Tuesday, August 26, 2014

You Are Loved!

You are so loved above all that this world has to give to you as "love". You are loved with a love that is pure and Holy. You are loved with a love that is unconditional and never leaves. You are a loved with a love that will strengthen you to the point you know that with this love no mountain is to high to climb. You are loved with a love that takes away any doubt and fear and gives to you hope and faith. You are loved with a love that loves you when you think that you are at your worse and loves you just the same when you are at your best. You are loved with a love that forgives all that was and is and will be, because this love does not keep a record of all "wrong" you have done, but instead this love makes you spotless and Holy. You are loved far deeper and intimately than you have ever been and will ever be by anyone on this earth. You are loved with a love that is so pure, that when you feel just a little of this love you break down in tears because it is all you have ever wanted and what you have always been searching for. You are loved with a love that no darkness can withstand because this love is the love light of Jesus and darkness has no power and no strength when this love light is shinning. Its the moment that you take yourself out of this love light that darkness tries to overcome. You are loved with a love that knows the future that is for you and this love prepares your heart for whats to be. You are loved with a love that transcends time and space. You are loved with a love that is the fabric of your being. You are loved by Love! You are a child of Love! You are all that Love ever dreamed of. You are created to Love and Be Loved by Love! JESUS is LOVE!

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