Monday, November 30, 2015


Did you ever stop to think that some of the people who have hurt you and caused you pain... Maybe they were never meant to be apart of your life...they were not in the will of God for your life...what if they were in your life be because you let them in, God didn't, you did, out of your free will. 
So stop Blaming God for the pain you are feeling because if you would have listened to Him you would not be hurting now! 
God is still there though! Still loving and holding you through your mess...Because His love is Unconditional and Never changes! He will Never leave you or drop you like others do!! He is there for the long haul because that is what people who Truly love you are...there, Always and Forever No Matter what! MP

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Don't Believe What you See

She may seem like a beauty queen,
She may be all you dreamed of being,
But what you fail to see,
Is how she hates her reality.
She cries herself to sleep at night,
Wishing she could be more than just  a pretty face in the bright lights.

She is so strong and so full of courage as you see her on stage,
She is speaking so positively, so eloquently, she is true blue no mistake.
You would not believe it, but when she walks in the doors of her house she is in a prison cell,
All her loved ones do is call her harsh names and scream so hateful and yell.
So she screams into her pillow at night and cries her self to sleep.
Praying to God above one day, one day she will be free.

She has no nice clothes, she has holes in her shirt,
Her hair is brushed a little and her nails are full of dirt.
You would look at her and think poor thing.
But what you do not see is
She is full of life, full of love, she's so dirty because she just was rescued from a flood.
She also helped to rescue some people who were trapped in a tree,
She is so grateful to be alive and does not care how she may appear to you and to me.

So before you judge anyone again by what you see, or hear, or read,
Pray and ask God to reveal to you the truth, the real, the unseen.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

You are Loved

No matter what you have done or have not done.  No matter what you do or do not do. No matter where you go or do not go. No matter how you feel or do not feel. No matter what you have or do not have. No matter ANYTHING! 
No sin you sin will make God love you any less! 
You are loved forever and always and He will Never leave you! 
I thought He left me but looking back I see God never left me and came running the moment I cried out. 
Just Believe! 

Friday, November 27, 2015


With Christmas upon us and spending time with family and friends. To all my single folks; when they (married family members or friends that are married it's never the single ones that ask this) ask you about when are you going to find that special one or however they word it. 
You tell them you have been over qualified for all the ones that you have met this far and that you are waiting for the one that is not afraid of your gifting from God but embraces your uniqueness because he or she too has the same uniqueness, the person God has for you is going to be strong when you are weak and you will be strong for them when they are weak. 
The person God has for you is just human like you and not perfect so don't put him or her up on a pedestal but allow them to be themselves and have flaws and make mistakes because honestly to me I think that's my favorite part because it sets them apart and not like anyone else! 
Never Ever settle less for what you deserve Ever!!
So do not lose hope my friend! God has got you and one day soon in Gods timing you two will meet!๐Ÿ’œ (I'm right there with you. Reading this to myself;) ) MP

No more silence

I wish I would have been told about people who will target you to introduce you to drugs and then to the dark world of the sex trafficking disguised as the sex trade. I wish I would have been warned how a man can take an 18 year old and manipulate her and disguise himself as all she ever wanted, ever needed, and before she knows it he is feeding her drugs and inviting his friends over for sexual favors while she is so blasted she can not walk straight. 
I wish I would have been warned that there are people like that out there that target young girls and boys and know exactly what to say and what to do to get them to trust them and fall hard for them and before they know it they are now prostituting the streets with no self worth, no freedom because the drugs are in control, no hope! 
We have to educate the young ones to save a generation! We have to get knowledge to them about what evil predators are! Lack of knowledge causes a person to be victim of the war! And this is a war! And we have to fight! 
Get out of our comfort zones and declare war on the predator spirit!
Because that is the core issue with sex trafficking! 
The men and women who are involved in this have the predator spirit! And the young ones or not so young ones (because all ages) they have the victim Spirit. And the predator spirit is attracted to the victim sprint and the victim spirit to the predator spirit. Darkness to light, negative to positive, death to life! 
It's all spiritual and I could go on and on but just know to pray against the predator spirit and to pray victim spirit to be broken off to. 
Protection and love for all!
Jesus knows! We just have to do something! MP

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Love Love Love

LOVE sets captives free!!๐Ÿ’œ
Love is the only Constant in this crazy world! Love is the light that goes into the darkness to just let someone know that they are not alone! Love is the very fabric of our being! Love is what makes you try more time, just go one more day! Love is freedom! Love gives you the confidence and power to spread your beautiful wings and soar! Love is truth when all we seem to be surrounded by are lies in this world! Love breaks the chains of fear and opens the prison door of condemnation!
We were created by love to be love for love! 
The definition of Jesus is LOVE!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

New Breed!

We have to reach this generation and the old "throwing bible in their face" is not going to work at all! 
We have to strip down and be vulnerable and real because the hiding behind the pulpit days are over! 
This generation can spot fake a mile off and some probably most can quote bible verses just as good if not better than you! 
We have to show them Real! Show them true Grace! If they fall they need to know it's are not alone but we are there to help you, pick you up with unconditional love and non judgement! 
And if it's a thousand times you fall them guess what... a thousand times we will be there! 
That's how it has to be or this fatherless generation will not be reached! 
Love, GRACE, And understanding!
This generation needs to know they are ok, they are not alone! They are loved! And someone believes in them! They do not have to be perfectly! And it's ok to not fit in!
So get out of your comfortable pews, step away from your cliques for  just  a moment, and go into Hedges, go into the streets, turn on the news, go into your child's room... You will hear the  cry of desperation for more! 
The cry for freedom from the religion, the need for acceptance, the need for unconditional love!!
So Be real! Be Love!! 
Deny your Religious Duties, and embrace the New Breed Of Christians, Hard Core, Sold Out, Supernatural Breed!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Birthing Revival

We hold the keys within to unlocking Heaven on earth! Releasing into the atmosphere the supernatural power of Abba to flood the gates of our cities! To bring to their knees all the darkness within and all the corruption all about! 
The keys will catapult us into the Holy Spirit, Spiritual realm colliding with the physical realm! 
That is Revival my friend! When the spiritual supernatural realm collides with the physical realm and the desperation in the prayers of the Chosen are intwined with Hunger! 

Testimony of Love

That's is the link to the full interview I did this past Saturday on
All about sharing the Redemtive Love of Abba

Sunday, November 22, 2015

I am just me

You may look at me and see a mess. I am not into fashion, my hair is what it is, my makeup may not be perfect..and so you may judge by my outward appearance and think "poor thing".
If only you could se me through spiritual glasses. You would se my spirit is 6 ft tall and shining bright with the glory of the Lord. My hair is in waves and waves of splendor and my makeup is the finest you have ever seen. 
I do not fit into this worlds view of "Beauty" and I NEVER want to EVER! Because I love the person I  am and the person God is healing and creating me to be;) 
I will never be the one hiding behind trying to fit into the crowd and looking like everyone else. Nope I am me and what you see is what you get!
My identity is in God not in this worlds view of acceptance and following the latest silly trend with clothes or anything.

Do Not Listen to Haters

No matter what people may say..No Matter what people may do...No matter the lies that are spread...No matter any of that!! 
Do not allow their foolishness to distract you and cause you to question yourself or your walk! 
I did that for so long until I realized, well No, until God told me..."What they say and do is out of their own fear and wounding. People are Afraid of what they don't understand! Do not allow them to hurt you! All that matters is what I say and how I feel!"
And we know that Gods says we are Redeemed, Victorious, Chosen and we have Greatness ahead! 
So you hold that head high you amazing, Holy Child of God!! 
You are  loved and adored by God on high!!MP

Leave The Door Shut!!

If you remain in a situation or in a place that you know God has shut the door on, but you remain and or keep returning...You wonder why your heart keeps breaking?? You keep getting wounded??? 
God shut the door for a reason! To get you out! He never meant for the door to be reopened by you!
God can not promote you to higher destination, one step closer on your journey with Him, if you remain somewhere that is putting concrete all around you spiritually and you can not move forward! 
So you want growth? You need to step out the door and throw away the key!!
The unknown is scary! Step of Faith can be scary! 
But what is more scary is looking back on your life and realize you never fulfilled your destiny, your call, because you remained somewhere because it was safe!

Victory in the Fight

You do not learn to fight when there is no war! You do not learn to battle when there is peace! 
No, your character is developed with Everytime you fall down you get back up, with every trial you fight, every assault of the enemy you stand strong, every firey dart sent to destroy you from the enemy, you turn into an altar of Praise!
So yes you may be going through a battle for your life it may seem...just keep standing! Keep Praying! Keep doing what your doing! Because soon very soon Victory will be and you will be stronger than you were before, your character will be more like Abba's, and you battle cry will be now your freedom cheer! 

Saturday, November 21, 2015


You want freedom??? We need to pray!
You want fear to be gone in our country??
We need to pray!
You want people in our country to stop getting offended over EVERYTHING??
We need to pray!
You want our country to be protected against terrorists seen and unseen??
We need to pray! 
You want our religious freedom to remain free??
We need pray!!
You want our leaders to be God fearing?
We need to pray!!
You want the our country to be restored to what our founder fathers decreed and made the cornerstone, the foundation of this Beautiful land..which is "One Nation Under God!!"..God was and is the foundation! The foundation may seem like its crumbling..
We need to pray!!

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land
-2 Chronicles 7:14

Friday, November 20, 2015

He is Still Working On Me

We are all a work in progress!! Remember Jesus says come as you are..all your mess..all your junk...all your habits and addictions...secret and known...come as you are!! 
We are ALL equal in the eyes of God! No one is better than the other... No one is more important in the eyes of God than the next!..No sin is greater than the next sin! 
And yes we ALL have sinned and fallen  short of the Glory of God ALL of us do/have! That is why there is Grace and Mercy! 
God looks at our heart! And that brings me such peace because I know when He looks at our heart he knows our motives and the truth! 
Where others look at the outside and judge by what season in your life they walked in on.
So do not cast your pearls before swine but lean on and entrust all of you to the One who Is And Was and Will always Be! 
To the One who loves you more than you can ever comprehend! Who loves you past your mess and loves you into your core, your being, to the real you! 
Trust in Gods judgment and let the rest of the worlds hypocritical judgement  just flow off of you into the sea of forgetfulness! 
You are created anew! You are not who you were and you are yet who you will be! 
That's ok! It's a process and the precious thing is God is there walking right beside us through it all!

Being Real

I am going to admit something  to you all...I quit smoking a month ago just one month ago after smoking for 20 years. Does this make me any less Christian ofcourse not!!! Religious people think so but I know that I know God knows my heart and has known my heart still is the same from when I smoked to today! 
Condemnation, judgment from others to you because of a bad habit you may still have can hurt and cut you to your core and most of the time they are "Christians" who are doing the judging. 
I personally want to apologize from my heart and say that is NOT how true blue sold out followers of Jesus are! They do not turn their nose up to you if you smoke one pack or a carton a day! Or if you drink!  Dying to flesh is a process and if you try to die to it out of your own strength it will not work! Only the strength of God through you can you do it! 
I've had so much judgement over my smoking before I quit that I allowed it to make me feel less Christian! 
But that is farthest from the truth! It is a heart matter!
I will say I quit smoking because it was the last stronghold my flesh had on me! And I wanted to be completely free of flesh, minus the small daily flesh struggles, but as far as big Flesh struggles smoking was the last thing! 
The weaker your flesh, the stronger your spirit and I desperately want my spirit  soaring in the super natural and for me the road block was smoking and so  I quit finally only through much prayer!!
So be patient and love those you know still struggling with something in their life and if it's you be kind to yourself! You are no less Christian and neither is the person you know struggling! 
I believe in you and God can and desires to be your strength to conqueror this giant but you have to do it for yourself! Because if you do it only to please someone else it will never last! 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Answered Prayer!

Amen!!! I have made so many connections this past couple weeks and Have many up and coming doors opened and blessing me with the chance to share the love of Jesus all over the states:) I am so incredibly humbled and in Awe!! 
I am NOTHING it is all GOD! I am just a willing vessel who lives to LOVE on others and spread the TRUTH of His LOVE!!
I Love being sent! GOD SEND ME! and He is:)

Dancing with Jesus

I close my eyes,
You hold my hand,
I release the stress,
You steady my stand.
I start to cry,
You wipe my tears.
I bow my head,
You erase my fear.
I loosen up and just relax,
You embrace me so.
I just melt in your embrace so pure,
You direct my steps which way to go.
I rest my head on your chest,
You whisper your love.
I just get lost in this peace, in this love,
You just keep us swaying to the heavenly music from above.
Time to leave my Jesus' embrace just for now,
As I was walking away Jesus took my hand into His,
And He whispers so sweet, so true 
"I am always here, always here waiting for you"

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


My day started off good then I saw a video on YouTube that just burdened me so.
To all those who are comfortable in your little bubble and don't want to hear anything negative then stop reading now! 
People wake up! ISIS is here and have been for a long time. There are sleeper cells all over the states. They are evil Muslim Radicals who have the Devil as their leader and only care about their fake God and promoting evil! 
What happen in Paris is just the iceberg about what will be unleashed. 
And our Muslim president knows all this! I don't care what religion he is because that is his business but when he starts to put our country at risk by letting all those refugees over here to further fuel the evil
Ones already here there has to be a stop to his madness. But there probably will not be and it will just get worse.
So yes I do not like our President and never have. The first election my stomachs turned and I literally got nauseous when he was elected because I just saw evil being birthed through him to bring forth the Islamic radicals and it was right. 
Do I respect his authority I did but now no I do not. And I know I know your suppose to respect those in authority but my view is  this....when they take it upon themselves to put my children in danger then you have lost all My respect! 
Because allowing those refugees who are come here to our country and birth more evil that makes the generations to come have the evil overtake their generation more so than ours! 
Prayer yes prayer is the key!! 
I'm telling y'all something major is up because the burden I'm feeling is heavy and strong!! 
We need to pray!!!MP


One thing I have seen recently that really upset and shocked me is a beautiful person I know who was so selfless and humble has allowed the lime light to cause them to have to be a part of the "in" crowd, where before, this person had no care, like me, to be in ANY crowd that's focus was so vein and all done in "The name of God"
God showed me that many many many are falling away now but they do not see it as falling away because they have blinders on and refuse to see past their own see the truth! 
They are focused on them and themselves  alone and not on bringing glory to God but are more interested in bringing Glory to themselves! 
If you can not offer them anything as far as being able to advance them in the worldly kingdom then they have no time for you.
Sad thing is in no time they will be dramatically humbled to their knees and cry out for Abba but Abba will say to them "He does not know them because all they did in His name was a mockery and never ordained by Him!"

Realness Rocks!!

Not everyday is pink bunnies and rainbows! Some days just down right are Yuck!!
Be honest be real with your struggle as your real with your praise!
Be translucent and let other see your pain. Others need connection with you and you with them!
There are already so many FAKE people on social media and in person! Be real, be honest, the good ..the bad.. and the ugly..all of it;)
I personally can spot fake a mile off and see  it everywhere! 
When I meet someone who is real and honest and not trying to be who they are not to impress others....I have to say I love them straight from the start! 
Be real!!!! About it all! Be honest!! 
Your honesty today leads the way for others to be honest tomorrow!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Waiting On My Boaz

I'm waiting!! Have been my whole life:)๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
I will be honest some days are so unbearable that I feel the loneliness will overtake me. 
I hear people, of course married friends,  who are like "you have your kids, or just be patient and wait upon the Lord." 
And I know they are saying these things out of Love for me but I just want to say "not always does my kids or the love for my Lord take away the loneliness I feel for my soul mate"
I have dated  (sorda) men but I have never been in love with a man and I have never been married. Partly because of the life I was living. So I can honestly say I do not know what pure love of a man feels like.  
But I'm not giving up and will not settle for any less than what I deserve. 
I have always settled but in past 5 years I have not settled and never will again! 
I'm saying all this to say to
All my single friends...I  am with you!! I understand the loneliness and how it is worse around holidays! You are not alone! 
And to all my single parent single friends... I know it's so hard even trying to date because your not just dating for you but your kids too! 
It's like a job interview almost and you do not know how to make it not!! 
Your like FBI agent and can not enjoy the date sometimes or your so tired from working and taking care of your child or children you don't know how to enjoy yourself. 
All I can say is just breathe!! Allow your self  to have fun and don't think about it to much! 
Just enjoy yourself and if meant to be then everything will unfold and if not that's ok. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Undercover Boss

Undercover Boss makes me Cry every time I watch it!!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜ญ
This show goes to show when you show someone love and that you believe in them...they will move mountains and soar!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Love these lyrics

I love these lyrics!! 
Martina Mcbride song:

From The Ashes"

My right hand holds matches
My left holds my past
I hope the wind catches
And burns it down fast
I'm gonna step into the fire
With my failures and my shame
And wave goodbye to yesterday
As I dance among the flames

So don't try to save me now
Let the walls of my world all burn down
Just stand back and wait 'til the smoke finally passes
And I will rise
From the ashes
From the ashes
From the ashes

For all that I'm losing much more will I gain
The hard part is choosing
To change what needs changed
My step will be much lighter
With these demons off my chest
I'm born a better spirit
And lay the old to rest

So don't try to save me now
Let the walls of my world all burn down
Just stand back and wait 'til the smoke finally passes
And I will rise
From the ashes
From the ashes
From the ashes

And I'll walk away stronger
I will be flyin'
Higher and truer
Than I've flown before

My right hand holds matches
My left holds my past
I hope the wind catches
And burns it down fast

Pray For Paris!!!

You Have Me Confused with A Fatherless Child! I'm a Child of the King

Devil and no man can stop me now!! I have come to far to get trapped in small minded people's views of how I should act and how I should be! 
I refuse to ever Be silenced again! 
I will be bold and stand proud and raise my voice at all times! I was silenced to long l...NO more! 
To quit is not in my vocabulary! Oh no!!  So go ahead and shut the doors you think will break me! Because God will open bigger doors used to promote me! 
God is counting on me for Him through me to lead His children out of Darkness, prison, and bondage and shout loud to the enemy LET MY PEOPLE GO! 
So go ahead throw your best Fiery dart Devil, man, world, anyone! I will NOT be moved!!
I have  my Precious Jesus with me and Greatness ahead and Nothing behind me but death and smoke! Because I just came out of the Fiery Furnace and I will Never Be the Same!! 
Give up? I'm sorry I don't speak that language anymore! 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

FREE By Love!

There is Hope!! There is a way out, redemption for addiction!! 
I shot  up meth for years and done all
Other types of speed as well. I was prostituting at night and hustling during day. Still God never gave up on me! I gave up on myself! But God never did and He came running as soon as I bottomed out and in desperation cried out for Help..He was there! He came no matter the darkness that was around me, or the filth about me He came! 
He saw His precious child in need of Love and Help and He came!
He told the enemy who had me wrapped in His arms "Let my Daughter Go!"
And the Devil trembled and dropped me and God caught me and wrapped me in His arms and spoke the sweetest words "It is Finished my precious One! I am here! Let's Go Home" 
Jesus! Jesus is the answer!! MP
***Share this so we can Share the Redemptive Love of God with All***

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Different Is Beautiful

You are Uniquely created with Love as the very essence of your being! 
Do not try to "fit in" because you were never created to fit in! 
You were created to stand apart from the crowd! Because when you try to be a part of the crowd you end up Acting like the crowd and this  dilutes the amazing You that is full of creativity and giftings  For God... to be used to bring His precious Children out of bondage into freedom! 
So be the Amazing You that You were created to be!! 
God would Never Change a thing about you!! So don't you know that means your Perfectly Different!

God Amazes Me

God is showing off now;) I'm just Amazed!! 
What a Mighty God we serve!!
He makes the impossible possible!!
When man shuts the doors on your dream, your destiny  that's ok because Gods timing is Perfect!! Just because someone has said NO to you or has blocked your dreams/Destiny...Do not let those dreams Go!! Allow their NO to be your KNOW that you KNOW your dream on your heart is what you are called to do!! Because if it was not then the enemy would not he Blocking your dream/Destiny so hard!
But no matter how the enemy tries to block your dream, your destiny...when God says Its is time!! And No power of Hell will ever prevail against you!!
Praise God!!!

Being Real

I think a ministry without the super natural as the basis with Gods love, Is just a group of people who get together to just hear each other talk!;)MP

SO Thankful!!

I have journals from 2004 to present that I am starting to go through because I am writing a book (YAY)! 
I have to say I am so Grateful and so Humbled at the Loving Patience of God because reading some of these entries I would have left me a long time ago!
Praise God He Never leaves us as He finds us but Renews our Minds and strengthens and heals us daily! 
SO So Thankful!!! MP

Monday, November 9, 2015

Rejection and Offense

I'm going to say  this and if it offends you well that's between you and God;)
Rejection is a spirit! Offense is like the thing rejection feeds off of! The more the offense the stronger the spirit of rejection can be. 
I never studied about this I just have lived  through  it my whole life until recently very very recently God opened my eyes to this and healed me too. 
I'm saying all this to say I recognize rejection  in people a mile off!It can spread like poison from one person to another through hate talk or poor pitiful me talk. You can be around someone and they start this talk and all of a sudden you are angry and feel hurt and you have no reason to...this is the spirit of rejection coming upon you!Rebuke and pray it off. 
Because just as it spreads like a  poison amongst people it does the same within you! And before you know it your engulfed in anger and resentment which brings on offense. 
I was angry for so so long as so many were because they were hurt in a church. What God showed me just the other day is that if I allow someone in church to hurt me and cause me to be offended, then how is He going to be able to use me to be love to the world if I cannot love and show grace to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?
Rejection is a spirit from the enemy of our souls and let me just say this: I have been around leaders of Ministry, so called Prophets, etc, who operate their ministry out of rejection and the foundation of their ministry is rejection which is so far off from the word of God and Love that the ministry becomes about them, poor pitiful them and not God. 
I will say this Praise God for the Church I have been at for years because I know that I know the foundation is on God, about God, and the ministry is LOVE! I have made many mistakes because of the rejection spirit that I use to have and I have ran many times from this church but God always brings me back and yes I have been hurt at this church!! But show me a perfect church and I will show you a mirror because no church is perfect!! We are imperfect! Life happens! You will get hurt! Grace is the key!! 
Guard your heart always!! If someone or something does not settle with your spirit then Pray and ask God to show you why!! 


Ok so I am praying that God will put more hours in the day! 
Seriously! I work full time and I am a mommy full time and I just need to find time to write this book within. 
So I am getting a petition together to submit  to congress for more hours in the day! 
They are approving all
Kinds of nonsense so why not this;)
-I'm joking! 
But have you ever felt that way! If only there were more hours in the day then you could get so much more done.
What if there are enough hours in the day but your discipline is lacking in the area you need more time in?
Yep! Holy Spirit slap in the face with love! 
That's the answer I got! I was hoping God would be like "Oh poor you, your so busy, so much to do, no time to write..."
No that was not the answer I got at all. 
"What if there are enough hours in the day but your discipline is lacking in the area you need more time in?"
Was answer I received.
But then again did I expect God to sugar coat the truth? 
Discipline is the key to more time! Because if you are disciplined then you don't procrastinate. 

Oh this is good!! The devil is not anything like the movies portray him as at all! He does not have horns and all that nonsense! In fact  he was the most Beautiful angel of all before the fall. 
I firmly believe that the enemy will do whatever the enemy has to do and come in what ever form,to pervert the desires of your heart in such a way to get you to fall, second guess your wall walk, anything!
I have learned this far that when the enemy does this...Our Precious Savior always has a way of escape for you land this gives you an out to not give into temptation! 
And if by chance you fall and give into temptation:..allow the Love of God and his Mercy and Grace to cover you and pick you back up after you repent. Do not allow the enemy of our souls to keep you in contempt and keep you full of condemnation! 
So yes the Devil is out to still, kill, and destroy.
Our Jesus is out to trump all the enemy does and He will conquer and devour the evil ones plans but God can not go past your will. 
So trust and allow God to protect and guide you always and He will! MP

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Esther Anointing

Stand strong and allow the anointing of God to flow through you to others! Be Brave and of supernatural courage as you partake in the miraculous ways of the Lord! 
You were chosen for such a time as this to arise and take your stand. You were set aside, so come out of hiding and watch what My Abba is about to do! 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Be the Love

I pray this every morning!! For God to send me someone just to love on and just be there for. Because if God sends me just one person then that is one less lonely and hopeless person in the world. One persons life matters! Pray this with me today. Let's be the difference this world so desperately needs๐Ÿ’œMP

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It Is Time

It is time! 
It is time to step out onto the Clift of Fear and jump off and allowing your wings of Faith to soar high and free, being directed by wind of Abbas love! 
It is time for change, for growth, for healing! 
What once held you back is going to push you forward, what once were the chains that bound you are going to be used to bind the enemy,
What has caused you so much inner turmoil and pain is now used as altar of Praise! 
What you use to think could never become true in your life will soon be your new reality! 
It's time to Believe! Even if you don't see all the puzzle pieces coming together...they are! And the way the puzzle pieces stick
Together to form the glorious picture of your destiny  is by your faith, your faith is the glue! Your faith in believing and  knowing that what you have prayed for and dreamed for all these years WILL be! 
It is time to just Be and allow God to direct your path, that will guide you to the place your heart calls home!
It is Time!