Wednesday, October 29, 2014

You Do Deserve To Be Happy and Loved

Sweet Child of Mine,
I love you with a Love that you can not comprehend. I love you with a love that is far greater than anything you have even known. I love you with a love that gives you  the strength to try one more time. I love you with a love that gives you courage to face any giant in your life and conquer it. I love you with a  Love that gives to you hope to look past your current circumstances and to know the best days are still to come. I love you with a love that looks into your heart and not based on how you feel.
My love will never change no matter what you do or what you do not do. I love you regardless of what you have or have not. I love you the same today as I did yesterday and I will tomorrow. Nothing will cause me to not love you any less or any more than I do right now in this moment in time.
 Blessed One, No matter how you see yourself I call you Beautiful, Sanctified, Redeemed, and Virtuous. You are not who you use to be.. and you are not yet who you will be... but you are exactly who I created you to be. Loving Child, when you look in the mirror you see a face looking back that has endured so many trials and has overcome them and yet you are so tired. Tired of fighting, Tired of just surviving. You are Tired. You wonder within is it always going to be this way and is there really more to life than what you are living. My answer is Yes! There is a life just waiting for you to grab hold of it and live abundantly. You have to ignore your fears and allow my Love to guide you into tomorrow where there is a harvest of Blessings waiting for you to take hold of. 
You have to settle within your spirit that Yes, you do deserve to be happy and Yes, you do deserve to be loved! You have to know that you are Forgiven already and you have to forgive yourself! My love for you is not temporal and is not "only if" it is a Love that is always and forever no matter what! Reach out to me my Beloved, and I will take you in my arms and Love you with a fatherly love and I will hold you until the fears and the worries just melt away! 
Lean on me! Trust in Me! Have Faith in Me! and I will give you Rest.

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