Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Broken

Don't ever think you are to good to share a meal with the homeless or to hang out and spread the love light of Jesus in the "ghettos"...because Jesus doesn't go looking in high society for His Kings and Queens to lead. He looks in the broken because in the broken the love of Jesus is exalted through His healing! The broken are much quicker to accept the love of Jesus because they have no where to look but up because they are at the bottom of the pit in their life!
I would much rather hang out with the broken then the high society because they are real and they do not think they have it all together because they know their life is a mess and Jesus is the only One who can make their brokenness into Beauty! MP

Jesus is All you Need

Amen Amen Amen!! God has been teaching me this lesson. Its a hard lesson to learn when the people around you that don't understand your journey are the ones you Love. But then Jesus reminded me that His own people did not accept Him as the Messiah. So who am I to have any kind of pity party:) 
See not everyone you meet is meant to walk with you every step on your journey! Some are just for a season and others God used in your weak times to help give you strength to stand on your own and now that You are Stronger.. their time has come to end in your life. Don't be heart broken but feel Proud of yourself because You have Grown up a little more spiritually to the point you do not need anyone to hold you up only Jesus.
So move on with Sweet Jesus on this Journey and allow excitement to fill your being! 
I Promise you Jesus will bring you people to fill the places of the ones you had to leave behind. Its all a process this circle of life and in the end as long as you are still Holding the Hand of Jesus that's all that matters and everything else will seem so Petty and not part of the Big picture at All!MP

You are the reason that I Am

My Love,
You are loved far more than you can fathom. You are loved with a love that is the very essence of your being. To feel my love fully would engulf you to the point you know that you know you can be and do all things through the strength that is my Love.
You are loved with a love that is the cornerstone of creation. This world was created with the Love of our father and designed with His heart in every detail. To look around at all creation you can see that Love was the reason for all beings to have their place, their meaning on Earth.
You are loved with a love that heals the sick and gives sight to the blind. This love casts out demons and sets the captives free. The Love I have for you is passed down to me through our Father God and I pass down to you.
You are Loved with a love that shines light into the darkness and changes the dark to light. This love  gives you the courage to step out into the unknown with the Faith knowing I will catch you if you fall. And if you may fall, My love is right there giving you the will to stand back up and start again.  This Love I have calls you out into the wilderness to learn and grown in me.
You are loved with a love that is worthy of death. Death to self so you can live fully in me. This love along with the spiritual garments for warfare is the makeup of my Warrior, My Bride. My Love will guide you, protect you, and lead you Always. I love you my Child..For you are the reason I Am. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

One Act of Love!

"If you wait until you can do something for everybody. You will end up doing nothing for nobody!" -unknown

One act of love can ignite the flame of hope!
Let's start a hope wildfire by simple acts of Love!

Miserable Failings

Yes!! Because this world sees and watches and as soon as you stumble they will tell you so fast!! But Jesus calls our "miserable failings" just stepping stones that lead us to a much higher call on Him!
Saints were not born Saints!!
They are created by those that fall down and get back up!!
Even if you may stumble 1,000 times its ok! As long as you are allowing Jesus to pick you back up and put you back on the path with him!


Do Not allow what others may say or think of you to bother you in anyway! You were not raised from the depths of your own Hell to the Glory of Jesus to be judged by anyone! 
The reason they judge you is because they are afraid of the strong anointing that you have within! The anointing of Jesus that you carry is engulfed in an atmosphere of truth and love. So when they are around you they feel uncomfortable because of their hidden sins. 
See Jesus' love light you carry so strongly makes those that are acting so Holy in front of others but act so not Holy in private... The Love light finds them out and they know this and so they turn their fear and uneasiness into judgment towards you and sometimes anger.
Please do not let this make you want to hide out and never be around people! Let the anointing flow through you in full force! Go into battle with your head held high!! You were made for this! Show them Love always! Because they need that Love at this moment more than anyone!Jesus has set you apart and has made you a light in the darkness and a light amongst the fake!! Jesus is on your side and loves you dearly!! Embrace your calling! Embrace His anointing in you! And Jesus in turn is embracing you!!
Be You! Nothing less than the Amazing, Strong, Talented, loving Child of God that you Are!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Faith is the Key to Trust

Sometimes this life can be brutal!! You feel like there is never going to be an end to that constant struggle and you wonder if you are ever going to have this Peace that Jesus talks about in the Bible. Then you feel bad because you just questioned what Jesus said about Peace. It's  a constant this turning in your mind. Always trying to figure out how your going to get things done and worrying if you are going to be able to. 
Honestly the battle doesn't stop! It doesn't! There is always going to be something in your life, some sort of stressor, some sort of battle. But see the Key is Trust! When you Trust in God to provide and to come through then that peace you question overtakes your being and becomes reality!You may not know how the whole thing will work out but you have the deep seeded Faith in you now, because of Trusting in God, that it will all work out! 
I'm not saying your  not going to have your days of worry still and storms..Ofcourse you will it is a given! But you now know the One who calms the storms and He is For you! 
Worry and Stress comes when we take upon ourselves to be "God" in our lives. Instead of seeking out the wisdom and guidance of God we tend to try and take upon ourselves to find the answer. And that leaves us stressed and full of worry! 
Trust in Jesus!! Allow Him to be the decision maker and you will see things falling into place!
Faith is the Key to Trust! 
Love is the Key to Hope!
Prayer is the Key to Life!
Be Blessed!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

It Is Time!

God has really been talking to me lately about testimonies and how powerful they really are. 
Think about the info commercials (I know a lot are not accurate) they are trying to sell you weight loss meds or stuff that will make your hair grow... They show you before their item was used with a person and after their item was used with a person and the results are crazy good.( again I know not always accurate)

People are hungry for before and after life stories that they can relate too! So many are searching for hope in all the wrong places because that's all they know...but then they hear how you were struggling with same issues and now you have hope! The person struggling with hope sees your before picture through the words of your testimony and finds hope they didn't know was there through those words of love! Through the power of Jesus that now resides in you!!
So ignore the fear and all the lies the enemy is putting in your head to keep quiet! Or telling you that you have nothing to say! Because  you have a lot to say and what you have to say does matter!
So Be Bold! Share your love story from Jesus a.k.a. Testimony with anyone and everyone you  meet with no shame!!Because you are a new creation! A creation of Love longing to share the Hope of Jesus!
It is time!!
Be Blessed! MP

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Have a Testimony?

Have a testimony of the Love of God? Have a story about the Redemption Power of Jesus? Do you want to spread Hope, Encouragement, and Love to others through your Story?
Please  send me your testimony to am working on a project and need some testimonies.
I will give more details to you when you send me your Love Story from Jesus.
Thank you! 
Be Blessed!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Prison Door is Open!

I remember when I was on drugs and I was with whomever was the person who was pimping me. We went from hotel to hotel and there were many times looking back now  I see that I could have ran away and just left. I was left in hotel room many time alone while waiting on next client or waiting on my Pimp to get back with drugs. I could have left! The door was right there and I could have left that dark prison but I did not I stayed. I allowed the fear I had towards my pimp and my hunger for the drugs to keep me a prisoner.
It got me to thinking there are so many Christians that are a prisoner of their fear...and so they stay in the prison of their own making while the door to freedom is right there wide open for them to step through. But they never reach their full potential, who God created them to be because they allow the fear to keep them paralyzed to ever move out the door of freedom and take that step of Faith! 
Trust in Jesus!! His Love will strengthen you and will make the fear disappear! It just takes one step of Faith for you to see that the fear was all in your head put there  by the enemy to keep you a prisoner. 
Once you take that first step of Faith..take another then another and with each step your confidence in Jesus and yourself becomes stronger and before you know it you are soaring above all that kept you prisoner in the first place!!
The prison door is open! Go!!

Testimony on video

*Here is a video that my new friend and Brother in Christ, Jonathan Bhagan created. He felt led by Jesus to do this video  about my Testimony of Love. God is So Good! Bringing people together from around the world who share in one accord and like mind. And that is to let the Love of Jesus be known to All through Glorifying God in All we Say and do!
Here is the video link to testimony:

*This video he created to follow up the testimony video. This video he teaches about the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit will meet you where ever you are!
Here is link to that video:

Monday, February 16, 2015

Love is Not Lust

My Child of Love,
To say that you love me but do not  show that love to your fellow man is like receiving a gift but never giving a gift. Freely you have received and freely you should give. My Love is a gift that needs to be given to everyone and anyone you meet. 
This world today is so centered around self and that's why so many have fallen. For when you think only of yourself you surround yourself with the same like minded people and so even though you have people around you, you are still alone within. You become so full of desperation to be loved but hide that under pride. Because to admit that you are lonesome and need to be loved is a sign of weakness to so many. 
My Child, that is farthest from the truth. When you were created in your mothers womb, your spirit was full of love because I am love and out of my love I created you! So to deny love to others, you deny yourself love and your spirit needs love to thrive! When your spirit is thriving then the rest of you will be full of life.
Love has been turned into something it was never meant to be. To Love is not an act of lust! Love, real pure love.. like I created it to be is full of Joy, patience, kindness, long suffering, does not judge and is slow to anger. So many have their fleshly desires turned into a false sense of love that leaves them feeling down and feeling like they need more because the need for Love placed within them has not been fulfilled. And so they keep on following their fleshly desires over and over and still that emptiness within is not fulfilled. It is a viscous cycle that can only be broken by an act of True, Pure, Holy Love which comes by the act of surrender of will to me. Then and only then are you in a place where you can receive My love.
Precious One, Love one another as I have Loved you. And allow me to Love you..allow me to be all that you have been searching for in another. Give my Love a chance and I promise you will feel the Peace and Joy you have been searching for everywhere else but in me.
 Let Go of what you think Love should be that you  have learned from this world and I will give you the knowledge of Love that Brings forth freedom from Sin and leaves your spirit feeling fulfilled.
 My Love Alone will be the saving force from the grips of the darkness that has overtaken so many by blinding them to truth, to Me!
Love, My Love is the Answer to release the prisoners and open up the gates of Heaven to flow down and awaken the spirit to Truth! My Love will heal the sick and cast out the demons that  have overtaken my precious ones! My Love brings forth Redemption and New Life! My Love overcomes darkness because My Love is Light. 
So don't you see My Love is All you Need! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Do Not Judge! Always Love!!

When you see a woman with children and they don't look put together good. Her hair is a mess, their clothes wrinkled. Before you judge..think about how maybe she is a single mom working two jobs to try and make ends me and she is exhausted. 
When you see a homeless person asking for money for food. Do not judge..think about how this homeless person had a 9-5 job and all of sudden they were laid off and got behind on bills and had no one to give a helping hand and so they are now on the streets.
When you see a girl who is half dressed and obviously high on something..before you judge think about how she ran away at a young age because she was being abused and she got with the wrong crowd and now she is addicted. 
Everyone has a story to their lives and first impressions are never correct. Before you judge show love! Maybe give the exhausted mother a hand and buy those groceries for her. Maybe offer the homeless man some hot food and just show him love.
And the young girl talk with her and ask if anything you can do. Just spend some time with her.

Love always overcomes darkness. Because love is light!

You may be the only person who prays with them. You may be their  open door to Hope and Redemption!
So Always show love before you judge! It may be you one day who needs that love shown too! MP

Your Love Story

I call testimonies your love story from Jesus! Because it's His Love that brought you to where you are today! The Love of Jesus gave you strength to turn from what you were doing and who you were and Run into the Loving arms of Jesus! Because of His unconditional Love today you and  I are Free and are able to face tomorrow! So Be Bold and tell of your love story! So many are needing to hear words of Hope and feel the Amazing Love of Jesus that is your Love Story!!MP

Friday, February 13, 2015

Picture of Love

Do not look for a mate to complete you..Only Jesus can complete you! Look for a mate to walk along beside you on this Journey with Jesus! 
If you look for a mate to complete you then you will never be fulfilled within and you are putting way to much pressure on the other! 
Just allow Jesus to bring you two together and Always have Jesus as the center of your relationship! 
Pray together! Praise together! Do life together! 
And  you will see the puzzle pieces of your souls will come together and create the Picture of Love! MP


For all my single friends. Don't be discouraged with loneliness on this Valentines Day!❤️ For you are SO loved by the King of Kings and right this moment He is preparing the way and removing any hindrances or road blocks out of the way so that the two of you will soon meet. 
All your tears  of hopelessness you have cried for your love will be turned into tears of joy. You two will be joined together heart to heart and Spirit to Spirit bound together by Jesus Himself! 
So this Valentines turn the lonesomeness into excitement because by next Valentines Day you will be together with the one God created you for!!❤️❤️ MP

Thursday, February 12, 2015

My testimony on a Podcast

Below is link to interview I did last night with this Amazing woman of God. She interviewed me about my testimony. As I began to talk the enemy attacked me and I felt like there was something in my throat and I could not get it cleared up. But as I pushed through the Holy Spirit started to fill the room and I had to stand up because I felt the Fire ablaze within so strongly! 
Glory is all to God!!! He is Love!
Here is link to podcast:

My Love, My Bride

My Love, My Bride
 Why do you run and hide from the world? Why do you run and hide from Love? You have so many gifts wrapped up in love to offer this world. But you allow the fear of the past to overshadow the hope of the future and so you stay in your protected environment. You have to let it go! You have to release to me the fear of rejection, the fear of hurt, the Fear..... you have to release it to me so that you can be free to soar in this Beautiful life that I created for you! 
You are my Bride, My love and I am for you. I will protect you from all that comes against you! I have prepared a table for you in front of your enemies and through me they will humbly come to you for forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key to everlasting peace!
You do not have to hide away in fear Precious One.  For I have overcome the world so that you would know the meaning of Love through the Peace I give. You are more than a conqueror. You are a mighty Warrior for me. A Warrior of Love and Peace! No weapons formed against you will ever prosper. I have given you all the things you need for battle and that is found in Prayer and in My Word. Hide my word in your heart so when you need it..the words will just flow.
Abide in me My Child, and I will forever abide in you! 
Letting go of all that hinders your walk with me will allow you to become more spiritually intune with my heart and you will know the desires of my heart that will lead you on the path of righteousness.
Believe in my Love! Believe in my Hope! Believe in the life I have given you! 
Live in Peace My Love. Live in harmony within yourself! 
And I will fight for you when you are weak and I will fight beside you when you are ready. You will Be all that I have created you to be and that is my Warrior Bride, My child of Love: who is destined for Greatness!
Have Faith in me! For I Believe in You! I Believe in the person that you are, the person you are in transition in becoming and the person You will be! 
I am your Father who longs to love you and teach you everyday! Do not shy away from me but come to me and I will Always be there with my arms opened wide to embrace you as my child, and to teach you as your King. 
I am and will always be for you!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Glory to Glory

What an Amazing God we serve to Never leave us as we were but forever changing and healing us from the inside out and taking us from Glory to Glory with His never ending Love!MP

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

You Are Not a Victim of This World

If you do not know who you are in Christ and Believe in His Will be done and not yours...Then you will fall for anything the world tries to throw at you that looks like love and peace! You have to stand firm and strong on the unshakable foundation of Jesus and never lessen your morals/values for anyone!
You Are a Child of the King, and NOT a Victim of this World!
Be Blessed! MP

Unanswered Prayers

I am praising God for unanswered prayers! The prayers I have prayed out of hurt and  a broken heart that God did not answer has led me on the path to where I am today in life! The prayers I have prayed that remain unanswered for certain doors to be open, have directed me to the Amazing ministry God is birthing out of me in this season! The Prayers I have prayed for acceptance and for love from others that remain unanswered have led me to the Amazing and Wonderful Love of friends I have now in my life. and most importantly have led me to the Redeeming Love of Jesus, that has given me strength to step out of my comfort zone into the unknown with Jesus leading the way!
I can honestly say that I do not think if God had answered the above prayers the way I thought they should have been answered then I wouldn't be on this Amazing Path I am today with Jesus.
So when God does not answer your prayers and you get upset. Just remember God can see the whole picture and maybe just maybe that prayer you prayed hinders the Blessings of God that are about to unfold into the destiny He has set before you!!
Praise God!!
Be Blessed!! MP

Monday, February 2, 2015


Child of Tomorrow, My Love Today,
I love you more than you can ever comprehend. I love you more than my life that is why I gave my life all those years ago so that you would have life. I gave my life willingly so that you could live a life free from the torment of sin. However I did give you free will to chose to live in light or to live in darkness. Don't you know it breaks my heart to see my precious  ones suffer so by the choices they make and  that the sin causes them to  turn from me. 
When I said sin brings death it does sometimes physically but always spiritually. For when you chose to sin it causes a separation spirit to spirit from me.  My Love, when you  chose to sin and You know me then the door has been opened in your heart for condemnation that never comes from me. So when you feel condemned you run and hide from me , just like Adam and Eve did from Father. 
Just as you chose to sin I chose to love and to forgive just by you asking and confessing. 
 I love you so much that I will Always be there when you fall and I will always pick you up and put you back on your feet, but you have to come to me and stop hiding because  of what you have done. 
Sweet child, don't you know I know already all that has been done and I love you with no judgment in my love Always! 
There is not one person who is not my child no matter who they are or what they may have done they are my child and I love them as much as I love you! I will forgive them as I have and will always forgive you.
I am not a God that I judge out of anger or punish out of revenge. I am Love and all I do is out of Love, even when I chasten it is with love.
So no matter what you may do..Nothing will ever separate you from my love! 
So forgive yourself for all because I have forgiven you when you cried out to me for forgiveness it was done and your slate wiped clean by me...however you have to let it go within yourself and forgive yourself.
I am your Father and I am your friend. Forever your King and Always in you I believe!
FB PAGE: love letters from Jesus 

Sunday, February 1, 2015


I believe in Love! I believe in the very meaning of Love! I believe that Love is the answer Always! I believe Love can bring the strongest giant to their knees!  I believe Love can make the meek Bold and the weak strong! I believe Love can bring light into darkness Always! I believe Love can mend a broken heart! I believe we are all meant to love because we were created by Love, for love! We were created with Love as the very essence that binds us together! I believe love is the most powerful, everlasting, forevermore, life giving, hope restoring, redeeming, force there is!! I know that the definition of Jesus is Love! Love is Jesus!
I Love Love!
You Are Loved! MP