before you were even created. I captured you heart, your very essence in my love and you were created to be a Child of God. 
Child, So don't you see I have loved you since before time. So why do you question my love, my ways, my provision and protection over you. Out of guilt and fear you try to hide and push me away. Nothing you can say or ever do will ever separate you from my deep love for you that I have. I adore you and I long for you to be by my side on this journey. I will never walk ahead of you but will walk beside you and guide you with my love. 
Yes I do chasten you to correct you and teach you but even then I do this out of love for you. I know sweet Child I know how there are days that you just look around you and you scream within "Will things ever Change" and in that moment of desperation you lose Faith in me. I understand that desperate cry because I feel what you are feeling and the hope that fades away from you breaks my heart. If only you could see the big picture, If only you could see how I go before you preparing the way. I am removing any road blocks or anything that may come to cause you to fall. I am guiding and orchestrating all for your Destiny to come forth and for you to birth into the atmosphere the greatness that is within to bring Glory to Father.
My Love, I believe in you and will always believe in you for I know that you are a Mighty Fortress waiting to be released. And in due time, the correct time I shall release you into that which you have been waiting for, dreaming of. In due time you shall reap a harvest of Blessings that will exceed your wildest imagination. 
So just hold on and trust in me a little while longer, in time, in due season, you will see this battle and this process has all been worth it. 
Every Tear, Every sleepless night, every day of loneliness, all your prayers have not be in vain my Precious One! With my Fatherly heart and my loving arms I am singing Shouts of Praise to Abba for I am leaping with excitement for what is about to be. Your Alabaster of Praise I hold dear to my heart and will be your cornerstone on a day soon to be.
Sweet Love, Allow me to lavish all  the promises of my heart upon you this day as you take that step of Faith into the Light of Tomorrow which is birthed by your trust in me today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

For my girls

She's my baby, my little girl
The only thing at times that makes sense in this crazy world 
How can this be
God Gave this beautiful gift to me
She's the right amongst the wrongs
She's the meaning of every love song
She's the rose amongst life's thorns
She's everything that I could wish for
She's everything that I ever hoped for and so much more
Yes she's my baby, she is my little girl.

Comfort Zone

Ignore the fear that resides in your mind. The thoughts of what could happen and what ifs.. Allow your Faith to move you into the unknown..stepping out with Jesus by your side. 
When you move out of your comfort zone you will see that the fear that held you captive was false and all the thoughts of what could happen never come to be!
Destiny is birthed when your comfort zone becomes the Holy Throne by baby steps into the unknown!
Jesus is with you and you will Never know what the spirit of Jesus within is capable of until you move!
One step of Faith produces an atmosphere of Grace!MP

Monday, March 2, 2015

Happily Ever After

It is Never to late to go after that life long dream you have kept buried away because you thought your time had passed! The only limits you have are the ones you place upon yourself!
Age should not determine your dream! Your dream does not have an age limit! 
So take that step of Faith and Go after that Dream!
Dreams materialize when Faith and Hope collide with Destiny! 
Just Believe!MP

Pray for Addict and Pray for their Family

Drugs have are no respector of person! It does not matter if you live in the suburbs or the projects. It does not matter if you are a lawyer or a homeless person. It does not matter you color, age, sex, religious beliefs. Drugs will take over anyone who it wants if you open the door for it too!! 
The scary thing is now the #1 drug that people are OD on is legal heroin, which are pain pills. You can go to any doctor and get these pills or any ER. Yes the medical field has made progress in stricter rules and regulations regarding the distribution of pain medication but they can never completely knock it out because there are people who legitly need the pain medication. 
I for one refuse to take any pain medication just because I know my past and I do not want to add any fuel to the fire. Just because I have been clean for almost 11 years does not mean I am able to take pain meds. I am sure I will be just fine to take them but I do not want to open that door.
Please pray for guidance to those who have loved ones suffering from any type of addiction. The anger, guilt, and heartache they feel needs the Peace of God to overwhelm them. It's much easier to be on the outside and say "Just give it to God" then to be the loved one who out of their love can't let go! I am there I understand!
Please keep the one addicted in your prayers because they are miserable they really are. They might not admit it but deep down they know this is not living. Please pray they find the strength to reach out for help and the courage to admit to themselves they can not overcome this on their own. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dance with Our Father

How Abba longs to dance with us. To hold us near in His fatherly embrace. Like a child, we rest our heads softly on His shoulders as we sway back and forth. And in that serene moment of love and peace you hear the sweet laugh of our father. A laugh of pure glee as He holds us so close to His heart. 
Jesus longs for us to have a close intimate relationship with Him. We just need to allow our spirits to be free and our hearts open for the Dance with our Father. Heart to heart forever together and never part. MP