Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Mighty Divide...The Mighter Harvest

This will be  the season of great triumph as the shift is comming to an end. But will also be season of the great divide.
The divide is there already..deep rooted from days of old...but like an earthquake  the fault line of division is starting to shake/quake.. this will cause a greater divide than ever before.
There will be a mighty uprising to signify this divide and a greater falling away.
To some this may seem hopeless but to me I see nothing but hope.
The harvest, the ones looking for peace, for direction are going to be searching! And we who carry the light of love will be there!
When there is conflict, darkness seems to be overtaking, it is there that the light of Jesus shines the brightest!
Like a single candle in the dark the way will be shown. And the more the candles..less the darkness.
So yes the season of the great divide is at hand but Praise God the greatest Harvest is too.
Be love!! Be the love light of Jesus!
Be Bold! Be You!

Be Love Not Hate

You do not have to agree with a persons lifestyle but you should still show them love and respect.
I have some dear friends that I deeply love who live differently than I do. And thats ok! I love them for the person that they are and not what they do.
I think so many get stuck on a persons actions and fail to see past that. They never get to know the amazing person that they truly are.
What they fail to realize is by loving the person for who they are and not what they do you are building a bridge of respect and trust which One day God will use to open the door for His Love to be spoken into their heart. And if that oppurtunity never comes that is ok. God knows what he is doing and He may be using you just to soften their hearts and take down their protective walls, so that when God puts another person in their life to be a vessel of love to speak His love into their hearts, they will be ready then to receive it!
We are in a differnet and new season of so many prodigals starving for peace, love, and acceptance!
Be the beacon of Hope and Love  and not of Hate and Judgment!
Speak life and not condemn!
A New breed rising requires a deeper reflection of who Jesus is and Who we are in Him! A new way for a new season and Jesus is Always the guide! And not our Pride or the Religous Spirit!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Look Unto Me

Look unto me past the circumstances and the trials that you face. Look unto me past the doubt and the unbelief that tries to place  a wedge between your faith and your trust in me.
Look unto me past the news headlines that try to birth fear and hatred amongst my children. Look unto me past the steeple of pride and the walls of conformity.
Look unto me past the shadows of your past that try to darken your present.
Look unto me past the negative words said and I will tell you truth of who you are in me..and that is Loved and Adored Child of mine!
Look unto me, Do not look unto the world! Look unto me, No longer define yourself by what you feel or think but by who I say you are, who I am creating you to be!
Look unto me, and you will have peace and rest.
Blessed is the one who overcomes the world to save their soul for their inheritance is greater than any riches this world has to offer, for through me and me alone I will give you eternal life filled with unconditional love and joy forevermore.
Look unto me!
-Abba, Father God

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Revelation of Love

From years of learning to take care of herself and defend herself, she has built up walls.
From years of being told she was never good enough, and other harsh words, she has learned to keep people at a distance because they will sooner or later turn on her.
From years of never belonging she has learned to not even try to belong because she will not be accepted anyway.
From years of the meaning of love being distorted and only conditional, she has never been able to accept love from others, and not dare love herself.
She has given up the fight, not that she wants to die, but just tired so tired of the same harsh treatment day in and day out and so she is numb to it all and just goes daily through the motions of life not feeling, not caring, just being...
Then one night as she was praying with tears and the only word she could say was Jesus..
She felt this warmth all around her and this light within that has flickered away began to get brighter.
 And all at once she heard the sweetest voice so loving and gently say: "You are mine. I am yours. You are my beautiful one, you are my sweet Precious one.
You are favored and adored among the Saints that surround you so. If only you could see how much you are loved and then you would no longer feel so alone, outcast.
The harsh words are not of me... Give me those words, give me those harsh names, and I will take them and put them into the furnace of deceit.
 I call you by your name which is Love, Adored, Revived, Redeemed, and Restored. You are more precious to me than the finest gold and more beautiful than the rarest ruby. Allow my love in to heal you and restore your hope, your faith.
I will not hurt you and I will never leave you. Allow me to show you what unconditional love is and I will teach you how to love and be loved. I am yours and you are mine!"
From that day on baby steps to her new identity, her new life, where she loves others and is able to recieve their love. Her walls of protection  are now Bridges of redemption.
All of this because she was loved first by the one who is love! She was shown that she can spread her wings and be free because her confidence is growing and her attitude is no longer the victim but now victorious.
She has learned that others can love with out expecting anything in return and that everyone doesnt leave but there are those who will stay no matter what.
All because she cried out in desperstion and God gave her a sweet Revelation of Love.

God Has You Covered

There are days you just scream within "Whats going on? Nothing makes sense. The battle just keeps raging on and on. What am I doing wrong to cause all this to happen."
It is the darkest at night right before the sun rises.
When you have a mighty annointing on your life and God is getting ready to elevate you, and expand your tribe, the enemy will fight you with every firey dart there is to get you to give up, to try and get you to doubt God, and to doubt yourself.
Refuse and Stand strong! Turn around and catch those fiery darts and make an altar of Praise with them!
Then also when God wants you to move forward and you remain where you are because you are comfortable, God sometimes will make the situation so uncomfortable, so uneasy, that you will have to move on for any peace.
So the craziness that seems to overtake you at times may not be at all something you are doing wrong.
Pray and ask God for clarification and He will let you know.
Just know you are not alone in this at all!
And that You Are So loved!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Servant Of Love

You will never see her fight for she battles by going straight to the throne,
On her knees into the midnight hour she conversates with the Lord.
Sometimes she may get discouraged and questions things to come,
But she never waivers in her Faith, For the Lord her heart as been won.
Her life is a mission field, working the harvest so,
She sees so many wondering in hopelessness searching for somewhere to go.
Where they will feel loved and they will have peace once more,
She goes up to them and shows them love and tells them "Let me introduce you to my Lord".
She is content in  walking this path with the Lord alone,
Because she is on the battlefield and knows not all are called to where she is called to go.
Her daily prayer is "God send me someone to show your love,
May I be your vessel and your light from above.
Lord if I stumble and I may,
Lift me Lord and set me on my way.
I live to serve you no matter what may come to be,
And I pray Dear God that others see you in when they look at me.
So today Lord I offer you my life,
as a living sacrifice.
For you to use to be your mouthpiece, your feet, your heart, and your eyes,
To this world in much need of freedom from the enemys manipulative lies.
To this world in need of your fatherly embrace,
That will strengthen them to face the giants that may come their way.
Use me Lord even just one more day,
So that I may be the saving force in someones life for you in some small way."

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Taste of What Will Be

This walk can get lonely and can be painful but no one said it would be easy! But God did say that we are never alone and in the end it will be wroth it! (my paraphrasing.)
I understand the lonesomeness and the pain of being set apart. I understand the days that you just feel like "whats the point" and "where are the promises that I know will come true in my life!"
The key to the promises is waiting! you have to wait so that God can manifest Himself in you in such a way that a multitude will see and know "Thats my God"..
If God just did this at any time it would not  be the right time and the things that needs to be aligned and the people that need to be apart of this will not be and so it will not have the impact that it should, that it is meant to have...thats why His timing is Perfect! His ways are of love!
I had a taste of what will be this past weekend...I stood on a stage and just read some verses out of the bible for this class and as I was reading I felt this warm electrical surge start at my feet and make its way up and it took my breath away..at the time I said Im just nervous to the crowd because I couldn't dare explain what was going on in my body because I did not know...I barely made it through just reading a couple of verses out  of the bible...I knew that If I kept on talking I was going to fall out right there..
.I didnt and as we were walking off the stage and I stepped down the stairs my body jerked uncontrollably with each step and when we sat at the table I could not talk because my lips were quivering with that electric feeling and this warmth was all over my body....On the way home that night I looked up and the sky was dark but I saw these two bright white clouds and they were glorious with a light...They looked like angel wings and it sealed and confirmed in me that all is well and that what just happened was God so God:)
He gave me a tasted of what will be and I have never ever felt that warmth electric feeling like that before...
He gives you taste of what will be so that you hold on to the hope that No he has not forgotten you and No he has not forgotten His promises over you!
Hold on and trust the  process and I promise in due season, His perfect timing, all will be revealed!
For such a time as this:)
Be Blessed!!