Monday, May 18, 2015

Sheltered in the Arms of Love

My Love,
You wonder where I have gone and you wonder why I have left you. You feel all alone and search for me in the night and do not find me. 
Oh my Child, I have never left you. I am always there as close as you will allow me to be. 
In your trouble and trial you lean on your own understanding and your own ways to handle the problem at hand and in doing so you block me from being able to work things out they way they should be. 
The way they should be is not always the way you think that it should be. But remember you see the now and I can see the now and the future and the past in one glimpse and so I know what is  ahead...So the answer I give even though you may not see it as an answer is lined up with what is  to be, and is used to set you up on the path to allow the events to take place so that you will be aligned with the destiny I have for you.
 My Child, Trust in me..I will never do anything to cause you harm. I love you more than you can ever imagine so causing you harm will break my heart  and I can never fathom breaking yours.
You need to know that in those times you feel that I have left you are the times I am so close and have you wrapped in my arms of Love..and sheltering you from the pain, from the enemy. 
Because I  see that you are in those times weak from all the stressing and worrying and from life.. and you are tired and the enemy knows that and so I protect you in my arms so that no harm comes to you and no fiery darts come your way.
 And you remain in my Shelter of Love until you can once again regain your strength to stand once more. 
Your physical being does not see this and so it interprets this as I have left you, But your spirit knows that you are Resting in My Arms. Listen to your spirit in these times and you will be comforted and at peace.
If you could only see all that I have protected you from, all that I have guarded your heart will then know that my love for you is everlasting and is sustaining and is your safe harbor and your refuge in times of trouble! 
You are on the brink of the miracle of freedom from all that hinders you and all that holds you back if you just trust in me a little while longer and you will see all that I am saying unfold.
Rest in knowing I am For you! I am your Friend! 
I am your Savior! I am with you always and You are LOVED! 
You are NEVER NEVER alone to face this world alone!
 I am With you Always! 

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