Monday, November 9, 2015

Rejection and Offense

I'm going to say  this and if it offends you well that's between you and God;)
Rejection is a spirit! Offense is like the thing rejection feeds off of! The more the offense the stronger the spirit of rejection can be. 
I never studied about this I just have lived  through  it my whole life until recently very very recently God opened my eyes to this and healed me too. 
I'm saying all this to say I recognize rejection  in people a mile off!It can spread like poison from one person to another through hate talk or poor pitiful me talk. You can be around someone and they start this talk and all of a sudden you are angry and feel hurt and you have no reason to...this is the spirit of rejection coming upon you!Rebuke and pray it off. 
Because just as it spreads like a  poison amongst people it does the same within you! And before you know it your engulfed in anger and resentment which brings on offense. 
I was angry for so so long as so many were because they were hurt in a church. What God showed me just the other day is that if I allow someone in church to hurt me and cause me to be offended, then how is He going to be able to use me to be love to the world if I cannot love and show grace to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?
Rejection is a spirit from the enemy of our souls and let me just say this: I have been around leaders of Ministry, so called Prophets, etc, who operate their ministry out of rejection and the foundation of their ministry is rejection which is so far off from the word of God and Love that the ministry becomes about them, poor pitiful them and not God. 
I will say this Praise God for the Church I have been at for years because I know that I know the foundation is on God, about God, and the ministry is LOVE! I have made many mistakes because of the rejection spirit that I use to have and I have ran many times from this church but God always brings me back and yes I have been hurt at this church!! But show me a perfect church and I will show you a mirror because no church is perfect!! We are imperfect! Life happens! You will get hurt! Grace is the key!! 
Guard your heart always!! If someone or something does not settle with your spirit then Pray and ask God to show you why!! 

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