Thursday, June 11, 2015

You Will Never Be a Perfect Parent

To all my single mothers and fathers:
God taught me recently that I am not a perfect parent!
We as single parents get so use to doing it all! Carrying the load of our children and ourselves until breaking point and we snap and usually, well for me, it's my kids that suffer. 
No I don't mean beating or anything like that but I do snap at them when I'm beyond stressed and go back and apologize. 
You have to take time, even if  the only place you can find time, (yes I mean the bathroom;) and just breathe!!!  
Even if you stand in there for five minuets to cry (which I have done many times) and pray! 
You are not superman or superwoman so give yourself a break!
You are going to make mistakes and you are going to wonder a million times a day of you are scaring your child for the rest of their life and if they are going to be ok! 
Pray! Prayer and just talking to God like I would the father of my children and just unload and ask questions and cry and laugh! 
When I'm done spending time with Him I feel so much better!
So give up being the perfect parent cause it is not going to happen!
I use to feel so guilty cause I couldn't be like Betty Crocker making all these cute and sweet snacks and food or baking cupcakes and doing arts and craft with my kids when I get home from work because I was exhausted.
But then I realized the best thing I can do for my children is cover them in prayer and just spend time with them. 
Even if just watching TV or reading a book to them! That to them is priceless and Always pray with them and over them!
You are doing a great job and your child or children think you are amazing!
Your ARE Enough!

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