Monday, January 5, 2015

Warrior Bride

My Warrior Bride,
I have come so that you will have life and  have it abundantly.. not so that you live under condemnation of man made religion! I am the author and the finisher of all and I call you Redeemed, sanctified and glorified forever more! You are my chosen Bride and I am  Honored to be your groom.
I have loved you through it all..the good times and the times you turned your back on me to go and try to live life your way. I have loved you through it all. I have never loved you any less even when you were in the world engulfed by darkness I have loved you even when you are raising your hands in praise to me..through it all I have loved you the same as I do today! It is just now you are receiving my love so it feels like I love you more now..whereas before you were unable to receive my love, so you felt as if I did not love you and you could not have been more wrong. My love for you is unconditional and everlasting to everlasting.
Precious One, I am So Proud of all you have overcome  thus far and all that you overcome daily and you still stay the course with me. You may get discouraged for a time but you never falter on who I say you are..and that is Mighty and Holy Child of the King.
 Sweet One, I know that  there are times the old tries to overcome the new creation in you but do not be worried or dismayed for you are much stronger than you know and you will Never return to what once was because the battle is done. You will have other battles to come your way, but those too, I know you will overcome for you are My Warrior!
I love you far more than I can ever put into words and to see you happy and at peace is one of the happiest moments to me. I long for you to be all that I have created you to be. and you will due are so much closer than you know! You are so much stronger and wiser than you were. Your faith in me is stronger because your trust and belief in me is stronger.
 My Love, The days ahead are going to be filled with Blessings of Hope restored, Love regained, and Faith rebirthed!
So get ready to rejoice for the doors you have been praying to open will be opening and the doors I see that  need to  be shut I will shut so that you can focus on me and not those around you causing you stress and heartache. Release them to me..they are too my children..I love them as I love you. Release them to me and allow me to be their Healer, the Father, their God.
Be so Blessed in Me my Child of Love. I am Here to Revive you, strengthen you, for the journey ahead! Cry out to me and I will Always be there!
Release, Believe, Redeemed!!
My Warrior Bride!
FB PAGE: love letters from Jesus

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