Saturday, March 19, 2016

Warning to the Church aka Market Place

So sad I watched some political videos and then some news of political opinions and I have to say we live In a time  where the political speeches really do mirror some sermons I have heard recently!
No politics not preaching about God but about over selling themselves, families, and their ministry to the point it feels political. 
Selling their products, so much more than preaching the word. Let me just say this if you were all about God and not yourself you wouldn't have to try to sale your products in service because the people will be so touched by the God in you that they will rush to buy your products so that they support the anointing upon you to reach a nation...but no this is not what I've seen. When you talk more about your family and say your wife or husband  is beautiful or handsome and make sly comments about her or his body multiple times in every sermon then yes we have a problem.
When you have more video services than you have preaching in person there is a problem. When you have a thousand and two conferences for money more than you sit and speak to the sheep God has given you then yes we have a problem! When you hang out with your clique and never go out and meet strangers you do not know that have come to your service then yes we have a problem. When there are amazing individuals who want to serve but you can pick and choose based upon your own feelings then yes we have a problem! When your service is more of a theatrical event with music and lights and props, so much so Jesus got left outside the doors of the church then yes we have a problem! When your church is more of a corporation than a Holy Spirit filled congregation then yes we have a problem! 
I have experienced this first hand and my spirit was grieved so deeply that I just wept in prayer as I felt the heart of God break that HIS church has become such a disgrace to Him but didn't take Him by surprise because we live in a fallen world ran by money and by power and He knew that money and power would creep into the church and make the most humbled servant a victim of this. 
The saddest thing is this type of attack of the enemy is so sly that the people affected by this think nothing is wrong because they have the blinders of greed and pride on so tightly that the deception is excused away with thoughts of how much they are helping people and that they are doing the work of God. 
Praise God He gave me a dream that 5 years..5 more years he will allow this then the foundation will crumble so fast and from the ashes will arise the church of old that is completely engulfed by Jesus and flooded with the Holy Spirit! 
That dream was given last year so now 4 years. 
The words of God are not always beautiful words but sometimes words of truth that cause people to be uncomfortable because it causes them to be convicted but dare not admit it because if they do then they admit they are wrong and to admit you are wrong means you have to face the truth of how far you have drifted and no one wants to do that when they are in the midst of the deception. 
If God didn't love us He would not send people to give words of knowledge from God to correct and bring them back to the basics to the beginning of their love walk with Him. He loves all those who are in the deception so dearly that is why He is warning the church, no not all churches but the ones who are in this particular attack know in their spirit it's them. 
So He is warning with pleads of love to listen to these words and come back to Him! Come back to the moment you first came to God and allow Him to rebuild and readjust your spirit and heart and to heal your mind from the deception! Just pray! Pray now to him and ask forgiveness and He will meet you there and love you through it all but you have to swallow your pride and come to Him! MP

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