Monday, January 12, 2015


My Child of Peace,
Focus on me and what I have already done in you, for you..when you do this then the current circumstances will not cause you to doubt who I am and what I can do.
When you focus on your current day to day worries and stresses then you will lose focus of the Blessings that abound. I have come so that you can have life abundantly but if you are weighed down and burdened then you are not free to spread your wings and soar above all.
Dear One,To truly experience the life giving peace I have to lavish on you, then you have to let go and begin to think anew. Think of what will be and not what is. Meaning if you focus and call to be what you have desired in your heart then you will have the peace I speak of because you will have Hope!  If you give to me the daily stresses and burdens and not allow them to weigh you down to the point of your spirit being in bondage..then you will know the Peace that passes all understanding.
To hold on to past regrets and past hurts blocks my life giving peace from flowing into your heart. You can not fully embrace the new creation I have created in you if you are holding on to the old. This leaves no room for the new to replace. I have already forgiven you and made you at as white as snow but you need to forgive yourself and let go.
My Love, Trust in me and I will provide, protect, and nurture as always. I have provided for you when you thought there was no way for the bills to get paid, or for food to feed your family. I have protected you from so much you do not know and from a lot you do know..and at times I have even protected you from yourself and your fears. I have nurtured you always and have calmed your anxiety with my Love.
Peace of mind comes in the time you spend with me. Come to me, Cry out to me and I will give your rest!
You are my Love, my Child and I am your King, Your Father! Allow me to be and you will know the Peace that can only come when you  have complete Trust in me  and Sweet Surrender to me.
My Love is your Peace. My Love is your Strength.
FB PAGE: love letters from Jesus

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