Monday, February 16, 2015

Love is Not Lust

My Child of Love,
To say that you love me but do not  show that love to your fellow man is like receiving a gift but never giving a gift. Freely you have received and freely you should give. My Love is a gift that needs to be given to everyone and anyone you meet. 
This world today is so centered around self and that's why so many have fallen. For when you think only of yourself you surround yourself with the same like minded people and so even though you have people around you, you are still alone within. You become so full of desperation to be loved but hide that under pride. Because to admit that you are lonesome and need to be loved is a sign of weakness to so many. 
My Child, that is farthest from the truth. When you were created in your mothers womb, your spirit was full of love because I am love and out of my love I created you! So to deny love to others, you deny yourself love and your spirit needs love to thrive! When your spirit is thriving then the rest of you will be full of life.
Love has been turned into something it was never meant to be. To Love is not an act of lust! Love, real pure love.. like I created it to be is full of Joy, patience, kindness, long suffering, does not judge and is slow to anger. So many have their fleshly desires turned into a false sense of love that leaves them feeling down and feeling like they need more because the need for Love placed within them has not been fulfilled. And so they keep on following their fleshly desires over and over and still that emptiness within is not fulfilled. It is a viscous cycle that can only be broken by an act of True, Pure, Holy Love which comes by the act of surrender of will to me. Then and only then are you in a place where you can receive My love.
Precious One, Love one another as I have Loved you. And allow me to Love you..allow me to be all that you have been searching for in another. Give my Love a chance and I promise you will feel the Peace and Joy you have been searching for everywhere else but in me.
 Let Go of what you think Love should be that you  have learned from this world and I will give you the knowledge of Love that Brings forth freedom from Sin and leaves your spirit feeling fulfilled.
 My Love Alone will be the saving force from the grips of the darkness that has overtaken so many by blinding them to truth, to Me!
Love, My Love is the Answer to release the prisoners and open up the gates of Heaven to flow down and awaken the spirit to Truth! My Love will heal the sick and cast out the demons that  have overtaken my precious ones! My Love brings forth Redemption and New Life! My Love overcomes darkness because My Love is Light. 
So don't you see My Love is All you Need! 

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