Tuesday, August 19, 2014

You have to have a day just for you!! Its OK:)

To be awakened with sweet peace that floods your soul and to have the love assurance of Jesus just  saturate your being is so much better than waking up not wanting to get out of bed because another same ole same ole day taking care of everyone!
So why do we sometimes choose the not wanting to get out of bed instead of the sweet peace? Because we get so tired and so worn out spiritually speaking! We get so burnt out on seeing so much , trying so hard, and always being the one that is the caregiver, that we just want to lay in bed and just be! We love being a caregiver its not that! But so many times we give, give, give, that we have nothing else to give and that is where being burnt out and having that "whats the point" mentality arises.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with laying in bed and giving in to self pity for a little while! I think it is actually good to lay in bed and  rest and you become the one who needs to be loved and you become the one who needs taken care of, instead of you always taking care of everybody else.. you are always tending to their needs, counseling their issues...its ok to have an off day and just lay in bed and rest!!! And if there is a pity party going on too that is ok! Its when  the pity turns into depression that it becomes a problem!
So stop being so hard on yourself and accept the fact that you are just a human and not a super hero and you need to have a down day, just for you!
God even took a day out to rest:)

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