Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Prison Door is Open!

I remember when I was on drugs and I was with whomever was the person who was pimping me. We went from hotel to hotel and there were many times looking back now  I see that I could have ran away and just left. I was left in hotel room many time alone while waiting on next client or waiting on my Pimp to get back with drugs. I could have left! The door was right there and I could have left that dark prison but I did not I stayed. I allowed the fear I had towards my pimp and my hunger for the drugs to keep me a prisoner.
It got me to thinking there are so many Christians that are a prisoner of their fear...and so they stay in the prison of their own making while the door to freedom is right there wide open for them to step through. But they never reach their full potential, who God created them to be because they allow the fear to keep them paralyzed to ever move out the door of freedom and take that step of Faith! 
Trust in Jesus!! His Love will strengthen you and will make the fear disappear! It just takes one step of Faith for you to see that the fear was all in your head put there  by the enemy to keep you a prisoner. 
Once you take that first step of Faith..take another then another and with each step your confidence in Jesus and yourself becomes stronger and before you know it you are soaring above all that kept you prisoner in the first place!!
The prison door is open! Go!!

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