Saturday, February 28, 2015

You are the reason that I Am

My Love,
You are loved far more than you can fathom. You are loved with a love that is the very essence of your being. To feel my love fully would engulf you to the point you know that you know you can be and do all things through the strength that is my Love.
You are loved with a love that is the cornerstone of creation. This world was created with the Love of our father and designed with His heart in every detail. To look around at all creation you can see that Love was the reason for all beings to have their place, their meaning on Earth.
You are loved with a love that heals the sick and gives sight to the blind. This love casts out demons and sets the captives free. The Love I have for you is passed down to me through our Father God and I pass down to you.
You are Loved with a love that shines light into the darkness and changes the dark to light. This love  gives you the courage to step out into the unknown with the Faith knowing I will catch you if you fall. And if you may fall, My love is right there giving you the will to stand back up and start again.  This Love I have calls you out into the wilderness to learn and grown in me.
You are loved with a love that is worthy of death. Death to self so you can live fully in me. This love along with the spiritual garments for warfare is the makeup of my Warrior, My Bride. My Love will guide you, protect you, and lead you Always. I love you my Child..For you are the reason I Am. 

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