Sunday, March 8, 2015

You Are Free, Freedom is a Choice

You Have been made Redeemed by Jesus. But it's your choice to live Redeemed or to live as a Victim. You still have your will that Jesus will not bypass. You have to make the choice to live Redeemed! 
You are no longer a prisoner so take off the chains you keep on because you feel unworthy or ashamed. God says you are Free and no longer a prisoner if you choose to be.
I think some people live in pain and torment for so long when they get the chance to be free they get scared and remain a prisoner even though the prison door is open. 
Freedom and Redemption is yours for the taking. Peace is a gift that has to be received. You can choose to not take it and live in turmoil but my friend life is so much sweeter with Peace and Freedom! 
Take that step of Faith and let the chains fall to the floor! Experience the life giving power of Redemption! What's the worse that can happen you will be free? If you don't like it you can always return to captivity. That's what freedom of will is. Jesus loves you so much that if you want to stay a victim in your own prison he will let you.

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