Thursday, August 28, 2014

Give the load to God, and free yourself of Stress!

Trust, believe, Have Faith! You have got this!! God is right there with you just waiting for you to give the load to him! But the trick is you have to give it to Him to be free of the load! You do not have to take the world on your shoulders! That is all your choice! God never asked you too! And yet we tend to get so angry and blame it on God when we crumble under stress. God never intended us to be stressed and weighed down! He has always Said He is there to help us to live this life abundantly! He does not say He is going to give us stress! You know why?? Stress is not of Him, we get stressed when we take upon ourselves that which we were never meant to take upon ourselves, and so by doing so we try to be "God" of  our lives because we can fix any issue in our life and do not ask for help! We take ourselves out from under the covering of God when we do so and by this Stress is upon us! I have and tend to do this so many times! 

That is  why so many people respond with "then why is this all happening" when they are told "He will Never give you to much that you can not handle"  Well, Did you not take upon your self to stress over small things that ended up leading to big things because you never trusted in God in the beginning to fix the issue because you thought that you could fix  it and now that you know that you can not fix it you are to upset to go to God to fix the issue because you know deep down that if you had went to him in the beginning that all this stress and worry would never have been because you gave it to God!
(that is a lot of fixin! yes I said fixin:) I am from Alabama and it is in my vocabulary)

Now I know there are unforeseen events that happen that cause us to "lose it" for a minuet: like death, illness, etc...I am not talking about those things.

I can say all this because I battle with trusting God in so many areas! I am not proud of this just being honest! I have learned through every circumstance though He is able and Always provides the way! 

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