Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jesus is the Cure

I also know what it is like to have loved ones either family or friends that are in addiction and you feel like at times you are beating your head on a brick wall because they do not seem to listen to anything or care how much pain they are causing to you and family. They can not see how crazy their life has become and they deny deny deny any actual truths that they have a problem. And if they do acknowledge they have a problem they say "you have to die of something might as well enjoy it"..seriously!! If I hear that one more time because it is just words they say to make what they are doing OK in their mind! Or they completely lie to your face over and over if you ask anything or confront them about the issue.
I at times am selfish and do not try to understand and relate, cause I have been there, and so I should be more empathetic to the situation! But in certain circumstances its so hard to be empathetic and not let my anger get the best of me!
Finally a while back I have gotten to the point that I realize they have to want to change! They do! you can no make them or force them to change! Making them go to rehab against their will or they go just to make you happy..WILL NOT solve the problem and they will NOT remain clean!! They may have a honey moon trial when they get home but sadly it will not last! 
They have to want to get clean themselves and they have to do it themselves or it will never last!!
So I am right there with so many others that have loved ones whom are addicted! And you feel you are on a merry go round and not sure if they will be happy or if today they will be down. 
The only advice I have is just pray. Every day Pray!
Also don't let your emotions get the best of you with them and lose your temper! Try to be loving and understanding. (even though you have some choice words you would like to say that are not nice!! I know) Try to think about how they are too Gods child and he loves them just as much as He loves you!
One thing that got me is remembering how miserable I was when I was in the depths of addiction! I would not listen to anyone and no one could tell me anything! I knew it all and every word out of my mouth was a lie! God showed me all this to try and soften my heart and to know He never gave up on me, so I can not and will NEVER give up on them! No matter how much they hurt me, they are hurting ten times worse within themselves!
Just even in the darkest times, even when you feel you can not go on, do not give up on the one that you love whom is battling and yes suffering not by choice with this addiction! They need your unconditional love to see them through! 
This may sound crazy but trying to force someone to quit their addiction will drive them further away from you and deeper into the addiction, however, loving them through their addiction with unconditional love, no matter how bad it hurts, loving them through it all is the ONLY thing that will make them want to quit.
Because Love, real unconditional and non judgmental LOVE is of JESUS. And He alone is their cure!!

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