Saturday, August 2, 2014

Just Believe and Have No Doubt

You are your own person! An individual created my the carpenter of our hearts! He created you special, with special gifts to be used for His glory in bringing light into darkness. Do Not be conformed into anybody's belief of how you should act or what you should believe, only be conformed into what Jesus says!
Your life is an open book with blank pages and Jesus is the author. Allow Him through you to fill those pages with greatness that is waiting for you. Choose to live a life of love and adventure! Do not get stuck in the daily routine of just surviving. There is so much life waiting for you to just grab hold of. It's up to you to choose a life of greatness and adventure or just surviving.
You have a voice and you have so much within that this world needs to hear. You have the voice of Hope just waiting to be heard! Do Not allow anyone to silence you and make you feel that what you have to say does not matter because it does matter so dearly!
Believe in yourself even if at times you feel like the only person that does! Jesus believes in you and always has! In fact He is your biggest fan and he is cheering you on every step of the way! Put your focus on Him and Him alone! Because I promise you people will fail you at some point, but Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you Ever!
Dream a dream that makes you have courage and strength to face each day! A dream that gives you hope when life seems so bleak! A dream that you have such Faith in that it will come to be, that it puts such drive in you to exceed at whatever task God puts before you!
Most importantly never stop having Faith in Jesus who has always had Faith in you! His love for you is never ending and is always there even in the darkness. He has loved you since the beginning and He has orchestrated your life in such a way that you will succeed no matter what comes your way as long as you just don't give up and don't allow doubt to overcome you! His love is the only constant safe haven there is! His love can strengthen and uplift you to soar on wings of eagles. His love is so deep and real that it saturates your being and causes you to do amazing things you never thought you could do. This kind of love is life and pierces through the darkness to the very core of your being until all you have left to do is fall to the floor in adoration and complete Awe! His love is so real and so pure! Just Believe!

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