Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jesus Loves You

Jesus Loves you with a Love that can Strengthen your very being and give you the peace that causes you to Rest in Him! Jesus Loves you with the Love that gives you the Courage to Face another day and strengthens Your Faith to take that step into the unknown Just because your beloved, Jesus says "Trust Me". Jesus Loves you with a Love that leaves no question for doubt and makes you want to Trust and Believe that He can and Will do the Impossible for you. Jesus Loves you with a Love that brings Freedom into your Life..It makes you feel Free as a Dove to soar above all that tries to weigh your heart down. Jesus Loves you with a Love that surpasses all Time and Space..So that in the moment of despair, no matter what and always, Jesus is there with His Healing, Restoring, Redeeming, life giving, everlasting, no fear, perfect peace, dreams being birthed, Freedom coming forth, LOVE! Jesus LOVES YOU!MP


You ARE His!! You ARE Loved far more than you can ever imagine! Jesus says you are Not a Mistake and You were created for a purpose and a reason! You DO matter!! You Do have purpose! You Do have meaning to your life! You ARE A Child of the Lord Most High! You ARE a Warrior for Christ! You ARE Redeemed! You ARE Healed! You ARE a rare diamond that is beginning to shine so Bright! You ARE Forgiven! You ARE a mighty piece in the puzzle of life  created by Jesus for Jesus! You ARE made for this! You do Have ALL it takes to overcome Every obstacle that stands in your way because Jesus placed it within you and Jesus is With you! You ARE Divine and Glorious with  the Love light of Jesus shining through you! You ARE Enough! You ARE the Bride of Christ! You ARE LOVED! MP

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Posts about being Bold

I know I post a lot about being Bold and overcoming fear. That is because for years I was a prisoner of fear and I was silent! I had so much God wanted me to say but I was afraid and the word Bold was not in my vocabulary. It was not until Jesus healed me from my past and I was at a place to receive His love that His Love gave me confidence and His Love birthed a boldness in me that will Never be silent again! I genuinely Love people and want to help spread His Love through what Jesus has so lovingly taught me this far. MP

Be a Vessel

Always Be Bold!! Even if you are shaking as you are stepping out in Faith and allowing God to use you as a vessel to spread His Love, His Truth! Even if you are standing alone here on earth as you are being bold..you are spiritually surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses and Jesus is right there with His fatherly smile cheering you on!
Be Bold for the words you say may be the words that pierce through the darkness to someone who is about to give up and those words you speak are life giving, hope restoring, spreading the love of Jesus into their hearts! MP

Be Bold, Speak Loud!

Be Bold and speak what Jesus gives you to say! Don't be worried if when you speak the Truth of Jesus that someone may be offended! Cause see the only reason offense may arise in someone is because what Jesus gave you to say pulled at a Heart string and they know deep down its the Truth..but for whatever reason they can not face that truth yet and so offense raises its ugly head! Just shower them with the love of Jesus!
Speak Loud and Be Bold!!! MP


I have met so many people recently who have been hurt in church and some never to return. I can say I totally understand! I have been wounded and had my heart broken a lot in church. God showed me recently that there is no perfect church..because it is just a building. And we as imperfect people go into this building to try and find relationships and Jesus. And we get hurt because we are all hurting to some degree.  And hurting people hurt people...We put to much emphasis on going to find Jesus at church but what we really need to focus on is finding Jesus outside four man made walls. Finding and having a personal relationship with Jesus in our home ..with our family. So then when you go to church your not going to find Jesus because you already have Him within but you are going to only worship Jesus and not focus on people but Jesus! I am really working on this myself. And I still have some woundings God is healing! But I firmly believe Jesus is raising up an army of believers who will worship whole heartedly and will have the upper room kind of fire and they will spread it to everyone they meet. Church will not just be a building but will be everywhere these individuals go because they carry the atmosphere of Jesus. So don't lose hope if you are one of these people, like me, who have been hurt in church! Great Awakening is coming my friend!!!MP

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Power of Jesus within!

SO many of us do not realize the power of Jesus that is within and that is why the power remains dormant within without the full potential ever being reached. Just Believe! Have Faith! Tell doubt to Go! And Know that You were created for such a time as this!
If Ever We needed to come to the realization of the Power of Jesus within is Now! The Power to cast out demons, Heal the sick, Encourage, ...Love, Spread Hope..We need this to be activated..We Have to Activate this within! And that comes By heeding the Holy Spirit and Allowing the Holy Spirit to bring to the surface what is within!
The Spiritual Realm is just as Real as you and I in the Physical Realm. So many do not want to believe that either. See the enemy wants to keep us Blind to things of the Spirit, because if we were to Ever realize the Power of Jesus within and the Spiritual Realm..then we would Fight Harder and we would release into the atmosphere the Things of the Spirit that have been covered up by generations of Unbelief!
You have to fight the fiery darts of Hell with the Fire of the Holy Spirit! You have to Believe in the Spiritual Realm and allow Jesus through the Holy Spirit to Activate and Pour through you the Power of Jesus within!
One person, that's all it Takes, is One person to Start a Holy Ghost fire that will catch on person to person..spirit to spirit.. and set this world ablaze with Holy Ghost Revival!!MP

Monday, December 22, 2014

Transformaiton and Blessings

My Child of Blessings,
You are my beloved, and I am your King. I love you like a Father and comfort you as a friend. I mend the pieces of your heart that has been broken and I shower you with Love that is everlasting.
I see your weariness and your heart so heavy these days. I see how you just look around and wonder if things in your life will always remain as they are and never change. You have lost the peace you once had and you feel so unsettled.
 Child, you are in a transformation season of your life and in this season you will feel unsettled because I am doing a good work within you. What once brought you sweet comfort will now leave you feeling empty, because what you called comfort was of the worldly ways and so your spirit is not satisfied with what was and is only satisfied with the  comfort I bring, the comfort you get from spending time with me. In this season I am pruning away all that is left of a life you use to live and I am replacing with diamonds of my character to shine through you so others can see. You are a New Creation and so the work I am doing within will also be a renewed heart, a renewed spirit, and a renewed mind.
Sweet one, when you look around  what you see is such a small glimpse of the big picture. I see the whole picture and I want you to know you are so much closer than you know to the storehouse full of Blessings and the prayers you thought fell on deaf ears are about to be released and you will be amazed at the doors that will open.
However,  with this there will be doors I have to shut in order to move you to the next level with Me. These doors will cause you heartache but with any spiritual growth the dying away of the old has to come and with that there will be  heartache. But Oh, what waits ahead of you behind those doors I am opening for you will completely over shadow the heartache of having to say Good Bye to the doors I am closing! The harvest of Blessings is about to be showered upon you and I will sit back and smile my fatherly smile and watch as you cry  tears of Joy.
Yes the New season of Blessings is upon you My Love, My Child, My Friend, My All!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Thus Far

This season I have been in has been one of the hardest yet fulfilling seasons God has brought me to thus far. I have been so crazy lonely but God had to allow me to be lonely so I  would lean on him, cry out to him, talk to him and not always run to those around me instead of him.
God has stretched me to the point I thought I would crumble in a million pieces. But I did not and I'm stronger because of it and I know his character is being developed in me through out it  all!
I have been in the wilderness learning to trust in God like never before and learning his sweet voice so much clearer.
He had to get past my stumberness,  my own desires, thoughts, and the way I think things should be.. to get to my spirit and that took a lot of tears to get through the pain that was deep within and once He did God awakened my Voice that was locked away for so long.
He freed my Voice for Him when I denied myself and He took away my pride so All that was left is a Heart for Jesus to share His love and to allow Jesus to love me.
Lastly the doubt that had plagued my soul about who I am and who Jesus is in me..Jesus had to work on that the longest and still is working on this in me and one day I know Jesus will reveal all when He knows I am ready to receive and can handle what He shows me.
So hard all of it was but I can honestly say I would not change this season for anything!
I know this is just the beginning and that the seasons are shifting and which ever season He brings me into next I welcome cause I know He has a plan and He is with me and Never will leave me! MP

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

You Are As Close TO Jesus As.....

You are as close to Jesus as you want to be. You are as close to Jesus as your discipline will allow you to be. Meaning you have to discipline yourself to study the Word instead of  watching TV, To Pray instead of going right to sleep, To spend time with Jesus!
You are close to Jesus as your flesh allows you to be. Meaning if your flesh is stronger than your spirit then your flesh wants has come before your Spirit Wants. Thats why we are to die to our Flesh Daily.
You are as close to Jesus as your Pride allows you to be. Meaning If your Pride is standing in the way of You and Jesus because you can not let something someone did to you go or you cant apologize to someone because it was their fault..Pride has to go before the Fall! Pride has to go before you are able to Fall completely into the Arms of Jesus!
You are as close to Jesus as your unhealed woundings will allow you to be. Meaning there are some wounds from your past that drive a wedge between you and Jesus. Ask Jesus to heal you from those woundings and the healing process will begin. Some woundings from your past can cause you to have a distorted image of who Jesus really is and How he handles us.
There are So many other things I could write but it all boils down to Trust in God, Let Go of the past, and Have Faith in the Future.
Choose life and not death..Feed your spirit and not your Flesh..Choose forgiveness Always Forgiveness!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

To God Be ALL the GLORY!

In all your ways, In all you say, In all you Do..Give Glory to God! Everything we are, everything we will be is By God, For God! We were created to sing His Praise! We were created with His Love as the very fabric of our being..to Love God and to love others with the Love of God in us! He is our Friend, King, Counselor, creator, Teacher, Father! We would not Be and would not exist if not for God! He is Love! He is the purest meaning of Love! He is the Sun that rises and the Moon that sets. He is the Only true Hope and Everlasting Peace for all mankind! God is our Redeemer, the Alpha and Omega, Holy of Holies and yet so Close to His children! He is, He was, and He will Always Be!
Glory to God on the Highest! Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men!

Monday, December 15, 2014

W are All Equal

We are ALL equal in the Eyes of God!!!!!!! No matter if you have been a Christian 5 years or 50 years..no matter if you have all the  biblical degrees anyone can have or you do  not have any degrees..no matter if your life has been Holy since birth..or your just honest with yourself and admit your a sinner! We are ALL equal!! If you are the janitor of a church or the preacher! If you have a million dollars or 50 cents!  Not one of us  is better  in anyway than the other..in the eyes of God! And in His eyes..who we are..is ALL that matters!  And we have One life goal and that is to Glorify God with our Lives! Its ALL about GOD! Its ALL for GOD! its ALL by GOD!MP

For today, this time, this season!!

The Great Awakening is about to be birthed!! This will spread from the four corners of the earth! There will seem like a great falling away..but just wait because the Greatest Harvest of souls looks differently to all those who look on! Some of those you think are falling away..are not...they are finding out that they have their own Voice of God  within and do not have to conform to any Church Leadership of how they should sound and what they should say! They are learning to be independently A strong and mighty warrior of the King! They are learning that they Hear from Jesus just as clear as the most mightiest of Pastors , Evangelist, Prophet, etc.
So what looks like the great falling away is actually the Great realization that Jesus is King and that Jesus is the Only One who defines, shapes, directs, and molds us into what He says we should be!
Do not be afraid or intimidated by anyone! Speak loud! Use your voice!! You do hear from God! You do have the power of God within to do as those who are on TV or behind pulpit. etc! The same God that lives in them lives in You!! You are good enough! And what you have to say..the multitude is waiting to hear!!! Believe in yourself! God believes in you and entrusted His son to you and the Power of the Holy Spirit is waiting on you to Just Believe!!
 Who am I??I am a very proud single mother.  I have never been married. I make mistakes daily. I fall on my face daily and kneel in prayer when the day is done for release and forgiveness! I wonder soemdays how I will ever make it and other days I am singing Praise! I make it by Gods Grace from paycheck to paycheck. I don't have much but what I have is all Blessings from God! I am not the prettiest or the smartest and could care less somedays how I look!
I am saying this to say if God can use me He can and Longs to use anyone!!! I don't have a status and do not care to ever have a status. What I know and What I hold to be truth in my life is Jesus is ALL I Need and to love others no matter what they may or may not have done... love them to Jesus! We are not placed on this earth to judge! How can we judge?? We are not perfect and never will be! But the Amazing Grace that is new every morning is the strength we need to catapult us to even a deeper Level with the King!!
Use your voice!! Speak your heart! Speak and if you listen carefully with your spiritual ears you will hear chains falling from those who are listening to your words of Freedom!! You are mighty!! You are a Warrior! You are More than Enough!!!!MP

Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Child of Miraculous, Revelation,

My Child of Miraculous, Revelation,
Hold on to my love. Hold on to the Hope you can only find in Me. Hold on to the peace that comes when you Trust in Me. Hold on to the Promises and the Blessings that have been passed down from generation to generation. Hold on to the dreams I have place within you. Hold on to the hunger that is within that can only be fulfilled by spending time with me. Hold on My Precious One Hold on!
  My child, Just Believe in Me! Believe in the words I give to you.Believe in that which I have placed within you. Believe that tomorrow will be better than today. Believe that your past is gone and you Are a New creation. Believe in the comforter, counselor I sent to you...The Holy Spirit. Just Believe!
Trust in Me. Trust in the unseen, the unknown, the secrets of my heart that I want to reveal to you. Trust in the life giving, hope restoring Love I have placed within you. Trust!
 My Love, Hold on to Me! Trust in Me! Believe in Me! For I will never ever lead you astray but will lead you towards the destiny I have placed within you so long ago!  You see this destiny is not for you but for the ones that I am placing in your path that you will heal, deliver, set free by me in you for my glory! And this will spread like a wildfire and this is how the greatest Revival will come to be! It starts with one person, one willing vessel!
You are me bride, my love and I am Holding on to you and I will Never let you go! NO matter what may come I will Never let you go!
My Love is enough! Your Faith is growing and your trust is become stronger! Just Hold on! My child Hold On! And I will carry you when you are weak and walk beside you when you have regained your strength!
Every battle, every tear, every heart break, every set back..it all has led up to whats about to be released through you to a much needed world! Listen you will hear the heart cries of those in bondage! You will be used My Child, you will be used greatly to be the voice in the darkness crying out "Let My People Go!!" and by those words the chains will drop to the floor!
 Sweet One, Yes, the time is drawing so near for your spirit to birth into the atmosphere My love..My power..My love light that will shine in the darkest of places and in the hidden rooms! My love light through you will shine so bright that you will walk in a room and everyone will look to see who has entered because the atmosphere has turned to love, to me..You are my chosen Bride..You never gave up and gave in..You kept on fighting through and standing on your faith in me!
So yes Hold on for Greatness is about to be released and everyone will see what I have always known..Your beauty, your pure heart, they will see me shining through you! And they will witness the Miraculous, Redeeming, Power of My Unending Love through My Chosen vessel, You!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Believe in the Power of Jesus within!

Say No to the mind games, say No to the temporary pleasures. Seek out life long love and peace. The enemy will use anything and everything to get you to doubt and to fear and to think that life will always be as it is now and the dreams within will never come to be. See the enemy knows that if you ever come to the realization of the power within you through Jesus, then no power of Hell can Ever come against you and succeed. The enemy knows that you have life giving, healing, hope restoring, bondage breaking, demon casting out, Love over flowing power of Jesus within that is waiting for you to just believe in the power of Jesus within and believe in yourself.
So take the promises God has for you and the over flowing of peace and Blessings as your own today! They are yours! Stand firm on the word and know that You are more than a conqueror in Jesus! You are a  Mighty and Strong Force of Jesus  waiting to be released!! Just Believe! MP

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

You are healed, You are Redeemed!

My Child,
You are SO loved! You are Not who you once were! You are marvelous in all your splendor and beauty. The beauty you have runs deep and shines with the love light of my love.
Sweet one, Your innocence that was stolen at a young age is being restored and those deep wounds from childhood I am healing. You are no longer a victim but are now victorious and courageous. Your spirit is growing stronger and will no longer be bound by chains of past regrets, past offenses, past hurts. You are mighty and strong and are my Amazing, Glorious Warrior.
No weapons of the enemy  will have any power against you any longer. For your boldness in me to stand strong against the voice and attacks of the enemy is being renewed within you.
My Child, I am your God. I Am your Father, I Am your friend. I am reachable and I am your biggest fan who is always and will always cheer you on with the angels by my side loving you, encouraging you, to Stand..to Be..To Trust..To Believe just one more day, just one more time!
Greatness is ahead and the past is behind! You Are Redeemed!

I am Thankful for the Internet

I really feel that the internet either Facebook, blogs, Google Plus, twitter, etc..gives a platform to some Amazing and Gifted individuals to spread the Love of Jesus! Without this platform sadly their voice would not be heard! So Today I am SO Grateful for the Internet being used for good to reach the multitude in minuets and giving the Saints a Voice:) 
So speak your mind, share your heart, There is someone who needs to read what you have to write and it may be the exact thing they need to read to speak to their spirit to bring them Hope!
Be ready though for the negative comments that will come your way when you are about the Lords business. Dont allow the negative comments to bring you any kind of doubt! Instead let the negative comments be the fuel to make you go deeper in the Lord and make you write more! Because if you were not doing what God has anointed you to do, and if you were not reaching Jesus' Precious Children then the negative comments would not come! They are a sign to keep on keeping on! Praise God!!:)MP

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Time to be Real and Honest

What I write sometimes is from what I have learned thus far. My desire is to save someone from experiencing the heartache I have had to..in this learning process..It is not always positive..but what in life is constantly positive! I can promise you I am and will ALWAYS be real and honest!
I think so many make this walk with Jesus out to be a beautiful day with birds singing everyday and beautiful rainbows all around! And you always have peace and joy Always no matter what! You are Never angry and You are never thinking what you shouldn't think. You should always be straightline and Never Ever say anything other than Love and Kindness!
Ok I am not sure what world these people live in but I live in the real world and there are days I just want to stay in bed all day and not get up and I do not see the rainbows but I see dark clouds! There are days I choose to not talk to anyone cause I am in one of my moods and the words that come out will be anything but love! There are times I wonder what in the world was God thinking making these people head of anything!..Just being real..But then I pray for forgiveness for judging. But still I am not and we are not perfect! We are going to stumble and we are going to get back up! We are going to have down days and days of Praise! We are going to have times of questioning so much and then we will have times of revelation! The one constant thing that remains through it all is Jesus!!
I think Jesus loves the realness more than the fake! Seriously! Cause atleast with being real and honest He doesn't have to try and pry anything out of us and He can get right down to business:)
So do not be hard on yourself for anything! Its OK..your OK! This walk with God should be about freedom and not condemnation from yourself, or others! Just breathe! and Just be yourself with all your flaws and mistakes! Your Wonderful in the eyes of our Father!
Atleast lets Be real about this walk with God and Stop Sugar coating every single thing! MP

Trust in Gods Word more than Peoples Word!

You can not allow what others say or how they feel towards you detour you in anyway from the Calling you know God has on your life! You know what God wants you to do for Him, for His Glory, For His children! You know the dreams He has given you and the Words He says to your spirit! You know!!
So don't let someones premature ideas of who you are or are not make you second guess who God says you are!
I know its hard to do!! I have struggled with others words towards me and a...bout me for years! I even let it silent me! Until I God grew me up a little bit more and I allowed God, not people, speak His Truth into My spirit and Now I Know Who I am and NO one and Nothing will ever change that.
I think it has a lot to do with confidence in yourself and in God! When you are just learning the depths of God and His voice, you second guess yourself as it is. And when these 'seasoned Christians' come along and tell you what you are thinking or feeling is incorrect then ofcourse you believe them. That's what I did. So don't be hard on yourself if you have fallen victim to the 'I have been Christian longer than you so I know more than you' spirit! We all have at one time or another.
Just know that God speaks to you directly and He tells you who you are! Your identity is in Him and Him alone! MP

Spend Time With Jesus

There comes a time in your life when you have to reexamine what is important, holds the most value to you, takes up most of your time. When you do this you may be surprised it is not Jesus.
We get so caught up in the day to day living and so busy that sometimes we put Jesus on the back burner of our lives and only bring Him forward when we are in need or are in despair.
Instead of having the day to day relationship, We have a 911 kind of relationship and only call on Him and Seek Him when We need Help.
The time we live in I understand is full of so much pressure, stress, and "to dos" that we don't have time, not today, to come to the throne of Jesus and fall to our knees and surrender.
You see I am saying "We" in this, because I too fall into this category, not proud of it but I do, as we all do, from time to time.
The thing that is so Precious of Jesus is even though we put Him on the back burner and call on Him in 911 situations, He is Still There! He will Not - Not be there because we don't tend to our relationship with Him daily. He longs for us to do so, because He has so much more to show us and teach us. He longs for Us to spend more time with Him than we do watching TV, or Going places. He longs for us to have more than just a Sunday relationship with Him. He Just wants us to Love on Him and Reach out to Him and in return ALL those stresses, burdens, and "to dos" will be diminished and in its Place will be Peace, Love, and True Happiness.MP

Monday, December 8, 2014

Freedom from the Prison of Addiction

From the Gates of Heaven God is releasing Angels charge over your loved ones! Every Chain will be broken and Every prisoner will be set free. Sickness will be healed and Disease will scatter like the leaves in the fall. Jesus will do this but your loved has to be willing to step out of the prison of addiction. When some prisoners are set free they will remain in the life they knew and not realize there freedom has come. Not because they want to be prisoner, but because they are scared to be free. Addiction becomes apart of their being, who they are.
You just have to encourage them and be there. I know you are tired and weary! Jesus knows too. Just hold on and Pray and Pray and Pray!! The prayer of a loved one is strong and touches the heart of God!
Do not allow Fear to overtake you and do not judge what will be by your present circumstances! I promise you that in a moment in time things can and will turn from death to life..from night to day...from depression to HOPE!
Freedom!! I keep hearing that in my spirit! Freedom!!!

Time Has Come

If you look with your spiritual eyes to all that is unfolding in the US and abroad you will see so much Hurt which is manifesting as a
Anger and is leading to Hate! What is going on is The Evil one knows that there is about to be a release of The Holy Spirit to a magnitude not seen in the States in a long time. There is about to be a revival of souls so strong that like a mighty wind that blows not knowing where it started or where it will end up..so will this fresh awakening be. There will be Mighty signs and Miracles that will have even the skeptic fall to their knees in Praise. The Precious ones in the alleys and the gutters of this world are going to rise up with crowns on their heads and everyone will ask "Who are these that come from the ghettos, they are dressed as the Kings of Old" and They will take their Place among the Saints...The Wicked will turn to Jesus from their torment and agony... For they will see atlast the evil one for all that the evil one is and they will see Jesus and ALL is Majesty and they will claw at their eyes and beg for forgiveness and God will Humble them to their knees and He will cover them with love and they will have fresh robes of Glory! The hidden will be brought to light and the Humble will be lifted high among the saints. The foundation of this country will be restored and once More Jesus will be the Head and not the Tail. Jesus will be the God of ALL. Jesus will be Jesus and ALL will Call Him Lord:)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Jesus Loves You So Dearly!

Jesus has heard all your cries and He is right there.. right now...He knows your beautiful voice and He is there! Just reach out to him and He will hold you and lavish you with Love. His Peace will flood your soul and you will rest tonight the best rest you have had in a long time! Stop fighting and just give in to what your spirit already knows. Give Jesus control and you will mount up with wings as eagles and soar above the doubt, fear, and depression. Be still and know He has you! He loves you so dearly!
Be Blessed!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Time for Healing

Precious Love of Mine,
You are so Loved and Adored by so many, but there are days when You are so down and so hard on yourself. Why is this? You try to be perfect and keep everything looking perfect on the outside but on the inside, within your heart you feel as though your world is falling apart. You put on a fake smile to everyone you meet and you give of yourself to everyone who needs help, butto yourself within..you are abandoning.
My Child, You have a heart that is beautiful but has places that need mending. You have secrets within that you have hidden from others for so long that it is now becoming unbearable and is overtaking you. These things weigh so heavily on you, Please allow me to do a mighty work within to set you free. Allow me to heal you within, one step at a time, one wound at a time. I Am the Healer and long to heal you if you allow me to. Those that think they need no help and have everything under control, are usually the ones that need help the most.
My Love, I long for your smile to be real, to mean that your happy and at peace within! I long to be the center of your world..but until you can allow me to help you forgive and heal you within then I am kept at a distance by your hurt. You do not have to worry or be afraid that I will love you less if you allow me within! It is quite the opposite! We will be closer because by you allowing me into the deepest of your heart, means your trust in me is growing.
You are my Amazing, Wonderful Child in whom I am so inlove with! You are created for Greatness and You are Destined for far more than you can ever imagine! You will Succeed and You will overcome this season! For I am with you always and I am for you and Never will Leave You!
Allow me to Heal you and your Freedom, True Freedom from your past will begin!

One Thing Remains

In your moment of weakness the love of Jesus is your strength! You see only dark clouds with your eyes, but if you look with your heart you see there are rainbows! Jesus is your heart and His love alone is the courage you need to get up out of bed in the morning and face another day! His love is the peace that fills your being when you are going through a battle. Jesus is the light in the darkness of your current circumstances and He is the Only Freedom that lasts! Jesus' Love is Real and True and Is there always and Forever for you!MP

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dont Over Think It;)

AMEN! I am learning this! I have actually been learning to not "over think" everything for a while now! Its a defense mechanism used to protect yourself that you establish as a child and becomes more and more concrete within. "over thinking" can and will lead to isolation and depression. You have to just "let go" and Just trust In God and Follow your heart and not over think it at all! 
What is the worst that can happen stepping out in Faith? You fall or stumble?? Well what if you do? then You just allow God to catch you and pick you up and dust you off! 
I would much rather have taken a chance, step of Faith...Then Never know what could have been:)MP

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jesus is ALL you will EVER need!

I've been up and I've been down. I've experienced love and I've experienced heartache. I've had my dreams crushed and I've had my dreams restored. I've been in the ditches of this world and I've had experiences when I've felt right at the feet of Jesus. I've had money and I've been lesser than broke. I've had friends and I've been completely alone. I've had times where I felt like I was dancing with the devil and I've had times when I've felt like I was in presence of angels. I have laughed and I have cried. I have learned many lessons and I have failed to learn also.
One thing through it all remains constant and true. That is Jesus never left my side. He was always there through it all and His love saved me from death many times. Jesus is life! Jesus is love! Jesus is King!! Jesus is ALL you need! He will love you through the pain and be there when the tears flow! He will comfort you when you need a friend and protect you and lead you as a father! He will shelter you when you are lost amongst the storm of life and He will be your safe harbor when you are overcome with fear! He will bring you to a place of rest and He will mend your broken heart! He will restore to you all that was taken and He will stand in the gap for your loved ones! He will love you through your anger and He will love you through your doubt! He is ALL that you will Ever need! Just have Faith and believe and He will do the rest! MP

Sweet Jesus Songs:)

**He's still working on me
to make me what I ought to be
It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars
the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars
How loving and patient He must be
He's still working on me
There really ought to be a sign upon my heart
don't judge me yet there's an unfinished part
but Ill be perfect just according to His plan
fashioned by the masters loving's hands**
I remember as a child I ALWAYS was singing sweet little Jesus songs with friends and with my grandparents. My grandparents and I use to get up in front of the small country church and sing "specials" every Sunday. We also sang on the way to church and on the way home anytime we were in the car.
As a preteen when I was in foster homes and such..I still would sing sweet Jesus songs and they always brought me such comfort. I didn't know then the power of Praise like I know now..I just knew I loved to sing.
As an adult I do not sing in public..but I do still sing sweet Jesus songs around my house from time to time and mostly when I am in prayer..Enter His gates with Praise:)
Sweet songs of Praise will lift your spirits and is a great weapon against the enemy and most importantly Sweet Songs of Praise Glorify God!!
I love Sweet songs of Praise!!! I love to sing and I love to hear others sing!MP

Warrior of the King

Seasons are changing, Time is drawing oh so near!
Listen closely, Do not turn an deaf ear..
Your Faith has been deemed Honorable,
Your Courage when faced with your adversaries Commendable,
The Anointing and the Blessings  of God will soon be released,
You have Won this battle,
You have been faithful and have kept the pace,
you did not give up..You kept on with the race.
so Look around you for great is your reward
You have Done it! You have come so Far!
You have cried many tears along the way,
and each one God has wiped away.
You have wondered if what you know in your spirit will ever come to be,
You may have wondered but you kept the faith and so you will soon see,
That the dreams you have in your heart were placed there by the King
and they are being released!
So Hold on tight, Precious Warrior of The King
for you will soon be engulfed with the Blessings of your God Given Dreams!! MP

Monday, December 1, 2014


I was just thinking about what all has transpired this year, since it is soon coming to an end! I have to say the three things I am most thankful for learning are 1. learning to be independent spiritually and physically. 2. Allowing God to show me what really matters in this life! What is important and what is not. 3. God growing me up spiritually, a little more mature in Him:)
I use to place all my attention on others, for their approval. This year God has helped me to see that the only approval I will ever need is His! There will always be people who disagree with you and who do not like you. God showed me that it is not me but the spirit of God within me that intimidates them, however that's ok. Still I will always show them Love!  Because we are all in the learning process being set free and positioned from Glory to Glory!
This year I have discovered a deeper sense of who Jesus is. I have discovered who He is past the Bible, I have discovered who  He is to Me, For me, and Through me to others.
Lastly God has showed me that we are all equal in His eyes and No one is more "Holy" then the other. We are all His children, who He loves us all so deeply and equal! MP