Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hold Your Beautiful Head high

You are a Beautiful and Mighty woman of God who settled for no less than what you deserve! 
You are a Queen, a woman of Glorious proportions who looks fear in the eyes and laughs because you know who is standing right behind you is Mighty and Strong and will jump in front and protect you and stand in between you and evil. He has you covered from head to toe and this gives you  the confidence to tell death to go on because you don't have time to play around today!  
You are Blessed and Highly favored so much  that when you wake in the morning the devil and all his little ones have to run in fear because you have arrived and are ready for the day. 
Your Beauty is that of a dandelion, others may look at you  and see ordinary, but set you apart and  give you the chance and you will shine so glorious and bright! 
You are fierce yes, but also have the most tender heart and often cry behind closed doors that only you and God know about.
You are bold and yet you are humble! 
You are mighty and yet you are meek! 
You are a Beautiful and Strong Woman and yet you have the wonder and heart of a child! 
There is no other like you! There is no one else  who can face what you have faced and not only still be standing,  but are using what you have lived through as a mighty fortress to bring others out of the darkness you were in. 
See you have discovered the secret to being strong and that is to never ever think it is you, but always know without God you are Nothing! 
You have discovered that the secret to success and happiness is lifting others up above you and being their ladder so that they can reach greatness and succeed, that to you is True Success! 
So you straighten those shoulders and hold that beautiful head high! You are Gorgeous with the love light of Abba shining so brightly through you!

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