Monday, February 29, 2016

Be A Beautiful Mess

Live your life free of the chains of trying to  be that which  you are not! Don't strive to follow anyone's footsteps but your own! When you set out to be in someone's shadow trying to imitate who they are in the long run you end up heart broken and lost! Be you! 
Be a Mess!
You may not think a mess is  not good but to me a mess is Beautiful. Because a mess is not trying so hard to be what you are not!. A mess you allow who you really are, the good, the scars, your flaws, all of it is on the surface and not hidden by hours of perpetration to look perfect, to look nothing like you! 
So please don't try to change anything about you. You are exactly the person God made you to be!
If someone does not like you because of your outer appearance well that is their loss and their cross to carry! Because to judge someone's outer appearance you miss the once in a lifetime chance of meeting a truly amazing person!
You are Beautiful, true Beauty resides within and glows through you So magnificently. Be you! Let your flaws shine through and do not try to hide them! They make you the incredibly, unique person that you are!
You are Enough! You Are Loved! You do matter! You are a hidden ruby in a valley of stones! Embrace your beauty and once you do you will be free, you will be  truly You!

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