Thursday, August 28, 2014

Never Ever Give Up!!

One of the greatest life lessons I have learned thus far is not to give up! Because in that moment of not giving up your miracle, your breakthrough is about to be released! I found this to be true on numerous occasions! I have had issues from past arise and try to get me to go back to the life I knew, and honestly a few times I did couple years ago. But those moments of weakness when I just held on to the seam of Jesus' garment and did not fall back, not long after the breakthrough I have been in earnest prayer about had come to past! I think you are greatly tested right before you are blessed with a breakthrough or you are getting ready to advance in the kingdom, because God wants to invest so much into your spirit but He needs to know He can trust you with what he wants to give to you.
The trial may be long and may be hard and you may feel you are being attacked from every angle! Just know you are not alone and we all go through a season when it feels like the trials just dont give up and soon as one is over it seems another one begins! But once the trials have past and you look back over them you will be so proud that you did not give up because that which was meant to destroy you only made you stronger and you can see the hand of God on you in those trials!
Remember saints are not born they are made by not giving up!

There is Life after a Broken Heart

Heart Break is an interesting thing~ It can so easily be turned into anger because of the overwhelming sadness and loss that you feel. Heart Break takes a while to mend and sometimes it never mends and all that is there is a scar which becomes unforgiveness and sometimes you take upon yourself and you feel unworthiness. Heartbreak will either Break you.. ..or Make you become stronger person! Choose the later one! Choose to be stronger! It is up to you! I know that doesn't sound true! But I have recently experienced heartbreak and it took me by surprise and I was down and out but then I chose to be happy, I chose to be whole, I chose to get out of bed, wipe the tears and move on! It will still hurt and will for a while. But being able to be productive and keeping your mind busy is the easiest way to get over a relationship or relationships that did not work!
Why did this happen? You may be asking yourself.  You may never know the reason Why someone did what they did to you but you do know that if they could not see your worth and stand by you and love you then its better to be without them! Because the pain you feel without them is nothing compared to the pain you felt with them!
So just Believe  that It will get better and the tears will get fewer! And you will one day be able to trust again and love again without second guessing everything and everyone!
Jesus is the mender of the broken heart! He will mend your heart together and give you peace in this moment of weakness! Go to Him and do not search out other avenues of  temporary happiness to fill that void! You ARE Worth far more than you know! and you DO DESERVE to be HAPPY and to be LOVED!!!!!

Give the load to God, and free yourself of Stress!

Trust, believe, Have Faith! You have got this!! God is right there with you just waiting for you to give the load to him! But the trick is you have to give it to Him to be free of the load! You do not have to take the world on your shoulders! That is all your choice! God never asked you too! And yet we tend to get so angry and blame it on God when we crumble under stress. God never intended us to be stressed and weighed down! He has always Said He is there to help us to live this life abundantly! He does not say He is going to give us stress! You know why?? Stress is not of Him, we get stressed when we take upon ourselves that which we were never meant to take upon ourselves, and so by doing so we try to be "God" of  our lives because we can fix any issue in our life and do not ask for help! We take ourselves out from under the covering of God when we do so and by this Stress is upon us! I have and tend to do this so many times! 

That is  why so many people respond with "then why is this all happening" when they are told "He will Never give you to much that you can not handle"  Well, Did you not take upon your self to stress over small things that ended up leading to big things because you never trusted in God in the beginning to fix the issue because you thought that you could fix  it and now that you know that you can not fix it you are to upset to go to God to fix the issue because you know deep down that if you had went to him in the beginning that all this stress and worry would never have been because you gave it to God!
(that is a lot of fixin! yes I said fixin:) I am from Alabama and it is in my vocabulary)

Now I know there are unforeseen events that happen that cause us to "lose it" for a minuet: like death, illness, etc...I am not talking about those things.

I can say all this because I battle with trusting God in so many areas! I am not proud of this just being honest! I have learned through every circumstance though He is able and Always provides the way! 

Through the Pain, Trust in God!

Jesus gave this to me to write to a dear friend but also think there are others that need to now this to! 

In the craziness of this life and in the moments that are the hardest to bear..we tend to scream on the inside "what is going on!!" Its in those moments of despair and or confusion that we are being transformed into that which God has created us to be in the beginning of time! When God is growing you up spiritually there are growing pains just like children have! It hurts! And sometimes it can be almost unbearable!  Because the way of life that you knew before Christ still has pieces of what was left behind and so God is refining you and burning away all that is not of Him! But God is just waiting for you to call out to him and to trust in Him for He knows that which we can not see and He is more than able to calm the raging sea that seems at time to almost defeat you! Call upon for clarity! and If he does not answer that is because in this season He is wanting you to Trust in Him above all else! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hunger for the Upper Room

There is a Hunger that is growing so strong! Hunger for truth! Hunger for no more fake sugar coated evangelism!! Hunger for the Upper Room Experience and Not a Performance in a place where everyone is looking at each other and not a God! Hunger for The Real True Love of Christ to shower down and Knowledge of His Word and His Kingdom to be the main event and not a concert, a play, or some type of dance! Hunger for Jesus to be once again the Center of the Church and no longer Man!!

    Time is drawing oh so near when the True Followers of Christ are going to be brought together in one place in one accord! And there are going to be so many who will not be there and many will be shocked! But then Jesus voice will sound from the Heavens to those who are not in the place with the Chosen Ones of God:  "You did all "your"works in my name but not with My leading and My Blessings, You led my sheep blindly into the meadow and left them there while you went to the Hills with the others  to bring glory to your name! You may have fooled the multitudes but I always have known your heart!"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

MY Warrior, My Child

My Warrior, My Child:
Do not grow weary in well doing. For the time has come to rage battle against that which is meant to steal, kill, and destroy. All that you have experienced, every trial, every test, every set back, all of it has prepared you for such a time as this. Many will fall away from me in this season, that means greater the harvest. Time to put aside any ideological ideas you have and just let your Faith and your love for lost souls be the fuel that leads you into battle. You are a mighty warrior and no one can do what I am getting ready to ask of you to do. No one can go where I am going to send you. No one can reach the people that are waiting for you to rescue them with me as your guide.
You are living in dark times but the light that is within you is going to cause even the evilest of darkness to hide in fear. It is time my precious child! Your time to take your stand among the saints that have gone on before you and are right there with you cheering you on! My battle cry is near! Let the deaf ignore and those that have ears to hear:  PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD!!

To the child within

To the little girl that is within,
I am sorry for the pain you have went through,
I am sorry for all that was done to you.
I am sorry your innocence that was lost,
At such a young age you had to pay the cost.
I am sorry you always felt unworthy of love,
All alone to face this world and you felt you had no one.
I am sorry the ones who were meant to protect you had their own issues going on,
You were left to cuddle yourself to sleep and wish that the Sun would soon make the night be gone.
You felt like an orphan for so many years,
But you always hid your crying and wiped away your tears.
For to cry means you are weak,
And that makes you easy for defeat.
I am sorry no one rescued you and held you for so long,
You were all alone in  All those different foster homes.
I am sorry  I neglected you for so many years,
Left you all alone with your pain and overtaken with fear.
Now you are free,
You don't have to be afraid.
We are safe at last and we are loved so true,
We no longer have to run, no one will hurt you.
We are learning how to live a life free from our past,
We are learning what pure love is at last.
So you may now rest with no anxiety,
I am now taking care and loving me!

You Are Loved!

You are so loved above all that this world has to give to you as "love". You are loved with a love that is pure and Holy. You are loved with a love that is unconditional and never leaves. You are a loved with a love that will strengthen you to the point you know that with this love no mountain is to high to climb. You are loved with a love that takes away any doubt and fear and gives to you hope and faith. You are loved with a love that loves you when you think that you are at your worse and loves you just the same when you are at your best. You are loved with a love that forgives all that was and is and will be, because this love does not keep a record of all "wrong" you have done, but instead this love makes you spotless and Holy. You are loved far deeper and intimately than you have ever been and will ever be by anyone on this earth. You are loved with a love that is so pure, that when you feel just a little of this love you break down in tears because it is all you have ever wanted and what you have always been searching for. You are loved with a love that no darkness can withstand because this love is the love light of Jesus and darkness has no power and no strength when this love light is shinning. Its the moment that you take yourself out of this love light that darkness tries to overcome. You are loved with a love that knows the future that is for you and this love prepares your heart for whats to be. You are loved with a love that transcends time and space. You are loved with a love that is the fabric of your being. You are loved by Love! You are a child of Love! You are all that Love ever dreamed of. You are created to Love and Be Loved by Love! JESUS is LOVE!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Step of Faith

Stepping out on my own.,
Leaving the comforts of a place I called home.
Learning to Trust once again,
Allowing Jesus to Heal the hurt within.

I may  not know this path but God I know that you do,
I will go for you have asked me to.
The loneliness will turn into love,
For I am free, free as a dove.

Free to be who you created me to be,
Free to feel without any doubt and no more lies.
Free to spread my wings and fly,
With you Jesus as my guide.

I am taking a huge step of Faith,
Knowing you will lead me Jesus along the way.
For where you are Jesus is where I long to be,
Because where you are is Home to me.

I may cry tears of loss,
but I will keep my eyes focused on the cross.
For you would never lead me,
where your spirit would not keep me.

You are my Shepard , and I am your child
You are my beloved, forever more my everything.
In you I abide,  In you I confide,
In you I am free, In you I give to you me.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

You have to have a day just for you!! Its OK:)

To be awakened with sweet peace that floods your soul and to have the love assurance of Jesus just  saturate your being is so much better than waking up not wanting to get out of bed because another same ole same ole day taking care of everyone!
So why do we sometimes choose the not wanting to get out of bed instead of the sweet peace? Because we get so tired and so worn out spiritually speaking! We get so burnt out on seeing so much , trying so hard, and always being the one that is the caregiver, that we just want to lay in bed and just be! We love being a caregiver its not that! But so many times we give, give, give, that we have nothing else to give and that is where being burnt out and having that "whats the point" mentality arises.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with laying in bed and giving in to self pity for a little while! I think it is actually good to lay in bed and  rest and you become the one who needs to be loved and you become the one who needs taken care of, instead of you always taking care of everybody else.. you are always tending to their needs, counseling their issues...its ok to have an off day and just lay in bed and rest!!! And if there is a pity party going on too that is ok! Its when  the pity turns into depression that it becomes a problem!
So stop being so hard on yourself and accept the fact that you are just a human and not a super hero and you need to have a down day, just for you!
God even took a day out to rest:)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Unconditional Love of a Savior

To know that you are loved beyond reason, beyond any kind of love that you have ever felt, is life changing! To know that nothing you can ever do can make Jesus love you any less or anymore than he does right now is freedom!
This type of love gives you the courage you need to face everyday with certainty that you will be OK and that you will overcome any obstacle that comes into your path.
This type of love gives you the strength you need to do what you have to do to become one step closer to the destiny that God has for you.
This type of love saturates your being  so much that it just flows out to all you come in contact with and makes you want to share this love.
This type of love can make anything that is in your life that is not of God to disappear, because this type of love is light and darkness can not stay where there is light.
This type of love makes you want to chase after the dreams that you have had dormant within. It gives your Faith in the unknown, whats to be, a mighty growth, to the point that you have no doubt that what God has spoken into your spirit will come to be!
This type of Love leaves you hungry to know more and more about the one who loves you with such unconditional love!
This type of love makes all other love seem so small. Because this type of love is life giving and Hope sustaining with the power of the Holy Spirit you can mount up on wings of eagles and soar to the top of the highest mountain with no fear of falling because you know Love is your guide and Love is your shield forever more, everyday until you take your last breath and are in Heaven with Love!

So no matter what you may be facing and no matter what the enemy says, You ARE  created with Love and you ARE Love and you ARE so deeply LOVED!

 When you have experienced this type of love, a combination of:  Love of a father, respect of a friend, guidance as a teacher,  pure as the innocence of a child,  everlasting and forever enduring patience of a mother, and Heart of our savior..You will NEVER be the Same!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

We have to teach them to fight!!

She Never knew she had a voice, She never knew she had a choice.
She Never knew that Pure Love could be, She Never tried to Break Free.

I have met so many people that have been silenced  by the enemy and have settled for what is now and never searching out for what could be. I have also met people who have given up on life and just live day to day feeling this is all there is and just counting down the days pretty much until their departure from this world.
Some people I have met have to be high on some substance or drunk to feel that they are even alive! They have to be on substances to be happy.
So many just settle for the battle they are in and give in to it, Never knowing that they have the power to stand and break free from the chains that bind them. No they just stay silent and keep the chains on them because they don't know there is another way!
The lies of the enemy can be so convincing and so debilitating. The lies don't come at you when you are at your best, No they come when you are already at your lowest and the lies just push you closer and closer to the edge and you are convinced that this is how it is always going to be so why even try anymore!
You have to understand the enemy NEVER fights fair and will use whatever, whenever to get you to give in to the feelings of despair and hopelessness so that you will feel inferior and you can be controlled so much easier! Also people who you think are the most Godly people you will ever meet and can talk the most amazing and beautiful Jesus talk..Remember Lucifer was the most beautiful Angel and He can quote the scriptures back and forth! So ALWAYS test the spirits and pray!
For some reason we have become numb and to the point  we don't believe in the evil of this world because we would much rather sit back and think of only nice and happy thoughts, while in reality there are so many precious and amazing people dying way to early because they know no other way to fight and so they give in to the addictions, lies,and the torment,.. No one has ever told them they Can fight and win!
How many more Beautiful Souls are going to have to perish before we swallow our pride and ignore the status quo and fight for the weak and stand up and give a voice to those that think that they do not have a voice and teach them how to fight and show them they do have a voice and that they Can Win and Will!! This may require stepping outside of the church to do so, so you may have to roll up your sleeves to harvest the field!
Step out in Faith, Swallow Your Pride, Be a mentor, Be a friend, Love them to Jesus!

Monday, August 11, 2014


The definition of love is:

1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
Love is not just another four letter word. It is the fabric of our being. It is the foundation of which we were created.
What love is and what it means has become so distorted into that which is total opposite of love! Love is not sex, that is lust! Love is not money, that is greed and love is not control that is obsession!  I know I have the dictionary definition at the beginning of this blog but my favorite definition of love is this:

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (1Corithians 13:4-7)

We are meant to LOVE one another with the True, Pure love as above!
So guard your heart against the lies of lust! And trust in the one who is Love! Sweet Jesus!

Just Have Faith

Have you ever done something because God instructed you to and you still have no idea why? But the sweet Peace you feel makes you not care why God wanted you to do it, Just the  Fact He wanted you to do it was good enough reason? That is Faith!
For years I use to over think and psycho analyze every single thing! Every single word and look, this was very draining! It was not until I Trusted in God more and more that I learned that I don't have to know the "Why" to everything! I just have to have Faith and Believe. The Peace that comes with Faith and Trust is not measurable by any peace that this world may offer. It is the reassurance that you know that your father in Heaven has everything under control. As long as you stay under His covering your life is in His hands and He will protect and provide for you, it is when you take yourself out from under His covering and try to do things out of your own will that you bring upon yourself stress and your peace starts to diminish.
So yes it is OK if you do not know why God has asked you do something. In time, His time and in due season He will reveal all to you! He leaves the sweet Peace with you to comfort you!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Moving On

"There is a thin line between love an hate."

I have heard that phrase so many times but never really thought about it until today, with some things going on in my life I understand this phrase. However, to me, I have never felt "hate" towards someone in my life. I know that hate is related to anger and anger is never the true emotion. Anger is always the emotion that shows its true colors but  usually is covering up the true emotion which is hurt/sadness. So this phrase really should say "There is a thin line between love and  hurt/sadness."
Love is a tricky thing isn't it? You can be so in love with someone and then their true colors show and the person you had them built up to be in your mind, and the person you thought they were they are total opposite. Then the hurt comes and  the sadness. And in time you forgive and your heart is mended but there is still a little crack in your heart.
So things are good and  then you get hurt again and again time heals all wounds. But what happens when the hurt comes more and more and more frequently? The little crack in your heart is now big cracks all over your heart until it just crumbles to the floor. Your heart is shattered and everything you hope for this relationship is no more. And so it is time to just count your loss, Ask God for strength to forgive and you move on!
It is so hard to let go of those you love! I know I have been trying to for years now and I am finally able to!! But when you know the relationships are not healthy, built on foundation of deception,  and you know that you are being called to higher ground, you have to Let Go!
Sometimes God allows heartache in your life so that you will run to him and cry out to him! He is the only true comfort there is! He is the only one that can mend your broken heart together and leaving out the pieces that were never meant to be there anyway.
You can always love the people you have to move on from! Thats ok! But until you are strong enough to withstand falling back into old routine of always running back to a place that you were never meant to forever be, distance yourself and cut off all things that remind you of them, of the hurt, of it all!  What hurts the most I think is deception! Being deceived by the ones you love really imprints on your spirit! That will take much longer to heal than the heart does to mend! Learning to trust again is not something you can do! You have to pray to God to heal you and to teach you how to trust! And He will but being patient in the process is the key! It will take time but "out of sight out of mind" works! However "out of sight out of heart" takes longer, but eventually you will find yourself free of the bondage and the lies that blinded you!
Letting Go and reinventing yourself with God as the head inventor, is a hard but yet a liberating task. You learn who you really are, who God created you to be.  You learn that you don't have to fit in! God never created you too! You are your own person and that is a Awesome! You are stronger than you know and you have endless possibilities, if you just believe and trust and allow God to Mold you!
You are a Winner already, you just have to believe in yourself and claim your prize, which is the never ending , all consuming, life giving , sweet, pure, unconditional Love of our Savior!!! Jesus!!
True FREEDOM comes when you finally  learn to Let Go and Move on:) Praise God!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Psalm 42

 1.  As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. 2 I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him? 3 Day and night I have only tears for food, while my enemies continually taunt me, saying, “Where is this God of yours?” 4 My heart is breaking as I remember how it used to be: I walked among the crowds of worshipers, leading a great procession to the house of God, singing for joy and giving thanks amid the sound of a great celebration! 5 Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and 6 my God! Now I am deeply discouraged, but I will remember you— even from distant Mount Hermon, the source of the Jordan, from the land of Mount Mizar. 7 I hear the tumult of the raging seas as your waves and surging tides sweep over me. 8 But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life. 9 “O God my rock,” I cry, “Why have you forgotten me? Why must I wander around in grief, oppressed by my enemies?” 10 Their taunts break my bones. They scoff, “Where is this God of yours?” 11 Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!
Psalm 42 New Living Translation (NLT) Book two (Psalms 42–72) Psalm 42 

This chapter is so real to me  in this season of my life:) I feel myself longing for more and more of the presence of God, but at times feel as though he has left because he  has grown silent. But then I am reminded that He will never leave nor forsake me and so I just wait and pray and silence all that is around me and focus in the silence and wait for his Beautiful voice.
I think at times God silences because He wants us to want Him. If God talked to us 24/7 then we would not have a moment to long for His presence. He longs for us to long for Him and in doing so we draw nearer to him.
The enemies in this chapter for me is spiritual enemies and not physical. The sounds and voices of the enemy can be so overwhelming at times but then in those moments I just allow myself to get lost in Praise Music and my battle cry is heard by my God, is beautiful. Learning to fight the evil snares of the enemy is what going through the desert place is all about. See the learning to fight and stand strong is not about you, but about those that are coming up behind you, generations waiting to be taught and mentored on how to fight! So many don't know that they are warriors in the making and they are strong enough and have the power to fight and win against the enemy. So many just live in the  daily torment of the enemy because they don't know there is another way! They give up and that to me is heartbreaking!
God has brought me to a place in my life that all I have is Him! He has allowed me to be in such a season so that I know that I know that I can win this battle and not depend on others to fight for me! I have to have the confidence needed in order for God to use me to be a Teacher to others! I have to learn to stand on my feet and not sway. And I am! Praise God I am:)
God is our ONLY Hope! This chapter is the Heart Cries of this world we live in today!  It does not matter if Evil is all around and so many have succumbed to it, because just one breath, one Word from our Beautiful Savior then Every Knee will bow and Every Tongue will confess that He alone is God, who is so Worthy of our Praise!  So no matter how dark it may seem in the world today, it is always the darkest at night right before the Sun rises!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Just Believe and Have No Doubt

You are your own person! An individual created my the carpenter of our hearts! He created you special, with special gifts to be used for His glory in bringing light into darkness. Do Not be conformed into anybody's belief of how you should act or what you should believe, only be conformed into what Jesus says!
Your life is an open book with blank pages and Jesus is the author. Allow Him through you to fill those pages with greatness that is waiting for you. Choose to live a life of love and adventure! Do not get stuck in the daily routine of just surviving. There is so much life waiting for you to just grab hold of. It's up to you to choose a life of greatness and adventure or just surviving.
You have a voice and you have so much within that this world needs to hear. You have the voice of Hope just waiting to be heard! Do Not allow anyone to silence you and make you feel that what you have to say does not matter because it does matter so dearly!
Believe in yourself even if at times you feel like the only person that does! Jesus believes in you and always has! In fact He is your biggest fan and he is cheering you on every step of the way! Put your focus on Him and Him alone! Because I promise you people will fail you at some point, but Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you Ever!
Dream a dream that makes you have courage and strength to face each day! A dream that gives you hope when life seems so bleak! A dream that you have such Faith in that it will come to be, that it puts such drive in you to exceed at whatever task God puts before you!
Most importantly never stop having Faith in Jesus who has always had Faith in you! His love for you is never ending and is always there even in the darkness. He has loved you since the beginning and He has orchestrated your life in such a way that you will succeed no matter what comes your way as long as you just don't give up and don't allow doubt to overcome you! His love is the only constant safe haven there is! His love can strengthen and uplift you to soar on wings of eagles. His love is so deep and real that it saturates your being and causes you to do amazing things you never thought you could do. This kind of love is life and pierces through the darkness to the very core of your being until all you have left to do is fall to the floor in adoration and complete Awe! His love is so real and so pure! Just Believe!

Friday, August 1, 2014


Depression can be so debilitating and can easily get you off track and make you wanna just give up. I have suffered with depression phases my whole life. I know what it feels like to not even want to get out of bed, because the dread of another day is so real. I know how it is to look around you and all you see is darkness and now light and hope is obsolete. Your current circumstances you see as never going to change and you just know no one cares and no one believes in you. I use to allow the depression episodes to push me back into the life I use to live, but now I have learned to push through with Jesus as my Hope. I have learned to force myself out of bed and to force myself to do what I know I have to do. Pushing through though sometimes is like being stuck in knee deep mud and you are trying so hard to just get out of it but it seems to weigh you down. Anger seems to raise its ugly head when depression is active in your life, anger towards everybody and everything. But see anger is never the true emotion it is the emotion that surfaces but below the surface another emotion is the root. For me the emotion that is the root is usually sadness and despair and that is why I cry when I become angry. Anger itself can lead to deeper and darker depression if you act out in the anger and let your emotions lead you. That is why it is said to not make life decisions when you are angry because they could be the decision that you would not make if you were in the right state of mind. And to not lash out in anger at someone, usually someone you feel comfortable enough to lash out at, because this will also lead to deeper depression because you will end up feeling such guilt for what you said or did and this is not what you would usually say or do if you were not depressed. Covering up depression is what is taught in this society, because depression is weakness and there is no room in the "out for number one" society for weakness and we want the easy way out and do not want to feel any pain! So giving medication to help you cover up depression is the "go to" method in handling depression. I am not saying this is the wrong thing to do. But I will say that the medication you are given does help you cope because it numbs you to any emotion and it covers up the depression with a pretty band aid, but what happens when you come off the medication? The band aid will be ripped off so fast and the depression is waiting there for you. Its like when I was on drugs, I would do so much drugs that I would stay high for days at a time because I knew that once I came down the depression is waiting right there for me, and so its a viscous cycle! The only difference is that the medication given to you by a doctor is legal. I know first hand that there are legit medical issues that can make depression active in your life! For example, I know personally that Hormones can greatly trigger depression! What helps me is staying busy and getting off the couch! Seriously! Get up do something, anything to keep your mind busy. You can go outside for a walk, clean, just drive around somewhere, and listen to praise music or whatever music makes you feel good! And of course the most important thing to help with depression is my #1 go to and that is CHOCOLATE!!! :) But for real the #1 go to is and will always be my amazing counselor, father, king and that is Jesus! He alone is the Only TRUE LASTING Hope!!! The depression will still try to overcome you but all you have to do is cry out to the one who loves you more that you can ever imagine! His Light will make the darkness disappear and His Love with make the depression melt away! However He will ask of you to assist yourself with Him as your guide to push through the depression! I know He can make the depression just completely disappear, but again with me as he always does, He allows me to assist Him in coming out of the depression because that is the way I personally learn what He is trying to teach me! Each one of us is different and He will handle each of our issues differently.