Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Spark of Hope

Out of the pain there can be a light of hope! That light of hope can start as a small flicker within your heart. Then Jesus breathes fresh revelation into your heart and the flicker is now a small flame. 
Jesus then gives you a dream that heals that pain and that small flame is now a large flame. 
Jesus then brings you people that need to hear your story so they can have hope. You flame is now a raging fire of hope and you are being used By Jesus to spread the fire of Hope to others!
This is how sweet Jesus works! Never far away and will use and do whatever it takes heal your heart with His Love and start the spark of Hope in your Heart! 
That's my Jesus💜

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Love letters From Jesus Volume 2

Here is the link to my second love letters book full of love and encouragement.
It is free until July 1 and then it will be .99
Get a copy and share with as many people as you can! If ever a time we need encouragement, hope, and strength that lasts is now! And that is only found in Jesus' Love! That's exactly what this book is!

Love Letters From Jesus Volume 2: Grace for Today, Strength for Tomorrow, Hope for the ... http://www.amazon.com/dp/B010EI6XXK/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_QPdKvb81MVKNB

Leave The Door Of Your Past Closed!

When you try to open a door that God has closed you are opening a door to the past. 
Allow the door to remain closed and for the people behind the door to remain there! 
You are creating a new life, a new start! Don't allow the judgmental people of your past who never truly loved you the way they should have, the way you loved them... Do not allow them back into your life or you will once more be in the web of deceit and lies that brought you down in the beginning! 
God is doing a great work in you! Allow Him to continue and you will be more at peace than ever in your past! 
I learned this the hard way! I kept returning to a door God closed and allowing people back in my life that were like poison to my soul, to my future.  
No more because I found out that I am much stronger and have so much more peace being alone than with people who tore me down! 
God is Faithful!! Trust in Him! He will Never lead you astray! 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Drop Your Stone!

I love you all and please don't take this the wrong way. 
If any of you can honestly say that you have never sinned then I will agree with the scriptures being used as a weapon to condemn people to Hell. 
But since I can say that I know I sin and I sin daily I can not and will never use scriptures as a weapon and in a context of my own choosing. 
Yes the scripture says certain things are a sin but so is lieing and cheating and lusting, etc. 
I never read in the Bible which are the words of Abba and Abba is LOVE.. 
Never have I read that one sin is so much worse than the other. Never have I read that Christians are better than anyone else. 
Who are we to judge a person by their sin when we too sin? When did we become like those whom stoned The lady in the street for having affairs and Jesus stepped up to protect her? We have way to many people holding stones! 
I read all day people being against the Muslims that kill innocent people I get that! However by judging and condemning people by their lifestyle you too are committing   murder.. Murder of their spirit to Ever become One with Christ!
I know there will be more biblical verses left here as comments condoning what I am saying and that is OK. But let me say one too: God is Love! 
I have been the judgmental type and I have felt the anger rise up against people's lifestyles until Jesus broke me one day and showed me His love for His children that I was Being God to and condemning them to Hell and I repented and cried and cried!! 
Have you ever thought that you can win many more souls to Jesus with Love than with Hate! 
People just want to be loved and we are suppose to be Jesus with skin on and not the Hypocrits that so many people think Christians are. 
When you post comments and post remarks about abomination and condemnation and going to Hell.. And yet behind closed doors your watching porn and treating your spouse like a dog... Then Hypocrit title sticks .
I'm sorry I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes. My heart is just burdened for the direction the church is going and Jesus never ever would go for all this hate talk when all he stood for was love! 
I will say this again: Just because you love the person does not mean you are accepting or tolerating the sin! It just means you see the child of God in this persons eyes and you are being obedient to the Voice of God and your love for that person will one day lead them to Jesus! Your Judgment never will!
I will not be commenting on anyone's comments and if they at all sound hateful they will be deleted!
I lived my life to long full of  anger and hate and I am Never going back to that person! 
Love people Love is stronger and speaks louder to hate!
Love births Freedom and Hate is a prison!!!
Just because you can throw scriptures at people if there is no love in the words then they are just words and will Never penetrate the heart! 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Love brings Life and Causes Death

There is a thin line between not agreeing with someone's lifestyle and judging them!
We don't have to agree but we better not judge because if you judge the you shall be judged!
Being judgmental can easily turn to hate and hate is not of God!
Love the sinner don't judge them by their sin!
Love speaks volumes but hate causes separation in spirit from God and causes the person you are showing hate towards to run even further from God. 
Love them to Jesus!
There is so much hate going on already in this world! Choose love! Just because you love the person doesn't mean you accept the sin!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Love Letter

My Warrior, My Precious One:
You are loved far more than your human mind can comprehend. You are loved so deeply that I would move heaven and earth to get to you. 
I have protected you from so much that you can not see and I have guided you in my ways to the path you are on now.
 You have not given up even when things around you seem  hopeless, you kept your course with Me and that warms my heart and brings tears of Joy to my eyes.
My Love, All the sleepless nights, all the tears you cried..have all led up to this place and in this time!
 You were created for such a time as this! To be my Warrior, My trail blazer..going out before and preparing the way for those that come up behind you.
So many times you have wondered why things happen the way that they have, Why people left you, Why you seem to Never get ahead...Sweet Child, everything that happens and everything that is going on is what I have allowed in your life to develop my character, my ways within you. Some  of the things  I have allowed in your life have birthed in you Trust in me, while others things have caused your faith to grow stronger...Everything, even the bad...you have allowed me to use to Heal you and to cause your Spirit to grow a little everyday. 
What the enemy meant for your destruction I have turned into Praise in Your heart.
You are a Mighty Warrior, My Beautiful One in whom I am so Proud!
The coming days will bring confusion and doubt to so many but not to you! 
Your Faith in me through it all, all you have been through, Your faith is strong and your Love is Pure! Hold on to that and do not be swayed by anything! 
I am with you always and forever! Your are my Beloved and I am your King, Your Friend, Your Love Always!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Time to Give Up and Let Go

Freedom is not free! In order to be free in your life you have to let it go, give it up!
To be free to spread your wings you have to give up fear!
To be free to have peace you have to give up unforgiveness
To be free from anxiety you have to give up stress and the pain! 
To be free from loneliness you have to give up your walls that you have built
To be free from sin you have to let go of your flesh
To be free from condemnation you have to let go of your past
To be free from anger you have to let go of the hurt
To be free from this world you have to give it all to Jesus!
When you let go or give up then you give God the room within to do a great healing but as long as you hold on then you will be a prisoner of your own making!
Jesus came so captives will be set free!
Your prison door is open but your still standing in the prison cell! Walk through the door to freedom leaving behind all that held you down!
Just trust in Him, He will never leave you nor forsake you and will walk with you through the healing! 
His love will strengthen you to let go and give things up! Just ask Him to help you and Jesus will! 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Welcome Home

It's me God it's been so long
Since I've come to you
My life has been crazy I've not known what to do
And so I fix things the way I think that they should be
And along the way I have lost me
Things have gotten so far out of control
I know that I need to come home
To you my king, my father 
Will you still have me
Will you still call me your own
Oh sweet Jesus I am so alone

Oh my child my Precious one
You have always and will always have a home in my arms
You have not been forgotten
You have never been unloved
For I have always been there with you
Always waiting for you to give me the battle
Give me the hurt, give me the questions that are heavy on your heart
You are my Child, my love and I will always rescue you my Beloved
You need  not to worry about the mess you made
For I have already appointed angels to go forth and clear the path 
Welcome Home my Child
Welcome Home
You are forevermore and always Loved! Forgiveness has already been granted and Mercy is yours.
You are safe now! You are free!

The Love of Abba

You are loved more than any kind of love you hope to feel. The Love Abba has for you is so strong and so pure that even though you may fall away or did fall away into the world, the love of God, Fatherly Love, is with you to guide you back home.
His love is stronger than any false pleasures and promises this world has to offer and His love overcomes ALL the lies of the enemy. 
His love is the only force that can break through the walls of deception and free those enslaved by the enemy. 
The love of God is the ONLY saving force for the world today! 

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Shift

We are in a season where you can not and must not rely on your own understanding and try to think things out. Our human minds can not comprehend the levels of majestic which is Gods way! 
We have to trust in God! He alone can see the big picture and we have to allow our Faith to be made true during this season when so much just does not make sense and where we see so much is just wrong!
I feel the shift and with the shifting of season I also feel the intenseness in the spiritual realm. 
There is about to be an unleashing of the power of God that will wipe all the darkness out. However in this pre-revelation of Gods power we will and are under attack greatly! We have to stand strong and fight! 
The Devil knows that his time is coming to a halt and so he is using all his tactics and schemes and his army to fight and bring down all he can with lies and fake promises and temptations!  The great fall away. 
Just keep doing what you are doing!! Praying and hiding Gods word in your heart! Remember deny the devil and he must flee! 
Tried and true we are going to be the ones claiming the victory and we are going to be the ones on our knees  in adoration when the Power of God is released! 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

So Many Do Not Comprehend the Magnitude of the Power Within

Do not fear the unknown! Do not allow the enemy to torment you!
Because our Abba is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! He is mighty in all his power and humble in all His ways! We have His spirit living in us!  So who are we to fear an enemy???? 
We have such great power within to tread on the snakes and scorpions! Meaning we have the power of God within to look the enemy in the face and laugh and say"really?? You think that what you are doing can phase me? I think you have me mistaken for an orphan!"  Rebuke and Praise and move on! 
So many get stuck in the battle and claim defeat! They deny or just don't understand the magnitude of the power of God within! 
The same Power of God that raised Jesus from the dead is within us!! We were not created to fall down in defeat! We were created to stand tall and proud knowing Abba is with us! We are warriors of the King! A mighty tribe of Judah! With God as our leader, our King! 
You do not have to be afraid! You do not have to worry about tomorrow! For we are destined for greatness if we stay on the path of righteousness and Trust in God! 
Be loud! Let your voice that God gave you be heard! Do not be paralyzed or silenced in fear! 
Be the one that people wonder what you have because you are so full of peace in the storm!
Be your fathers child! Be the warrior your were born to be! Be courageous! 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

God is Love!

Last week I had such a blow from the enemy and I will admit I allowed it to knock me down for a minuet  because it was a harsh attack that surprised me and took me off guard.
But I cried my tears and I felt the love of God so sweetly calm my nerves and give me His peace. 
Then the rest of the week I felt like a little child wrapped so lovingly in Abbas embrace and each day that passes I felt stronger because see it's not about the enemy none of this is. 
What it is about is even though you may get knocked down.. While you are knocked down and through your tears just say "God I do not understand what is going on in my life but I will trust in you. No matter what and always I will trust in you!" 
Those words are so powerful and God will fill you with such sweet love that you can feel that love making the sting of the attack just go away! 
I have learned with every attack of the enemy there is a lesson to learn! With every fiery dart you have another chance to stand your ground and declare those words above! I TRUST IN YOU GOD! And you will see that you are a little stronger each time you stand strong and your faith is a little deeper! 
The Love of God is your strength! 
Be Blessed! 

Friday, June 12, 2015

God is SO Good!!

God is so Good
God is so Good 
God is so Good
He's so Good to me!

I often sing these lyrics when I am faced with trials because brings me such peace in the midst of the storm.
No matter what comes your way and no matter how the dark clouds of despair try and over take you.
Just reach your hands towards the Heavens and say God is so Good.
No forces of Hell can come against our God and stand! No weapons formed against us can ever come through the love shield of God! No lies that the enemy tries to tell you can stand up against the Truth of Gods Word!
You have to claim this for yourself and boldly stand against any opposition because you are a child of the King! 
You are mighty and have the love light of God within you that makes the darkness flee! 
You were created to withstand all that comes against you because you were created in the image of Abba and that image is the cornerstone of all that is Holy, Pure and True!
No more hiding in fear! You were born for battle so let the warrior within arise and take your place amongst the saints! 
Because God is so Good! We can face this day and tomorrow with our heads held high and love as our guide! 

Saints Are Not Born Saints

Saints were not born saints but were made by facing trial and tribulation with their faith and trust focused on God. 
Out of their trials was birthed the character of God and out of their pain their spirit was made one with God. 
For they know that without Him they are nothing! 
They went through the fiery furnace of reformation and they too faced their own demons and came through with their step much lighter and their hearts more pure! 
Saints are sinners who never gave up and kept on when the going got tough and allowed God to lead them and guide the into their destiny for Him!
So arise Saints you are Mighty and Glorious with all you splendor.. Made true and pure by the masters loving hand!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Evil spelled backwards is Live

 The Love of Money is the root of all evil and evil spelled backwards is live. 
So many "famous" people who go from rags to riches so fast give into the lies of the enemy of what happiness is. They think lust, plastic surgery, material things, etc. is happiness but that is so far from the truth! 
Why do you think they keep on getting plastic surgery and go from one lustful relationship to another and keep buying crazy material things they don't need??
Because they are not fulfilling the emptiness within! Sure they can fake a pretty smile and act all happy but if you could walk in their shoes you would see they are not truly happy for if they were they would not be doing all they are doing.
They had to be unhappy with their lives before they became over night famous! 
For if not they wouldn't be so unhappy now!
Evil is how they live but it is sugar coated by the lies of the enemy and they are blinded and deceived!
So when you watch reality shows or the news and you wish you were the people on TV...don't! For if you were you would then be wishing you were not! 
Pray for them! They need to feel the love of Jesus to know what true love, peace, and happiness is! MP

You Are The Exact Parent Your Child Needs

To All  the Amazing Single Mothers and Single Fathers:
I understand what is is like to question if you are a good enough mother or father! 
Always wondering am I doing this right or that right or should I not do this or do that and keeps you up at night going over every single detail of the day and also what all there is to do tomorrow!
I have had many sleepless nights and I have had many tearful nights but then when my children look at me and hug me .... It's like for that moment in their embrace the worries just fade away and I know I was born to be their parent!
God created you to be your child's or children's parent! Everything about you is exactly what your child needs! No one else can parent your child like you can and your child will love no one else they way they love you!
So stop questioning and just allow the love of your little angels to be proof enough that you Are All they need!!

You Will Never Be a Perfect Parent

To all my single mothers and fathers:
God taught me recently that I am not a perfect parent!
We as single parents get so use to doing it all! Carrying the load of our children and ourselves until breaking point and we snap and usually, well for me, it's my kids that suffer. 
No I don't mean beating or anything like that but I do snap at them when I'm beyond stressed and go back and apologize. 
You have to take time, even if  the only place you can find time, (yes I mean the bathroom;) and just breathe!!!  
Even if you stand in there for five minuets to cry (which I have done many times) and pray! 
You are not superman or superwoman so give yourself a break!
You are going to make mistakes and you are going to wonder a million times a day of you are scaring your child for the rest of their life and if they are going to be ok! 
Pray! Prayer and just talking to God like I would the father of my children and just unload and ask questions and cry and laugh! 
When I'm done spending time with Him I feel so much better!
So give up being the perfect parent cause it is not going to happen!
I use to feel so guilty cause I couldn't be like Betty Crocker making all these cute and sweet snacks and food or baking cupcakes and doing arts and craft with my kids when I get home from work because I was exhausted.
But then I realized the best thing I can do for my children is cover them in prayer and just spend time with them. 
Even if just watching TV or reading a book to them! That to them is priceless and Always pray with them and over them!
You are doing a great job and your child or children think you are amazing!
Your ARE Enough!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Self Control

Sometimes self control is so hard but think about the consequences and that will make you have self control! 
I know I personally struggle with a certain area of my life and self control and have for years and by the strength of Jesus alone and not mine, I have had it under control for years now.
However there are days I am weak and may slip in this area a little but not fully. We are human it happens! Just step back refocus and carry on the path of righteousness. 
We are not perfect! We all have weaknesses! But in our weakness Jesus is strong! 
I have learned that sometimes Jesus leaves  an area in our  life as a weakness (or more than one area) to keep us grounded and to keep us knowing we can not do this life without Jesus! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tomorrow is a New Day

Life some days can be unbearable and you wonder how you will ever make it till the next day and some days you wonder if you will make it through the day.
Jesus never promised an easy street when walking with Him but he did say He would be with us every step of the way! 
So if you are having a bad day and feeling hopeless your not alone! Your hope is only found in Jesus! Not in others and not in yourself only Jesus! 
You have to get out of the way and ignore your emotions and trust in Jesus! He will never leave you nor forsake you! 
And I promise one day.. In Gods perfect timing all of this craziness will make sense! 
Rest in Him tonight and tomorrow is a new day! Full of new mercy and grace to cover you!
Be Blessed! 
You are loved!
You are not alone!

Prayer For Today

Some days I am so weary and heavy burden that I just drag through the day with  my head held down just to make it through work so I can get home. 
Somedays I just don't have it in me to fight! I feel so beaten down and wounded from battle that I allow the hopelessness to invade my peace and I am just taking up space and going through the motions of life. 
I would love to say Lord that I am far enough in my walk with you that these things do not happen, but I know that I am not perfect and I am human and life happens.
So for today Lord will you Please just fight for me and allow me to rest in your peace knowing you have me protected.
I Praise You Lord and Give you Thanks for all you have done and will do in my life and the life of my loved ones!
You alone are Jehovah Jireh, My provider, and you will always fulfill your Promises which are Yes and Amen. I Trust in You!! When all seems dark around me and the future so bleak,.,I TRUST in you!
I hold on so tightly to your loving Hand in this storm and I know that  you are my safe harbor, the calming force in the middle of the storm!
So just for today I lay down my sword and lay and rest in you becasue I am so tired of the fight. You say come to you and You will give me Rest and Lord I need that rest today for my physical and spiritual being! 
Forever more you are my Love and Forevermore I am your Beloved!
In your Beautiful name Jesus I pray

Monday, June 8, 2015

Hold on

When you feel like its hopeless and nothing is going to change...just remember it is always the darkest at night right before the sun!! 
Hold on breakthrough is coming! You are not alone and you are going to make it through this! 
I believe in you and most important Jesus has you!!
Be Blessed!!

Friday, June 5, 2015


Rest is a four letter word to some people! I know that for me personally even when I have down time I'm still thinking And planning things and never fully rest in the Lord!
We need to Rest in the Lord because then our strength is renewed and our spirit is refreshed. 
When you are tired and exhausted you are more easily attacked by enemy because you are tired! This is one reason why you need to stayed rested and renewed in Jesus so that when the fiery darts of enemy come you will not be surprised but will be alert and ready!
You can become so spiritually run down just as you can become physically worn down! 
You have to rest and feed your spirit with the word, prayer and praise or your spiritual tank will get on empty. 
Rest!! Be Revived! Read, Learn, and Grow in Jesus!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Love Bridges The Gap

It's a Heart matter! We are not to judge no matter what! 
God sees the heart where we just see through our woundings. 
To judge someone is to condemn them. Condemnation is hurtful and useless in the big scheme of things and it furthers the gap between fellow man!
Remember when God saved you and covered you by Grace.. We are to show the same Grace and Love to others.
Just because someone may live a lifestyle you may not approve of, or someone may have religious beliefs different than you, or someone may look different than you....Love can bridge the gap between differences if we just allow Jesus to build the bridge! 
You do not have to agree with the other persons lifestyle or the way they believe but you are to love and not judge or condemn! 
Love speaks louder than hate! 
Love heals where casting judgment produces wounds.
We are ALL just humans trying to make it in this world! There is already so much hate and division so why add to it? 
Jesus is the judge and we are just vessels of love to be  shown to a world of darkness in much need of love! MP

Love Light

Where there is light darkness disappears! Let the love light of Jesus shine so brightly through you. Do not ever allow anyone or yourself to cause the light to lessen. You were created to be the carrier of the light and you are the child of love which is Jesus! 
The love light of Jesus Pierces your soul and then invades your entire being so much it pours out to others! 
-This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine-


Do not allow fear to cause you to stay in your comfort zone...never to take the step of Faith into the unknown. 
If you never get out of your comfort zone you...never allow Jesus to work through you because you have fear controlling you and not Jesus.
There is so much Jesus wants to show you and there is so much Jesus wants to do through you but he can not do it if he has no vessel willing to be used..to be willing to be used you have to be willing to Trust in Jesus and step out of the fear and allow Him to lead you..to teach you..to guide you!
One of the strongest tactics of the enemy is to paralyze the Warriors of God with fear so that they never reach their full potential and walk fully in their calling. 
Enemy keeps people paralyzed in fear because they are no threat to Him when they are in the chains and prison of fear.
So trust in Jesus knowing and believing He will Never leave you nor forsake you and will protect you but you have to first come through the prison door of fear that is open...you have to take the first step,through the door of freedom and Jesus is there waiting!!
Just Believe!! You can do this!