Monday, January 19, 2015

Put action behind your prayer!

You have to take a stand and fight! No more sitting back waiting for someone else to fight for you! If you want to make a change in your life and you want your circumstances to be something else than  what they currently are...Be the Change that you want to see!! Yes Jesus can do all things but we have to take action too! Prayer changes atmosphere's! Faith can move mountains! If you want more income take the Step of faith and seek out other avenues for income while you are in earnest prayer for a pay raise at current job.
I really think sometimes we don't see the answers to prayer we desire to see because God wants to see how serious we are about what we pray about. He wants to see if we are serious enough to put action behind our words.
I knew God was calling me to find my own place for my children and I but for years all I did was pray about it and put no action behind my prayer. I complained so much that God is not hearing my prayer. Finally I put action to prayer and started seeking out housing that I could afford. I found an apartment and signed a lease to move in a couple from time I signed..I  currently had no money to move in but I knew God told me to do this...God took my action as I was serious about my prayer and He provided the way for the money to come and I was able to move in my apartment.
Action in Faith produces Miracles in your life!

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