Thursday, May 26, 2016

Revelation of Love

From years of learning to take care of herself and defend herself, she has built up walls.
From years of being told she was never good enough, and other harsh words, she has learned to keep people at a distance because they will sooner or later turn on her.
From years of never belonging she has learned to not even try to belong because she will not be accepted anyway.
From years of the meaning of love being distorted and only conditional, she has never been able to accept love from others, and not dare love herself.
She has given up the fight, not that she wants to die, but just tired so tired of the same harsh treatment day in and day out and so she is numb to it all and just goes daily through the motions of life not feeling, not caring, just being...
Then one night as she was praying with tears and the only word she could say was Jesus..
She felt this warmth all around her and this light within that has flickered away began to get brighter.
 And all at once she heard the sweetest voice so loving and gently say: "You are mine. I am yours. You are my beautiful one, you are my sweet Precious one.
You are favored and adored among the Saints that surround you so. If only you could see how much you are loved and then you would no longer feel so alone, outcast.
The harsh words are not of me... Give me those words, give me those harsh names, and I will take them and put them into the furnace of deceit.
 I call you by your name which is Love, Adored, Revived, Redeemed, and Restored. You are more precious to me than the finest gold and more beautiful than the rarest ruby. Allow my love in to heal you and restore your hope, your faith.
I will not hurt you and I will never leave you. Allow me to show you what unconditional love is and I will teach you how to love and be loved. I am yours and you are mine!"
From that day on baby steps to her new identity, her new life, where she loves others and is able to recieve their love. Her walls of protection  are now Bridges of redemption.
All of this because she was loved first by the one who is love! She was shown that she can spread her wings and be free because her confidence is growing and her attitude is no longer the victim but now victorious.
She has learned that others can love with out expecting anything in return and that everyone doesnt leave but there are those who will stay no matter what.
All because she cried out in desperstion and God gave her a sweet Revelation of Love.

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