Sunday, January 25, 2015

Giving Up is Key to Freedom

When you feel like giving up and feel like you just can not take are in a great place...meaning you are at a place to  give up on trying to do things your way and in your in own strength..And you are finally able to  give it all to God and allow Him full control!
You have tried it your way for so long and always feel Like you hit a brick wall. Now Allow God to strengthen you and spread your wings and soar upon the love of Jesus above all that tries to weigh you down.
Sweet Surrender in your moment of despair brings forth Freedom to be All God created you to be! God will shower you with overwhelming peace and love  to strengthen you for the journey! MP

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Love Letters from Jesus Volume One

This is link to first book God has allowed me to write. It's a compilation of Love letters from Jesus.  This is just the first book. Many more ahead! Praise God!
I charged 5.00 for it but I only get 1.74 and I am saving so one day I can go through a publisher and publish paper copy.

Monday, January 19, 2015

My Weary Child

My Weary Child,
I hear your prayers for your loved ones. I see as you cry at night for their freedom, for their release. I see how you go throughout your day worrying and wondering if they will ever be the person they use to be.
Their battle is not yours to fight. Their war within themselves is a war against their flesh and their spirit. You can not take upon yourself their battle for if you do you will surely be heavy  burdened and downcast.
Give them to me! I love them as much as I love you and I fight for them a fight you can not see. I fight for them daily and I will never give up on them as I never gave up on you.
You have to free yourself from their struggles so that you can receive my peace I long to lavish on you. As long as you take  upon yourself their fight they will never learn to fight for  themselves this battle that is not against flesh and bone but against the Evil of this world.
 My Love, You have to give them the room they need to learn to spread their wings, no matter how weak they maybe, and soar upon their faith... that is there but is just weakened at the moment. But as long as they have faith as small as a muster seed they can move mountains.
I am with your loved one. I have never left their side! I adore them and have protected them from so much no eye has seen. They are nestled within my shadow and I am hovering over them as a  mother bird hovers her babies for protection.
What you can do and what you must do is stand in the gap for them in prayer! Prayer is the only place you can fight this unseen battle. Prayer is the mightiest weapon.
Your Faith in me is a vial part to Prayer which will and has been producing Miracles in your loved ones life even if they do not yet realize it yet..they will.
So Rest my precious one, Rest in Me and I will fight this fight with your prayer as my guide!
FB PAGE: Love Letters from Jesus

Put action behind your prayer!

You have to take a stand and fight! No more sitting back waiting for someone else to fight for you! If you want to make a change in your life and you want your circumstances to be something else than  what they currently are...Be the Change that you want to see!! Yes Jesus can do all things but we have to take action too! Prayer changes atmosphere's! Faith can move mountains! If you want more income take the Step of faith and seek out other avenues for income while you are in earnest prayer for a pay raise at current job.
I really think sometimes we don't see the answers to prayer we desire to see because God wants to see how serious we are about what we pray about. He wants to see if we are serious enough to put action behind our words.
I knew God was calling me to find my own place for my children and I but for years all I did was pray about it and put no action behind my prayer. I complained so much that God is not hearing my prayer. Finally I put action to prayer and started seeking out housing that I could afford. I found an apartment and signed a lease to move in a couple from time I signed..I  currently had no money to move in but I knew God told me to do this...God took my action as I was serious about my prayer and He provided the way for the money to come and I was able to move in my apartment.
Action in Faith produces Miracles in your life!


It doesn't matter how your life started! What matters is now!  You are a new creation..created by Love!
Allow the Grace of God to come upon you as your Faith is strengthened and you are empowered with the Holy Spirit for such a time as this!
Trust and Believe!!
Jesus is All you need. MP

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Love of Yeshua

That day when the enemy meant your destruction would be..Jesus stepped in-between you and the darkness and said "No This One Is Mine!" MP

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Prayer is so vital! And is direct link spirit to spirit to Jesus! 
I use to think prayer had to be so Holy when praying to Jesus. But you do not at all. Just speak with him person to person. Spirit to spirit, heart to heart.. as you would a friend.
He just wants to communicate with you and wants to have an intimate relationship with you. 
There are days I tell Him everything that happened that day...Yes He already knows what happened in the day.. but to hear your voice speaking to Him brings him such joy!
Then there are those days when I'm depleted of all energy.. all my physical, emotional, and spiritual strength is gone..those days the only word I can manage to get out through the tears is Jesus. Those prayers consist of me just crying and Jesus holding me as I cry and telling me "I am here" and those words bring me so much comfort!
Those moments when we just collapse into the arms of Jesus, are the moments that true intimacy is formed.
You know how you feel when your children, or close friend confides in you and you get that warm fuzzy inside?? I think That's how Jesus feels when we choose to communicate with Him out of love, and closeness and not out of feeling obligated to.
That just warms my heart that the God of the universe, who created all things, longs for His children to just come to Him, talk with Him, spend time with Him.Praise God!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Call of God

God has called us ALL...ALL of His children to be Preachers, Teachers, Prophets, Missionaries, etc!! It does not matter if you are a woman or a does not matter if you have schooling or do not...It does not matter if you have money or do not...It definitely does not matter your age or your race!! When Jesus says Go you Go..When Jesus anoints you for what He has created You to be to Bring Him Glory by Loving on His children and Bringing them Home out of the darkness then that is what you will be!! Jesus does not call the qualified He qualifies the call!!! He will make the way, teach you, and provide!! All You have to do is Obey and Trust!!MP

What if you soar!

Step of Faith! Close your eyes and just breathe and Step! God has you!! The first step is always the hardest because of fear...see you are just  learning to trust in God and Yourself and learning to have confidence...but once you do the first step and then you do another step and another step before you know it my friend you will be soaring with your spiritual wings on the winds of Hope and Faith!!
Just Believe!! MP

Spiritual Identity

God has blessed me with the Prophetic gifting and I have had it for as far back was I can remember. It was hidden under my junk for many years but is now being refined and strengthened in Jesus for Jesus.
Jesus is teaching me and guiding me in this gifting so I can fully walk in this gift so I can Glorify God through it all.
I am saying this not to boast because I am not a boastful person but I do believe that when you confess to others  your spiritual identity, it seals something within and calls to action. See I have always known this gifting was within but I have never been able to even say it outloud until last year.
Confess outloud your spiritual identity in Christ no matter if you still have doubt it is  truly powerful when you do!
The enemy does not want you to know who you are in Christ because once you know your identity in Christ and fully walk in the Power of Christ and your identity then you are a mighty force to be used against the enemy! and a mighty tool to be used in the harvest and healing of souls!! MP

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Firey Furnace

Today will not always last and the unsettling, uncomfortable feeling within  is God stretching you,  molding you. He has you in the firey furnace of reconstructing your inner being so when you come away from the smoke of redemption you will walk more  lightly and the burdens of yesterday will be No more! You will have  peace within that you can not explain. You are born into a stronger, Faith led spirit that will have boldness that can only come from God. GOD loves you so much to not leave you as you are but to continue  to grow you spiritually and catapult you from Holy to Holy! That is Love! That is my Jesus! MP

Secret Sin

"YOU will seek me and find me when YOU seek me with all  your heart"
-Jeremiah 29:13

Someone dear to me told me this verse a year ago when I felt like I kept coming against a brick wall in prayer. I never truly  comprehended until today why he  would give me that verse. But I get it.
You can seek God all you want on the surface. Meaning you can sing the prettiest Praise ever and you can pray the most Holiest prayer but if you don't truly in your heart seek God, denying flesh, allowing your spirit to lead in prayer and lead in worship then I did..will feel like you hit a brick wall.
Ask God to search your heart and show you those things that are hindering your walk with Him and causing a distance, you feel..and He will show you.
Your flesh will not like what He shows but your spirit will be dancing with anticipation because once what ever that secret/sin gone and laid at the cross your intimacy with God will be much sweeter and you will have  much more freedom in Him and within because you are No longer bound by secrets.MP

Monday, January 12, 2015


My Child of Peace,
Focus on me and what I have already done in you, for you..when you do this then the current circumstances will not cause you to doubt who I am and what I can do.
When you focus on your current day to day worries and stresses then you will lose focus of the Blessings that abound. I have come so that you can have life abundantly but if you are weighed down and burdened then you are not free to spread your wings and soar above all.
Dear One,To truly experience the life giving peace I have to lavish on you, then you have to let go and begin to think anew. Think of what will be and not what is. Meaning if you focus and call to be what you have desired in your heart then you will have the peace I speak of because you will have Hope!  If you give to me the daily stresses and burdens and not allow them to weigh you down to the point of your spirit being in bondage..then you will know the Peace that passes all understanding.
To hold on to past regrets and past hurts blocks my life giving peace from flowing into your heart. You can not fully embrace the new creation I have created in you if you are holding on to the old. This leaves no room for the new to replace. I have already forgiven you and made you at as white as snow but you need to forgive yourself and let go.
My Love, Trust in me and I will provide, protect, and nurture as always. I have provided for you when you thought there was no way for the bills to get paid, or for food to feed your family. I have protected you from so much you do not know and from a lot you do know..and at times I have even protected you from yourself and your fears. I have nurtured you always and have calmed your anxiety with my Love.
Peace of mind comes in the time you spend with me. Come to me, Cry out to me and I will give your rest!
You are my Love, my Child and I am your King, Your Father! Allow me to be and you will know the Peace that can only come when you  have complete Trust in me  and Sweet Surrender to me.
My Love is your Peace. My Love is your Strength.
FB PAGE: love letters from Jesus

Sunday, January 11, 2015

So many need Hope

The preparation season is about to be at a high-level because the harvest is ready.  This world is so hungry for real, true, peace that comes in the form of love. So many need desperately the Hope revolution to come! And that is Jesus..the only true Hope!!
Time to stop playing the Christian role and start being the Child of God we are!! So dust off those dreams you have laid in the "never going to happen" closet of your heart!! Those dreams are about to be released because those dreams are not just for you but are going to be used in the Great Awakening as a Mighty tool in spreading the love of Jesus to ignite the flames in so many hearts that are starting to flicker away. PRAISE God!! MP

Friday, January 9, 2015


Looking into the eyes of someone who has hurt you or abandoned you in one way or the other and they are still stuck in their own pain will cause you to fall back into the grips of the pain and anger if you have not Forgiven.The Hurt and the woundings  are starting to be Healed by God and any kind of remembrance of what happened or that they left you will open the wound back up and the pain will start again.
You have to forgive!! You have to! Even if they have not asked forgiveness and even if they act the same way towards you as they did to cause the wounds.. forgiveness frees you  to be able to love once more! Forgiveness frees you from Anger..forgiveness frees you from the pain..forgiveness is love!
Let Go and Let God and Allow Him to give you the Strength to Forgive!!
Forgiveness is the Key to Freedom within!
Even Forgiving yourself is so Vital! Whats done is done and there is no need to stay in the past and allowing the enemy to condemn you! Jesus has already wiped your slate clean and Forgiven you and that is what we are to do for others as well!
Lovingly we are Forgiven and Lovingly we are to Forgive. MP

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Abba's Tree of Life

The Devil did not want you to make it this far!!! You were suppose to have went down years ago and lost the battle!!
The enemy has tried to bury you in the sinful, lustful,  dirt of this world.. but see Jesus is the greatest harvester and He overflowed you  with His Love and shined His Glory light on you and the little seed that was suppose to be buried and never make it is now a Mighty branch  grafted into Abbas tree of life!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Warrior Bride

My Warrior Bride,
I have come so that you will have life and  have it abundantly.. not so that you live under condemnation of man made religion! I am the author and the finisher of all and I call you Redeemed, sanctified and glorified forever more! You are my chosen Bride and I am  Honored to be your groom.
I have loved you through it all..the good times and the times you turned your back on me to go and try to live life your way. I have loved you through it all. I have never loved you any less even when you were in the world engulfed by darkness I have loved you even when you are raising your hands in praise to me..through it all I have loved you the same as I do today! It is just now you are receiving my love so it feels like I love you more now..whereas before you were unable to receive my love, so you felt as if I did not love you and you could not have been more wrong. My love for you is unconditional and everlasting to everlasting.
Precious One, I am So Proud of all you have overcome  thus far and all that you overcome daily and you still stay the course with me. You may get discouraged for a time but you never falter on who I say you are..and that is Mighty and Holy Child of the King.
 Sweet One, I know that  there are times the old tries to overcome the new creation in you but do not be worried or dismayed for you are much stronger than you know and you will Never return to what once was because the battle is done. You will have other battles to come your way, but those too, I know you will overcome for you are My Warrior!
I love you far more than I can ever put into words and to see you happy and at peace is one of the happiest moments to me. I long for you to be all that I have created you to be. and you will due are so much closer than you know! You are so much stronger and wiser than you were. Your faith in me is stronger because your trust and belief in me is stronger.
 My Love, The days ahead are going to be filled with Blessings of Hope restored, Love regained, and Faith rebirthed!
So get ready to rejoice for the doors you have been praying to open will be opening and the doors I see that  need to  be shut I will shut so that you can focus on me and not those around you causing you stress and heartache. Release them to me..they are too my children..I love them as I love you. Release them to me and allow me to be their Healer, the Father, their God.
Be so Blessed in Me my Child of Love. I am Here to Revive you, strengthen you, for the journey ahead! Cry out to me and I will Always be there!
Release, Believe, Redeemed!!
My Warrior Bride!
FB PAGE: love letters from Jesus

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Jesus Love Letter

Our testimony is a love letter written by God through us and is meant for the world to read!! Share your love story!! It will bring Hope to the to the unloved...and show the world what True love is through Jesus' mercy and Grace in our lives!Mp

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Is Your Year

2015 will be the year of:
BREAKTHROUGH..All that once held you back will be broken from you! You will have the confidence of God to do and Be all God created you to be!

RELEASE...God is going to release from you the years of doubt, years of worry, and years of shame! You are going to no more wonder what if and if only!! You will know that you know God has you covered! You were created for this!

FREEDOM..You will have freedom from the bondage of yesterday! Freedom from the tormenting spirits! Freedom from unbelief! and Freedom to Soar on wings of Eagles above all that say "You Can not" or "You Never Will" Freedom sweet Freedom!
LOVE....You are going to feel the Love of God like you Never have before because you are Letting Go of all your preconceived Idea's based on Hurt and woundings of who God is! And you are going to Journey into Intimacy with God. You will discover for yourself your own person revelation of who God is to you on a personal, deep level!

FORGIVENESS.....You are going to Forgive those who have hurt you, and you are going to Forgive yourself! Because God is teaching you that shame, guilt, and condemnation does not come from God! He has already forgiven you! You are going to ask for forgiveness from those whom you have hurt! You are going to swallow your pride and ignore your anger and fear and ask for forgiveness. To Forgive is to Love.

This is Your Year!!! Get ready! Praise God it is time!:)MP