Monday, December 15, 2014

For today, this time, this season!!

The Great Awakening is about to be birthed!! This will spread from the four corners of the earth! There will seem like a great falling away..but just wait because the Greatest Harvest of souls looks differently to all those who look on! Some of those you think are falling away..are not...they are finding out that they have their own Voice of God  within and do not have to conform to any Church Leadership of how they should sound and what they should say! They are learning to be independently A strong and mighty warrior of the King! They are learning that they Hear from Jesus just as clear as the most mightiest of Pastors , Evangelist, Prophet, etc.
So what looks like the great falling away is actually the Great realization that Jesus is King and that Jesus is the Only One who defines, shapes, directs, and molds us into what He says we should be!
Do not be afraid or intimidated by anyone! Speak loud! Use your voice!! You do hear from God! You do have the power of God within to do as those who are on TV or behind pulpit. etc! The same God that lives in them lives in You!! You are good enough! And what you have to say..the multitude is waiting to hear!!! Believe in yourself! God believes in you and entrusted His son to you and the Power of the Holy Spirit is waiting on you to Just Believe!!
 Who am I??I am a very proud single mother.  I have never been married. I make mistakes daily. I fall on my face daily and kneel in prayer when the day is done for release and forgiveness! I wonder soemdays how I will ever make it and other days I am singing Praise! I make it by Gods Grace from paycheck to paycheck. I don't have much but what I have is all Blessings from God! I am not the prettiest or the smartest and could care less somedays how I look!
I am saying this to say if God can use me He can and Longs to use anyone!!! I don't have a status and do not care to ever have a status. What I know and What I hold to be truth in my life is Jesus is ALL I Need and to love others no matter what they may or may not have done... love them to Jesus! We are not placed on this earth to judge! How can we judge?? We are not perfect and never will be! But the Amazing Grace that is new every morning is the strength we need to catapult us to even a deeper Level with the King!!
Use your voice!! Speak your heart! Speak and if you listen carefully with your spiritual ears you will hear chains falling from those who are listening to your words of Freedom!! You are mighty!! You are a Warrior! You are More than Enough!!!!MP

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