Thursday, June 25, 2015

Love Letter

My Warrior, My Precious One:
You are loved far more than your human mind can comprehend. You are loved so deeply that I would move heaven and earth to get to you. 
I have protected you from so much that you can not see and I have guided you in my ways to the path you are on now.
 You have not given up even when things around you seem  hopeless, you kept your course with Me and that warms my heart and brings tears of Joy to my eyes.
My Love, All the sleepless nights, all the tears you cried..have all led up to this place and in this time!
 You were created for such a time as this! To be my Warrior, My trail blazer..going out before and preparing the way for those that come up behind you.
So many times you have wondered why things happen the way that they have, Why people left you, Why you seem to Never get ahead...Sweet Child, everything that happens and everything that is going on is what I have allowed in your life to develop my character, my ways within you. Some  of the things  I have allowed in your life have birthed in you Trust in me, while others things have caused your faith to grow stronger...Everything, even the have allowed me to use to Heal you and to cause your Spirit to grow a little everyday. 
What the enemy meant for your destruction I have turned into Praise in Your heart.
You are a Mighty Warrior, My Beautiful One in whom I am so Proud!
The coming days will bring confusion and doubt to so many but not to you! 
Your Faith in me through it all, all you have been through, Your faith is strong and your Love is Pure! Hold on to that and do not be swayed by anything! 
I am with you always and forever! Your are my Beloved and I am your King, Your Friend, Your Love Always!

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