Wednesday, December 10, 2014

You are healed, You are Redeemed!

My Child,
You are SO loved! You are Not who you once were! You are marvelous in all your splendor and beauty. The beauty you have runs deep and shines with the love light of my love.
Sweet one, Your innocence that was stolen at a young age is being restored and those deep wounds from childhood I am healing. You are no longer a victim but are now victorious and courageous. Your spirit is growing stronger and will no longer be bound by chains of past regrets, past offenses, past hurts. You are mighty and strong and are my Amazing, Glorious Warrior.
No weapons of the enemy  will have any power against you any longer. For your boldness in me to stand strong against the voice and attacks of the enemy is being renewed within you.
My Child, I am your God. I Am your Father, I Am your friend. I am reachable and I am your biggest fan who is always and will always cheer you on with the angels by my side loving you, encouraging you, to Be..To Trust..To Believe just one more day, just one more time!
Greatness is ahead and the past is behind! You Are Redeemed!

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