Sunday, July 19, 2015

Jesus Is Watching

Ever wonder why Jesus is mocked so? Why others deny his existence? See Jesus is love wrapped in glorious light! 
To acknowledge him means to acknowledge all your hidden sins, to acknowledge Truth and to turn from your  wicked ways. 
Darkness can not stay where there is light! When you turn the lights on in a room darkness has to disappear and that's the way it is with the love light of Jesus! When His love light enters you darkness has to flee!
Once you have tasted and see that our God, the only living God, once you have tasted and seen He is Good you want to turn from your wicked ways and false teachings and follow Jesus. 
Still so many would rather deny Jesus and make a big deal about Prayer and the Bible because they would rather live their life their way and if they acknowledged Jesus is real then the love light of Jesus will shine on the dark hidden sins and they will be under conviction, which that alone makes so many mean because conviction is literally flesh fighting your spirit! Your will coming against the will of Jesus.
So many would rather hide behind there fake religions that makes what they are doing OK or they avoid any kind of higher power at all so that they can live their life the way they choose to live it.
But this will last a little while longer! While other religions that people want to hide behind are killing people and more and more people Are being swept into this web of deceit... Jesus is watching! 
While  political leaders  and false teachers make fake promises and build you up with words of no meaning... Jesus is  watching!  While other religions try to take the place of Jesus..Jesus is  watching!He is watching and sees and knows all! 
Jesus is not surprised, in the days to come everything will get much worse but then in a season Jesus will bring everything to a Hault and he will release His  waring angels ten fold, and what took that religion of hate centuries to build up...Jesus Will destroy in a matter of minuets. Jesus has Abba directing him what to do and where to go and so he is being commanded by love. 
Jesus is going to bring back to His children all that was stolen and He Is going to revive once again His name from all corners of this world and He Will Be Exhalted from High! His wrath is mighty, Oh but His love and mercy is even mightier! He will bind up and throw back in the pit all the enemy has released on this earth! 
So yes times may seem dark and yes fear may be strong but rest assured that Jesus, Sweet Jesus IS in Control! He does not have to have a loud voice shouting right now to make His presence known! Because He has nothing to prove! He is that He is;) And His Love endures forever! 

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