Sunday, April 5, 2015

Jesus Is Risen!

How could they have killed brutally my Jesus I Love So?
He stood for Love, So why did they hate Him So?
He was the Messiah and my friend,
Why did they have to bring His Beautiful life to an end?
I have to go and see Him just one more time,
But will the soldiers let me see my Love? It doesn't matter I have to try!
I make my way down the path,
That leads to the tomb where they laid His body at last.
I was so afraid,
I will be turned away,
But I have to try,
I have to find out Why?
As I reached the tomb I see the rock that blocked the opening is gone,
And the guards look like they are asleep something is wrong.
My heart is racing what else have they done,
Did they take him away, did they take Gods Son?
As I get closer I am shaking like a leaf,
I walk past the guards, I have to once more wash my Saviors feet.
When I walk in the darkness the light illuminates where my Jesus was,
He is not there, he has been taken,
Oh Jesus, my heart is breaking.
I just crumble beside where he did lay, I just break down and Cry.
Then bright light filled the tomb,
Then Sweet love overtaken my gloom.
I look up and see my Jesus so beautiful and surrounded by Glory light,
He was smiling as he looked at me,
And I knew this was what he told, this was the prophesy.
I screamed so loud and full of glee as Jesus spoke and His face just glistened,
I ran away so fast to go and tell the rest
That our Precious Jesus had Risen!

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