Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My Child of Hope

My Child of Hope,
You are positioned in life exactly where I want you to be, exactly where my Glory will be shown. You are in the season of positioning and transitioning into the person I created you to be. Your Faith and Trust will be tested so that I can build them stronger and more obedient to me.
My Love,  I am yours and I will never leave you alone to face a trial. 
When the winds of change are blowing and the waves of the storms in life come crashing upon you..I am there. When you are faced with such doubt and fear tries to overcome..I am there. When the stresses of the day way heavy on you and the burdens of your heart become to much to handle..I am there. I am there sweet child of mine I am Always there! 
You do not have to face this alone! You do not have to wonder where I have gone. It is in those moments of feeling like I have left you..in those moments I am so close holding you in my arms. 
My Child, Do not believe the lies of the enemy saying that I have gone away from you and left you and saying that  I am not for you. Those lies are the tactics of the enemy to try and make you think that I do not love you. The fact is my love for you is so strong and so real that Nothing, Nothing, can ever separate you from my love. The enemy knows this and that is why He tries with all his might to make you feel all alone and isolated. 
Blessed One, you are surrounded with such a cloud of witnesses that are there for you, cheering you on every step. and my love is everlasting to everlasting..always and forever! 
My love is the key to unlock the hidden treasures within your heart. My love is the voice in the wilderness and the light in the darkness. My love is the very essence of your being penetrating through every wall of doubt and every chain of fear. My love is the hope in the madness and the safe harbor in the storm of life. My love cancels every assignment of the enemy and speaks truth to every lie told to try and get you to stumble. My love, Child My love is Enough.
And You are My Precious, Amazing Child! In whom I am so Proud! 

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