Monday, April 27, 2015

Foundation of man will soon crumble

If your church is so big that you as a preacher can never reach out to the sheep Jesus has placed in your care...but instead  always send someone else and if your board members and staff are more important than the sheep God has given you then...Your church is a corporation and not a House of God!
When did we become so "Mega " church hungry?? Instead of focusing on how many people you can bring home to Jesus you are more worried about your "branding" of items to sell (like the market place) and more worried about how many people attend and how many churches you can start... Jesus got turned in for figures!!
A couple months ago I saw this pastor on TV at a big church! I was touched by what he said so much I called in...I left a voicemail of praise for what this church was doing. And I got a call back few days later from this church and I thought it would be one of the prayer counsellors but it wasn't it was the actual pastor! So precious and such a man of God! His church is Big but he is still reachable...he is still humble and real and could care less about the money and status and more about souls! He was approachable!
Yes God is definitely tearing down the foundations of man and rebuilding on the foundation of His Truth! MP

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