Monday, January 19, 2015

My Weary Child

My Weary Child,
I hear your prayers for your loved ones. I see as you cry at night for their freedom, for their release. I see how you go throughout your day worrying and wondering if they will ever be the person they use to be.
Their battle is not yours to fight. Their war within themselves is a war against their flesh and their spirit. You can not take upon yourself their battle for if you do you will surely be heavy  burdened and downcast.
Give them to me! I love them as much as I love you and I fight for them a fight you can not see. I fight for them daily and I will never give up on them as I never gave up on you.
You have to free yourself from their struggles so that you can receive my peace I long to lavish on you. As long as you take  upon yourself their fight they will never learn to fight for  themselves this battle that is not against flesh and bone but against the Evil of this world.
 My Love, You have to give them the room they need to learn to spread their wings, no matter how weak they maybe, and soar upon their faith... that is there but is just weakened at the moment. But as long as they have faith as small as a muster seed they can move mountains.
I am with your loved one. I have never left their side! I adore them and have protected them from so much no eye has seen. They are nestled within my shadow and I am hovering over them as a  mother bird hovers her babies for protection.
What you can do and what you must do is stand in the gap for them in prayer! Prayer is the only place you can fight this unseen battle. Prayer is the mightiest weapon.
Your Faith in me is a vial part to Prayer which will and has been producing Miracles in your loved ones life even if they do not yet realize it yet..they will.
So Rest my precious one, Rest in Me and I will fight this fight with your prayer as my guide!
FB PAGE: Love Letters from Jesus

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